
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
THE long archive url of the Prophecy challenge that took place in 2001 in the Nostradamus news group on Deja news which I linked on my predictions web site was no longer usable, however the archive still existed and I finally found the new url for the archive.
Google Groups

*(if link takes you to blank archive search page type:
Kyber Pass Mike Night
it should take you to the alt.prophecies.nostradamus archive
O5wfp-ix3P4 )

The premise; a prophecy challenge asking all claimed prophets to locate
Bin Laden, a geo caching challenge to put an end to all the fake claims by false prophets and scam artists..
Result; I took the challenge under the posting name Mike Night & was the only submission to the challenge, the rest never posted in the newsgroup ever again.
-go figure.
I was 100% accurate to where he was, leading to taking out his weapons cache and high command, making him no longer a factor in control. As media said recently, that moment was a game changer. My accuracy
included the route he'd take in escaping and the country he'd escape to.

Now ask yourself:
Did you believe me when I told you this previously?
So one's truth is based on one's needs and wants not on actuality.

In reading the newsgroup did you notice I was not allowed to post a map, because it was a binary file, even though this was seriously important the sticklers were more worried about the preference rule then something this important.
Did you notice the person in the convo who swore I could not be right, and swore it had to be the furthest from the area, a faithless soul leading us far off path and yet never apologises for being wrong in the end.
And lastly, only one person, acknowledged, acted upon, and thanked my service, and that's all we needed, because that 1 person was of the British Military who's faith got there to do the job. Did we thank them?
They probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
So do you notice a pattern of ungreatful behavior and fake or missplaced credit?
HOW about the disrespect?
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Bin Laden there is a name from the past... uSAMA The leader of Al(Arabic version of EL) Quida ..SAMA EL.... The Angel (Man with a message ... The original Hebrew concepts....) That brings forth the Poison of Gd.... Very interesting that he who started all this was found to have been in this area...I remember you pointing this out all those years ago amazing you finally found it...The amount of POISON this man brought to the world was unmentionable ..The POISON is still circulating today and like a pebble thrown into a pond it's ripples have reached out to every corner and affected every living creature in that pond....If they had managed to have captured him like they did Saddam and shown the world he was just a ragged old man they might have averted a lot of unwanted bloodshed unfortunately that was not the case....
I had found the archive a while ago when Google had bought deja news, but that archive url became unusable as their archive went down for a while.
Finally I was able to find it again.
I wonder if I can find my Bam prediction that I posted in leaving a scripture verse and
sequence prediction that I left in my signatures on Deja news posts.
I have the predictions on my web site, so I can search those key words.
Newsgroups: alt.astrology, alt.paranormal, alt.prophecies.nostradamus
Look at message 47 in the thread my post Date: 2003-12-16 18:42:34 PST look at the very bottom the signature was Isaiah 25:12 just 5 and a half hours after Dec 25th (25/12/03)is when the ancient high fortress was destroyed by the Quake in Bam Iran.
Isaiah 25:12 And the *high* fortress of thy walls will He bring down, lay low, and bring to the ground, even to the dust.
**Note: BAM means in southwestern Persian dialect=HIGH.

Regarding Saddam, they only needed to believe in the use of the Bible as a tool for recording the past for discerning the future, the story of Nebuchadnezar was there all along to warn ahead of time about the resemblance Saddam.
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Amazing those posts were gone but they are there now.. I found your posts by looking up Deja News Mike Night Hashev 2003 ...You can see them and your interactions regarding BAM the high fortress built by Nebudhadnessar... I found it interesting how what Nebudhadnessar did to Hezekiah was RETURNED in opposite direction on SADDAM who mirrored him..It should be pointed out that Hezekiah lost his kingdom , his sons and was imprisoned just like what occurred to Saddam ... I Guess the saying what goes around comes around is true in this case... BAM the high fort brought down to the DUST...There is more that could be said but it is fascinating those posts are availiable once again for all to see ....

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