

Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Ran the story AFTER she was fired. Any other bullshit you try to spread is just that. Bullshit. Kerry on.
Well that's not what the Journo-Lists are saying. :lol:

Dante, 'Journo-List' wannabe in his 'Wingnut...blah...blah...blah....' thread finally speaks.
He must've got out of de-tox real early this a.m.., cuz hadn't commented on this Breitbart/NAACP debacle since it broke.
Dante, days late, dimes short, and I hope you're over the coarse body tremors. :lol:
Ran the story AFTER she was fired. Any other bullshit you try to spread is just that. Bullshit. Kerry on.

Mr. Speaker, welcome back.


HANNITY: All right. A lot — a lot obviously going on here. The — this woman on tape saying these racially charged things that she didn’t want to help farmers, in particular white farmer. That she said she wanted him to go out and deal with one of his own and she put him in touch with a white lawyer.

Just the latest in a series of racial incidents. What do you think of this?

GINGRICH: Well, let me say, first of all, Secretary Vilsack did exactly the right thing. I mean I often disagree with this administration. But firing her after that kind of viciously racist attitude was exactly the right thing to do. And the fact that we have to be genuinely colorblind.

You know you can’t be a black racist any more than you can be a white racist. And I just think it’d be good for those of us who are often critical of the administration to recognize that here’s a case where Secretary Vilsack did exactly the right thing, moved very promptly, and fired somebody who frankly shouldn’t be serving the American people because they clearly had a set of attitudes inappropriate for a federal official. Shirley Sherrod, Disgraced: Georgia USDA Director Forced to Resign for Racist Remarks, Hannity Transcript with Gingrich on NAACP Story (video) Frugal Café Blog Zone

Hannity called Sherrod's remarks "just the latest in a series of racial incidents," called for the NAACP to be "held to account" to repudiate Sherrod
Well that's not what the Journo-Lists are saying. :lol:

Dante, 'Journo-List' wannabe in his 'Wingnut...blah...blah...blah....' thread finally speaks.
He must've got out of de-tox real early this a.m.., cuz hadn't commented on this Breitbart/NAACP debacle since it broke.
Dante, days late, dimes short, and I hope you're over the coarse body tremors. :lol:

actually retired from the bullshit here. watched with amusement how easily the right sidetracked the progressives with bogus arguments and red herrings.

besides being semi-retired here, I just had major surgery on my wrist.

so blow me
Well that's not what the Journo-Lists are saying. :lol:

Dante, 'Journo-List' wannabe in his 'Wingnut...blah...blah...blah....' thread finally speaks.
He must've got out of de-tox real early this a.m.., cuz hadn't commented on this Breitbart/NAACP debacle since it broke.
Dante, days late, dimes short, and I hope you're over the coarse body tremors. :lol:

actually retired from the bullshit here. watched with amusement how easily the right sidetracked the progressives with bogus arguments and red herrings.

besides being semi-retired here, I just had major surgery on my wrist.

so blow me

maybe you'll get an infection that will lead to kidney failure,, :lol::lol::lol: call me Wanda.
Wrist surgery, huh?
Hope it and your member recovers.

Progressives got side-tracked with fact.
Vilsack, the nut-sack, took his marching orders from Obama, as Obama saw it as a political opportunity to negate the DOJ New Black Panther neg. perception.
Obama only made the same mistake as the NAACP, jumped da' gun......
An unusual political circumstance, for Progressives' I might add.
Dante, 'Journo-List' wannabe in his 'Wingnut...blah...blah...blah....' thread finally speaks.
He must've got out of de-tox real early this a.m.., cuz hadn't commented on this Breitbart/NAACP debacle since it broke.
Dante, days late, dimes short, and I hope you're over the coarse body tremors. :lol:

actually retired from the bullshit here. watched with amusement how easily the right sidetracked the progressives with bogus arguments and red herrings.

besides being semi-retired here, I just had major surgery on my wrist.

so blow me

maybe you'll get an infection that will lead to kidney failure,, :lol::lol::lol: call me Wanda.

naw, I'm too mean of a prick, to allow a smelly dried up twat like you to get that kind of satisfaction. :cool:
Wrist surgery, huh?
Hope it and your member recovers.

Progressives got side-tracked with fact.
Vilsack, the nut-sack, took his marching orders from Obama, as Obama saw it as a political opportunity to negate the DOJ New Black Panther neg. perception.
Obama only made the same mistake as the NAACP, jumped da' gun......
An unusual political circumstance, for Progressives' I might add.

the progressives and team Obama get NO pass from me on this, but this isn't about them no matter how hard you try to make it so or how easily the progressive nitwits here fall for it.

I have not mentioned or attempted to defend Obama.

This was a media play by racist who got upset that the NAACP called out the tea party, and won:lol:
Wrist surgery, huh?
Hope it and your member recovers.

Progressives got side-tracked with fact.
Vilsack, the nut-sack, took his marching orders from Obama, as Obama saw it as a political opportunity to negate the DOJ New Black Panther neg. perception.
Obama only made the same mistake as the NAACP, jumped da' gun......
An unusual political circumstance, for Progressives' I might add.

No evidence that Obama ordered the firing. In fact, all evidence, such as it is, refutes that notion.
Mr. Speaker, welcome back.


HANNITY: All right. A lot — a lot obviously going on here. The — this woman on tape saying these racially charged things that she didn’t want to help farmers, in particular white farmer. That she said she wanted him to go out and deal with one of his own and she put him in touch with a white lawyer.

Just the latest in a series of racial incidents. What do you think of this?

GINGRICH: Well, let me say, first of all, Secretary Vilsack did exactly the right thing. I mean I often disagree with this administration. But firing her after that kind of viciously racist attitude was exactly the right thing to do. And the fact that we have to be genuinely colorblind.

You know you can’t be a black racist any more than you can be a white racist. And I just think it’d be good for those of us who are often critical of the administration to recognize that here’s a case where Secretary Vilsack did exactly the right thing, moved very promptly, and fired somebody who frankly shouldn’t be serving the American people because they clearly had a set of attitudes inappropriate for a federal official. Shirley Sherrod, Disgraced: Georgia USDA Director Forced to Resign for Racist Remarks, Hannity Transcript with Gingrich on NAACP Story (video) Frugal Café Blog Zone

Hannity called Sherrod's remarks "just the latest in a series of racial incidents," called for the NAACP to be "held to account" to repudiate Sherrod
What is your point of the red-highlighted areas?
Ran the story AFTER she was fired. Any other bullshit you try to spread is just that. Bullshit. Kerry on.

Does it matter when they ran it? The fact of the matter is, they ran a fake story. Again, they are full of shit and fox fans have to be the biggest idiots out there.

Fair and balanced my ass.
Ran the story AFTER she was fired. Any other bullshit you try to spread is just that. Bullshit. Kerry on.

Does it matter when they ran it? The fact of the matter is, they ran a fake story. Again, they are full of shit and fox fans have to be the biggest idiots out there.

Fair and balanced my ass.
Where is the outrage towards the other networks that ran the identical stories?
Ran the story AFTER she was fired. Any other bullshit you try to spread is just that. Bullshit. Kerry on.

Does it matter when they ran it? The fact of the matter is, they ran a fake story. Again, they are full of shit and fox fans have to be the biggest idiots out there.

Fair and balanced my ass.
Where is the outrage towards the other networks that ran the identical stories?

I looked for that same story on msnbc....couldnt find it.

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