Four men arrested over NFL murder


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
The Republic of Texas
Four people have been arrested over the murder of NFL star Sean Taylor, who died on Tuesday after being shot by intruders in his Florida home.
Miami police say they have more than one confession from the group - all males aged between 17 and 20 years old.

Detectives say Mr Taylor, a defensive player for the Washington Redskins, was killed in what appeared to have been a robbery which went wrong.

Mr Taylor, aged 24, was shot in the groin, severing his femoral artery.

Police arrested Eric Rivera, 17, Charles Wardlow, 18, Jason Mitchell, 19, and Venjahk Hunte, 20, in south-west Florida, about 160km (100 miles) from Miami.

Police Director Robert Parker said detectives are confident that the case against the four arrested was strong.

"We do have more than one confession," he said. "We're pretty certain we do have the gun."

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What a shame. Just senseless.
You must have missed where that 14 year old in Florida murdered some tourists cause they wouldn't give him what he wanted? Then stated it was his RIGHT to kill them because he wanted what they had and they didn't give it to him.
That's what we get for fostering a culture in which responsibility and morality are regarded as infringements on freedom.
yes. black on black crime is the result of liberalism.

profound observations, dude.


If only every kid were singing the pledge of aliegance and praying in schools there would be no crime.


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