Frank Gaffney is Ted Cruz National Security Adviser. Yes, Frank Gaffney...


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Here are some of the most Islamophobic theories spun out of the mind of Frank Gaffney.

WASHINGTON — A big part of Sen. Ted Cruz’s appeal is that he’s not Donald Trump, the openly bigoted billionaire currently leading the Republican Party’s presidential race.

But the notion that a Cruz presidency would be more palatable to those concerned about Trump’s anti-Muslim stance came into doubt on Thursday, when Cruz unveiled his own team of national security advisers. It includes Frank Gaffney, a man described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “one of America’s most notorious Islamophobes.”

Gaffney, who served in the Reagan-era Defense Department, now heads the Center for Security Policy. It’s a think tank of sorts well known for promoting conspiratorial theories about the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrating the U.S. government at high levels and the Sharia system replacing American democracy.

Well aware that he is not the GOP establishment’s favorite, Cruz has been urging primary voters to see him as the most likely candidate to beat Trump. But it’s not clear that the Texas senator offers much of an alternative to Trump’s offensive rhetoric. When Trump proposed banning all Muslims from entering the U.S. in December, Cruz said he disagreed with the idea, but he refused to criticize Trump and said, “I understand why Donald made that proposal.”

Now Cruz is enlisting the help of Gaffney, the same man who created a bogus survey claiming to show that many U.S. Muslims were willing to use violence against other Americans and that even more wanted the option to be governed by Sharia. Trump later used that survey as justification for a Muslim ban.

Here are some of the more outrageous claims made by Cruz’s new foreign policy adviser:

Much More: Ted Cruz's New Adviser Is Even More Anti-Muslim Than Donald Trump

If you aren't already familiar with Frank Gaffney's bizarre conspiracy theories, you really should click on the above link. Just the fact that Cruz is associating with Gaffney makes Cruz even scarier than he already is.
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Nut job Jew fanatic as his national security adviser, not surprised. Cruz himself seems to be a wanna be Jew. Jews should not be allowed in any foreign policy/national security positions, period. They serve their tribe only, and will drag us into Middle Eastern wars for that sake.
Trump has said multiple times that he would have an all out war with Isis. How is electing him going to keep us out of the middle East?
Trump has said multiple times that he would have an all out war with Isis. How is electing him going to keep us out of the middle East?

No he hasn't, Trump was against all interventions/wars in the ME over the past decade. Dealing with ISIS is separate issue, the current program works well. The question is who will govern territory liberated from ISIS, right now we don't have any candidates. So until that is sorted out, there won't be any escalations. The Syrian situation makes it complex, there are three groups who could takeover, the Kurds, rebels or Syrian army. US foreign policy doesn't favor making that decision yet as it could spark further ethnic tensions. In Iraq, the offensive is ongoing, however the government there is not able to govern some Sunni areas. Therefore some find a defacto federal system the better option at the moment. These questions have to be asked. If the people want federalism, we can't change that. There is no point in defeating ISIS if proper governance/stability can't be reached.

So the policy should be to draw some redlines, ie containment policy for important areas. The rest is not up to us to deal with. I don't get why so many stupid people in this country like to ignore important realities on the ground and prefer to keep staying involved. I blame the Jewish controlled media for this indoctrination/conditioning.

Trump is in the right when he accuses them of being the most dishonest people(media).
No he hasn't, Trump was against all interventions/wars in the ME over the past decade.

That's why he wants to carpet bomb everything from Asia Minor to the Phillipines, right?

No he doesn't, Jewish neocons are pro-intervention/war in the Middle East. Nobody else in the US seeks wars. People that accuse Trump of being a warmongerer happen to be the biggest warmongerers themselves, which is why the general public has lost all faith in the establishment and it's goons. And why they will hang in there with Trump, all the way.

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