Former Obama Adviser on Foreign Policy


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
BOOM: On Eve of Debate, Former Senior Obama Adviser Eviscerates Administration's Catastrophic Foreign Policy Failures
by directorblue
Rosa Brooks, a former senior adviser to the Obama State and Defense Departments has penned a damning indictment of the administration's foreign policy failures. The piece -- entitled "The Case for Intervention... In Obama's dysfunctional foreign-policy team" and published in Foreign Policy -- lists six things that Obama must do if he is reelected.

But you really only need to read the beginning of the article to get a sense for the debacle that is the Obama non-doctrine:

...he has presided over an exceptionally dysfunctional and un-visionary national security architecture -- one that appears to drift from crisis to crisis, with little ability to look beyond the next few weeks. His national security staff is squabbling and demoralized...

1. Get a Strategy. No, really. We don't currently seem to have one, grand or otherwise. We've got 1. "the long war" -- but we don't seem to have a long game. Instead of a strategy, we have aspirations ("We want a stable Middle East") and we have laundry lists (check out the 2010 National Security Strategy). But as I have written in a previous column, there's no clear sense of what animates our foreign policy. And without a clear strategic vision of the world, there's no way to evaluate the success or failure of different initiatives, and no way to distinguish the important from the marginal...

Full story w/links @
Doug Ross @ Journal: BOOM: On Eve of Debate, Former Senior Obama Adviser Eviscerates Administration's Catastrophic Foreign Policy Failures


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