Former Navy SEALs died as heroes protecting American diplomats during Libya attack


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

Sources familiar with the attack told CNN that Doherty and Woods, along with other security personnel, left their location and made their way to the American embassy, where they gathered the diplomats and escorted them to a safe house.
During their dangerous excursion to the consulate swarming with armed demonstrators, the security contractors also recovered the body of computer expert Sean Smith, who had died from smoke inhalation after the attackers torched the compound.

According to CNN sources familiar with the situation, the protesters used diesel fuel to set the building alight, and the thick acrid smoke added to the chaos on the scene.
Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who had gone missing during the attack on the consulate, was not among those evacuated by the former SEALs. He was later found dead.

The State Department has not released details about the circumstances of Stevens' passing, although numerous media reports have said the ambassador was wounded and taken from the compound to Benghazi Medical Center by locals.
Once back at the safe house, the security team, among them Woods and Doherty, as well as the evacuated diplomats, faced a new attack, this one more fierce than the last.
Military officials in Benghazi told CNN that rocket-propelled grenades were employed in the assault on the security annex, and according to some reports, mortars also played a part.
According to a senior administration official, it was during that second attack that the two former Navy SEALs were killed after coming under heavy fire. Two other Americans were injured.

Revealed: Former Navy SEALs died as heroes protecting American diplomats during Libya attack | Mail Online
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Some information; some of it proven some of it just making the rounds:

FACT: The Seals were not assigned to the US Mission and to protect Stevens. They were in the area, heard what was going on at the Mission and jumped in to defend it.

FACT: The people who were assigned to protect the Mission were from Great Britain, (Wales), and were private contractors.

They were chosen because they were willing to take the assignment while using unloaded weapons, a modifed rule of engagement dictated by the State Department for this post. They might also have been chosen for their British accents.
The Company's name which provided the security is "Blue Mountain Group"

This could explain a couple of things. Anyone speaking with an American accent is at risk in large areas of the Middle East (among them Egypt and Libya) while British English speakers are definitelely less at risk. Reporters in the region understand that to have an American accent makes them vulnerable. I heard this from a reporter very recently speaking from Egypt.

This turns out to be perfect for the Al Quaeda attackers, because they had the leverage of life on the Blue Mountain guys.

So these British speaking guys from Wales were willing to provide security with unloaded weapons. The Al Quaeda terrorists knew this, and allowed the Blue Mountain people to live if they betrayed the American Embassador. In reality they couldn't resist at all anyway, nor even in reality defend themselves. They sold out the Americans to save their own hides.
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Who the hell puts any security personel in any position in the ME with unloaded guns??

Good God. Talk about stupid assholes. The State Department idiot who issued those orders should be shot him or herself.

Talk about ludicrous.
Who the hell puts any security personel in any position in the ME with unloaded guns??

Good God. Talk about stupid assholes. The State Department idiot who issued those orders should be shot him or herself.

Talk about ludicrous.
From what I gather, Hillary Clinton had something to do with policy there.
Who the hell puts any security personel in any position in the ME with unloaded guns??

Good God. Talk about stupid assholes. The State Department idiot who issued those orders should be shot him or herself.

Talk about ludicrous.
From what I gather, Hillary Clinton had something to do with policy there.

Assistant Apologizer-in-Chief Clinton is responsible.
Why am I not surprised.

Those State Department idiots are really idiots.

If Hillary issued those orders then she's respnsible for those deaths. I'm sure that won't bother her at all. Absurd.
Some of this is framed in Stevens personal note book which now is in the hands of CNN. Stevens mentioned in his notebook that he felt his life was at risk in Benghazi, and knowing the situation with the security arrangement helps explain.

This was an open invitiation to Al Quaeda.

People ask why the administration keeps saying things like the President did today at the UN, that "America had nothing to do with that video" while Jake Carney still says that "It is self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack"

So why do they keep blaming the video? Because that is what will survive as the narrative in the minds of the uninformed public. And when the issue gets hotter from Republicans complaining and Fox News Channel reporting, they'll just say to themselves "there they go, attacking the president again"
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Who the hell puts any security personel in any position in the ME with unloaded guns??

Good God. Talk about stupid assholes. The State Department idiot who issued those orders should be shot him or herself.

Talk about ludicrous.
No one did. Have you always been as stupid as you seem?
Who the hell puts any security personel in any position in the ME with unloaded guns??

Good God. Talk about stupid assholes. The State Department idiot who issued those orders should be shot him or herself.

Talk about ludicrous.

We do, we did the same thing in Lebanon back in the 80's.
This administration has an awful lot to answer for regarding the attacks.
But you will not see anyone from the media go after this administration.

Their concern is getting Obama elected again.
Focusing on Romney and his face tanning and all sorts of Bullshit.
In her daily press briefing on Tuesday September 11, State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland admitted that she provided false information Friday about the State Department's hiring of private security firms for the American mission in Benghazi attacked on September 11th:

MS. NULAND: Thank you for that, because there was an error in what I said. The external security, external armed security, as we have been saying, outside of the perimeter, was fully handled by the Libyan side. There was no contract – contracting out of that. There was a group called Blue Mountain Group, which is a private security company with permits to operate in Libya. They were hired to provide local Libyan guards who operated inside the gate doing things like operating the security access equipment, screening the cars, that kind of thing. [...]

Nuland continued with reporters, "There’s nothing else that I have that needs correcting at the moment."

Only four days earlier, at her daily press briefing on Friday, Nuland emphatically denied that the State Department had hired any private firm to provide security at the American mission in Benghazi:

QUESTION: (Inaudible) the claim was made yesterday that a company that is a spinoff of Blackwater, in fact, proposed or contracted the United States Government for this particular kind of eventuality, and it was caught up in some sort of bureaucratic --

MS. NULAND: Completely untrue with regard to Libya. I checked that this morning. At no time did we plan to hire a private security company for Libya.

QUESTION: Toria, I just want to make sure I understood that, because I didn’t understand your first question. You said – your first answer. You said that at no time did you have contracts with private security companies in Libya?

Full transcript at Source
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