Fox protecting Palin

Fox protected its viewers from having to listen and see that fake annoying bitch!

Fox is SSOOOO bad for not allowing Joan "Talentless Annoying Bitch" Rivers from defamig Palin further. It has been proven that the AZ kiler was (1) utterly insane, (2) that he leaned left and a 9/11 troofer and (3) It had NOTHING Palin.

We need to know what Earnest Borgnine thinks too. He and Joan are about equally sane.
Joan was probably over the line. Palin deserves whatever she gets, as a complete liar.

"Democrats are poised now to cause this largest tax increase in U.S. history."

Sarah Palin on Sunday, August 1st, 2010 in an interview on "Fox News Sunday"

PolitiFact | Sarah Palin said Democrats are planning "the largest tax increase in U.S. history"

And you guys deserve every bit of the disrespect you get, you've earned it and then some.
Joan Rivers: FOX Can 'Go F**k Themselves' Over Sarah Palin Controversy |

We get a call this morning," Melissa told me on the set of my HDNet show. "You're canceled on FOX because of what you said about Sarah Palin."

The top-rated news network denies that Joan's comments had anything to do with the cancellation, rather, the morning was simply overbooked.

But Joan tells me exclusively that she's willing to take a lie detector test to prove FOX canned her over her Palin comments, which also included calling the ex-governor "stupid and a threat" and blasting her use of the term "blood libel" in a video statement on Jan. 12.

You leftists must have a lot of frigging time on your hands, if you're not only reading shit like this, but actually getting your panties ruffled about it enough to start a thead over it.
To some its only about ratings and not facts

Okay, well, the FACT is that anyone who thinks Palin bears any blame for what happened in my city is an ignorant, raving douchebag who no respectable, serious news channel should want to give airtime to. If Joan Rivers wants people to listen to her, maybe she should try saying something intelligent.

Amazing how leftists think they should be able to say any goddamned putrid piece of nonsense that crosses the vast wasteland between their ears without anyone ever being able to say, "What a bunch of bullshit. I don't want to listen to you anymore." In the REAL world, people actually judge your statements by how much lunacy they contain.
Why would Fox protect palin this way?

The question is, why WOULDN'T they protect their VIEWERS from blithering hags spouting noxious, hate-filled lunacy that serves no useful, valid purpose in the public discourse? Leftists want to bleat about the need for civility, but then scream when Fox declines to give a forum to someone being uncivil to the point of madness. Make up whatever passes for your mind.

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