Former WH Communications Director Handling Sandra Flucke Publicity


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Former Obama Adviser Anita Dunn’s PR Firm Representing Fluke

Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke is being represented by a former Obama adviser’s PR firm, Bill O’Reilly explained on his Thursday night program “The O’Reilly Factor,” suggesting that the young woman was indirectly planted at the center of the contraception controversy by the Obama administration.

It has been somewhat of a mystery as to how Sandra Fluke came to fame prior to Rush Limbaugh’s ill-advised remarks and why she was chosen by congressional Democrats to give expert testimony on the issue of contraception.

O’Reilly offered his theory Thursday, revealing the unusual circumstances regarding Fluke’s media ascendancy.

“As we reported last night ‘The Factor’ believes Sandra Fluke contraception controversy was manufactured to divert attention away from the Obama administration’s disastrous decision to force non-Catholic organizations to provide insurance coverage for birth control and the ‘morning after’ pill. That might very well be unconstitutional.”

“Anyway, we’re having trouble tracking down just who is sending Sandra around to the media,” he continued. “It’s very strange. So far, the 30-year-old activist has appeared on eight national news programs where she was not challenged at all. Last week we called Sandra on her cell phone and invited her on ‘The Factor.’ She didn’t call back. Very unusual.”

O’Reilly also said there was a man named Mike who was pushing her out to the media, but that no last name or contact information had been given.

O’Reilly went on to reveal that SKDKnickerbocker, a PR agency whose managing director is former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, is now representing Fluke. Dunn is perhaps best known for her attack on Fox News and for naming Chinese revolutionary and Communist leader Mao Tse Tung as one of her favorite political philosophers back in 2009.

“Now, late today we found out that Ms. Fluke is now being [represented] by the progressive PR industry SKDKnickerbocker where Anita Dunn, the former Obama communications director is the managing [director]

Former Obama Adviser Anita Dunn
The DNC and the obama administration have been orchestrating a barrage of issues and incidents designed to keep the public's attention focussed away from obama's dismal record in the WH. We cannot let them do it.
The DNC and the obama administration have been orchestrating a barrage of issues and incidents designed to keep the public's attention focussed away from obama's dismal record in the WH. We cannot let them do it.

It's working.

Cass Sunstein, Obama's regulatory czar invented a term he called "avalability cascades".

Start a rumor, "Carbon Dioxide is poison", "The economy is improving", "Birth Control should be paid for", "This is a weak Republican field", "Polar Bears are drowning", and they spread it around to all of their media friends so it becomes fact instead of fiction.
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