Fox News - Fair & Balanced


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

[This pic is not part of this article, got that trollingbones]

Obama Video on Fox News Criticized as Attack Ad


The Fox News Channel came under withering criticism on Wednesday for a four-minute video broadcast on its morning show “Fox & Friends” that portrayed President Obama’s tenure as a series of failed promises.

The video had most of the hallmarks of a campaign attack ad, except that it was produced and paid for by a news network rather than a candidate or a political action committee.

A blogger on the conservative Web site Hot Air wrote of the video on Wednesday afternoon, “It makes a pretty powerful argument against another four years of Barack Obama, but that shouldn’t be the job of news-reporting organizations, even when we like the message.”

David Zurawik, a television critic for The Baltimore Sun, wrote, “Even I am shocked by how blatantly Fox is throwing off any pretense of being a journalistic entity with videos like this.”

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Obama Video on Fox News Criticized as Attack Ad – Patriot Update

Fox news attacks Obama in an anti obama video May 2012 - YouTube

Fox News Produces Greatest Fox News Parody Video Ever
5/31/12 By James Poniewozik

Read more: Fox and Friends' Four-Minute Anti-Obama Attack Video | Entertainment |
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If there was any doubt that the FOXNEWS was simply just the public arm of the GOP, then that's been shattered to pieces with this vitriolic ad.

Way to good FOX, that was so truthy....NOT!!! :lol:
If there was any doubt that the FOXNEWS was simply just the public arm of the GOP, then that's been shattered to pieces with this vitriolic ad.

Way to good FOX, that was so truthy....NOT!!! :lol:

Has anyone here ever seen tho opinion shows on MSNBC?

Andrea Mitchell. Alex Wagner. Dylan Rattigan. Martin Bashir. Al Sharpton. Chris Matthews. Ed Schultz. Lawrence O'Donnell. Rachel Maddow. Savannah Guthrie.

None stop, virulent, vitriolic, hateful, factless, lying tirade following the MSNBC attempted equivalent to "FOX and Friends", the first Republican bashing show of the day, hosted by a dumb Polack and a RINO, and not a single conservative voice since they fired the only rational voice, Pat Buchanan.

Talking about the public arm of a political party! FOX is the lone soldier on one side, while MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, WAPO, NYT and similar sewer-dwelling Obama-lovers bring out and fire their anti-Republican weapons of racist garbage hour after hour, day after day.

MSNBC only stops on weekends, airing shows about the future residences of their favorite Democrats.
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If there was any doubt that the FOXNEWS was simply just the public arm of the GOP, then that's been shattered to pieces with this vitriolic ad.

Way to good FOX, that was so truthy....NOT!!! :lol:

Has anyone here ever seen tho opinion shows on MSNBC?

Andrea Mitchell. Alex Wagner. Dylan Rattigan. Martin Bashir. Al Sharpton. Chris Matthews. Ed Schultz. Lawrence O'Donnell. Rachel Maddow. Savannah Guthrie.

None stop, virulent, vitriolic, hateful, factless, lying tirade following the MSNBC attempted equivalent to "FOX and Friends", the first Republican bashing show of the day, hosted by a dumb Polack and a RINO, and not a single conservative voice since they fired the only rational voice, Pat Buchanan.

Talking about the public arm of a political party! FOX is the lone soldier on one side, while MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, WAPO, NYT and similar sewer-dwelling Obama-lovers bring out and fire their anti-Republican weapons of racist garbage hour after hour, day after day.

MSNBC only stops on weekends, airing shows about the future residences of their favorite Democrats.

I watch Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, and Lawrence O'Donnell every night and yes they are using salunski rule # 5 very well...

MadCow takes to long to get to the point, her and o'donnell come across as if they are talking to

I use rules 5 & 6...:lol:
MSNBC is ten times worse than Fox News when it comes to spinning news.

MSNBC is full of hateful, idiotic, brainwashed hosts, like Chris Hayes, who have no filter.

O'Reilly, Hannity, and van Susteren would wipe the floor with the MSNBC wackos in a debate or conversation
Can one of you far RW whackjobs list the "straight news" shows on the FOXNEWS?

If there was any doubt that the FOXNEWS was simply just the public arm of the GOP, then that's been shattered to pieces with this vitriolic ad.

Way to good FOX, that was so truthy....NOT!!! :lol:

And MSNBC is not the extension of the Obama campaign... :confused:
If there was any doubt that the FOXNEWS was simply just the public arm of the GOP, then that's been shattered to pieces with this vitriolic ad.

Way to good FOX, that was so truthy....NOT!!! :lol:

And MSNBC is not the extension of the Obama campaign... :confused:

You know you've beat a RWer to death when their only response is to change the subject.


I ask again, for the umpteenth time on this board...please list all the "straight news" programs that are on the FOXNEWS channel.

Thanks in advance.
Neither fox news or MSNBC are "news." In the best case they are informed commentary and opinion. At their worst they are bold faced lies. MSNBC will admit to when it's stories are blatantly false, where fox tends to ignore any claims they used false footage or claimed outrageous things, but both are entertainment and should not be used for any fair or balanced reporting of the news. Trying to defend one over the other is stupid, and using either for your news shows you have no interest in the truth. I personally prefer my fake and twisted news parody to come from a legitimate entertainment network like comedy central. At least Stewart and Colbert are honest about the fact they are make believe news commentary.

I could understand people confusing MSNBC with real news as they play to a much more intelligent crowd, as fox tends to employ emotional radicals who make no attempt at things like facts. Compared to a racheal maddow a Bill O is really a loud mouthed blowhard who cannot form an argument over a elementary school level. I am treally shocked the guy doesn't just doesn't stick hisw fingers in his ears and go nanny nanny poo poo, but he would not want to take rush's job. When you spend years with glen Beck as a news person crying about commies just the idea you can even claim to be news or fair without your head exploding is a statement on the deceptiveness of it's supporters and it's people.

As a fun game you can play with these networks is to try and match up some of their news stories with the actual events. One of the greatest things to do this with is another Rupert news publication called the NY post. I swear there are days i cannot figure out what the post is talking about.

The nice things about both of these networks is they let you live in a false reality where your opinion is always right no matter how off base and insane it actually is. News is supposed to report and let you decide. these networks distort so you do not have to think. No it is not a defense to say the guy on the other side fails at thinking so you are going to be an ignorant twit too.
CBS set the standard when it offered forged documents to try to influence a presidential election. Everything else is bull sh-t.
Can one of you far RW whackjobs list the "straight news" shows on the FOXNEWS?


I'd say Happening Now, Studio B, and The Fox Report are straight news.

America Live, America's Newsroom, Your World, Special Report and On the Record are mostly straight news with some discussion.

Fox and Friends is half straight news and half opinion.

And The Five, O'Reilly and Hannity are straight opinion.
Can one of you far RW whackjobs list the "straight news" shows on the FOXNEWS?


Tampa Bay news, weather forecast, radar, and sports from FOX 13

FOX 4 Now - Fort Myers - Cape Coral - Naples Florida - In Your Corner Local News, Sports, and Weather

FOX 35 News Orlando - Home - Home

Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Where do progressive liberals get their news...

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
The Colbert Report
HBO: Real Time with Bill Maher
Current TV
Sesame Street
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Can one of you far RW whackjobs list the "straight news" shows on the FOXNEWS?


Tampa Bay news, weather forecast, radar, and sports from FOX 13

FOX 4 Now - Fort Myers - Cape Coral - Naples Florida - In Your Corner Local News, Sports, and Weather

FOX 35 News Orlando - Home - Home

Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Where do progressive liberals get their news...

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
The Colbert Report
HBO: Real Time with Bill Maher
Current TV
Sesame Street

You know that none of the shows aside from Special Report are on FOXNews, right?
Can one of you far RW whackjobs list the "straight news" shows on the FOXNEWS?


Tampa Bay news, weather forecast, radar, and sports from FOX 13

FOX 4 Now - Fort Myers - Cape Coral - Naples Florida - In Your Corner Local News, Sports, and Weather

FOX 35 News Orlando - Home - Home

Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

Where do progressive liberals get their news...

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
The Colbert Report
HBO: Real Time with Bill Maher
Current TV
Sesame Street

Those reports are not on fox news. They are on a different station.
If there was any doubt that the FOXNEWS was simply just the public arm of the GOP, then that's been shattered to pieces with this vitriolic ad.

Way to good FOX, that was so truthy....NOT!!! :lol:

Actually, I would say that the GOP is the political arm of FOX, since FOX is more powerful than the GOP.
What a weird thread - both sides seem to prefer tag team wrestling for actually being honest.

Firstly, we know that more journalists are liberal than conservative. Surveys show it, but it also makes sense given the kind of profession it is. I imagine most people would have guessed the survey results before they saw them.

Secondly, most news shows are news. I know it's fun to think network execs spend the day trying to get journalists to lie and spin the news, but it is just bullshit. It's a fantasy.

Lastly, by any standard, Fox is the most biased network in the US, and by some distance. I think it's a bit of a reach to even consider it news - it's essentially a political organisation in itself.
We're killing innocent men at work! This story came from MSNBC, under the headline "More Americans died in workplace in '09 than during entire Iraq war."

First, that statement could have its wording reversed and remain just as true: Fewer Americans died in the entire Iraq war than died in one year in the home-front workplace. But I don't think that makes the point MSNBC was trying to make.

The MSNBC story started, as virtually all media stories do, with an anecdote: "Nicholas Adrian Revetta of suburban Pittsburgh died in an explosion at a U.S. Steel plant." It goes on to say that the latest numbers are up: there were 3% more workplace fatalities in 2010 than in 2009.

What do you think they are getting at with such a story? Here is how the series of stories is explained in a sidebar:

tories exploring threats to workers - and the corporate and regulatory factors that endanger them[.]

Corporations, bad! Regulations, good! Get it?

Read more: Articles: Fun & Games with Mainstream Media Numbers

What a weird thread - both sides seem to prefer tag team wrestling for actually being honest.

Firstly, we know that more journalists are liberal than conservative. Surveys show it, but it also makes sense given the kind of profession it is. I imagine most people would have guessed the survey results before they saw them.

Secondly, most news shows are news. I know it's fun to think network execs spend the day trying to get journalists to lie and spin the news, but it is just bullshit. It's a fantasy.

Lastly, by any standard, Fox is the most biased network in the US, and by some distance. I think it's a bit of a reach to even consider it news - it's essentially a political organisation in itself.

Where the fvck did you get all that, do they have msnbc in Helstinki...:lol:

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