CDZ Former Canadian AG Testifies Against Trudeau


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2008
Trudeau was detonated today by his former Attorney General, Jody Wilson-Raybould, Canadaā€™s first Aboriginal A-G. She just testified in Parliament, in meticulous detail, how Trudeau and his staff tried to get her to drop criminal charges against a corrupt company that he liked.

She refused to bend the law for Trudeauā€™s cronies. But they didnā€™t stop. Trudeau; his chief of staff; his principal secretary; even the finance minister. They met her ten times, phoned her ten more. trying to get the charges dropped. She wouldnā€™t. So Trudeau fired her as A-G.

The story leaked out earlier this month, but it was all anonymous sources. The former A-G herself didnā€™t say a word, saying she was bound by attorney-client privilege and cabinet confidences. She was effectively gagged; so Trudeau was the only one talking.

Trudeau took advantage of her enforced silence to claim she supported him and everything was fine. After all, when he fired her as A-G, he appointed her to the minor post of veterans minister.

When she heard him make that boast, she quit as veterans minister. He was shocked.

Trudeau is in very serious legal trouble ā€“ Former AG testifies against Prime Ministerā€¦

Liberals are the same everywhere.

It's getting better... :eek2:

A conservative MP claimed in parliament today that SNC-Lavalin (the firm that Trudeau was trying to protect from bribery charges) paid for prostitutes for Gaddafi's son while they were operating in Libya.

Watch the video, Trudeau's response was priceless.

Watching this liberal retard crash and burn is going to be glorious.
It's getting better... :eek2:

A conservative MP claimed in parliament today that SNC-Lavalin (the firm that Trudeau was trying to protect from bribery charges) paid for prostitutes for Gaddafi's son while they were operating in Libya.

Watch the video, Trudeau's response was priceless.

Watching this liberal retard crash and burn is going to be glorious.

Notice there was no denial.
It seems that Trudeau's old friend is going to throw him under the bus in order to save his own ass.

Gerald Michael Butts (yeah, that's his name, Butts) is a Canadian political consultant who served as the Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from November 4, 2015 until his resignation on February 18, 2019." - Wiki

Canadians on the ground do not like Trudeau. Especially Ontario.

Generally, when Canadians do not like something, as a rule, they stop talking about it. Than you have the NPC types who read CBC and take their cheerleading as fact, it's like believing Vince McMahon when he tells you Hulk Hogan has the largest arms in the world. At ground level people are sick of or embarrassed by him.

People are pissed about his "vision" of Canada and his incessant condescension. They are done with the socks, the pro globalization, pro homo crap, the crying. They are done with the fake eyebrows and most of all they are done being told that they are not a nation and that they have no history or culture.

My friends from Ontario are saying they can't even listen their own Prime Minister for more than five minutes because of his inherit faggy fake-soft voice routine he does.
This is arguably even worse than anything Trump has been accused of. His whole liberal party deserve to crash, largely thanks to him.
Leading minister resigns over scandal that threatens Trudeau

A leading Cabinet minister in Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeauā€™s government resigned Monday, becoming the second minister to step down over a scandal that has shaken the government in an election year.

Treasury Board president Jane Philpott, considered a star minister, said in a resignation letter that it was ā€œuntenableā€ for her to continue in the Cabinet because she lost confidence and could not defend the government.

Canadian leftist political, cultural and intellectual elite are so disconnected from reality that they don't even realize how weird their obsession with race, skin color, sexuality, and gender looks to their ordinary citizens. It just shows up that leftists everywhere are the same, since our leftist are similar, just worse.
Canada has it's own Barry...

Here, photographer is taking the picture of the photographer taking picture of Justin Trudeau signing photographs of himself.

Canadians on the ground do not like Trudeau. Especially Ontario.

Generally, when Canadians do not like something, as a rule, they stop talking about it. Than you have the NPC types who read CBC and take their cheerleading as fact, it's like believing Vince McMahon when he tells you Hulk Hogan has the largest arms in the world. At ground level people are sick of or embarrassed by him.

People are pissed about his "vision" of Canada and his incessant condescension. They are done with the socks, the pro globalization, pro homo crap, the crying. They are done with the fake eyebrows and most of all they are done being told that they are not a nation and that they have no history or culture.

My friends from Ontario are saying they can't even listen their own Prime Minister for more than five minutes because of his inherit faggy fake-soft voice routine he does.
This is arguably even worse than anything Trump has been accused of. His whole liberal party deserve to crash, largely thanks to him.

I'm sure your "friends" in Ontario think Trump is a great President too, but 80% of Canadians think he's an asshole. The problem for you is that people in Ontario have a super amount of buyers' remorse for Dougie Ford.
Canadians on the ground do not like Trudeau. Especially Ontario.

Generally, when Canadians do not like something, as a rule, they stop talking about it. Than you have the NPC types who read CBC and take their cheerleading as fact, it's like believing Vince McMahon when he tells you Hulk Hogan has the largest arms in the world. At ground level people are sick of or embarrassed by him.

People are pissed about his "vision" of Canada and his incessant condescension. They are done with the socks, the pro globalization, pro homo crap, the crying. They are done with the fake eyebrows and most of all they are done being told that they are not a nation and that they have no history or culture.

My friends from Ontario are saying they can't even listen their own Prime Minister for more than five minutes because of his inherit faggy fake-soft voice routine he does.
This is arguably even worse than anything Trump has been accused of. His whole liberal party deserve to crash, largely thanks to him.

I'm sure your "friends" in Ontario think Trump is a great President too, but 80% of Canadians think he's an asshole. The problem for you is that people in Ontario have a super amount of buyers' remorse for Dougie Ford.

But we're not talking about Ford here, are we? Every time you lefties can't argue on subject you try to change it, or simply draw the race card.

You're underestimating how many people are pissed at his government.

It's been "amazing" to watch the same memes "Its current year" and "we'll award positions to people based on gender and race". Only to have one of those diversity hires to turn on you when the time arose, why?
Because of how much of a laughing stock him and his father have made of Canadian Indigenous.

The Canadian Liberal party isn't going to survive the next coming months with everything that's gonna come out against Butts and Trudeau. Next election is going to be fun to watch because no one can begin to predict who will win.
Canadians on the ground do not like Trudeau. Especially Ontario.

Generally, when Canadians do not like something, as a rule, they stop talking about it. Than you have the NPC types who read CBC and take their cheerleading as fact, it's like believing Vince McMahon when he tells you Hulk Hogan has the largest arms in the world. At ground level people are sick of or embarrassed by him.

People are pissed about his "vision" of Canada and his incessant condescension. They are done with the socks, the pro globalization, pro homo crap, the crying. They are done with the fake eyebrows and most of all they are done being told that they are not a nation and that they have no history or culture.

My friends from Ontario are saying they can't even listen their own Prime Minister for more than five minutes because of his inherit faggy fake-soft voice routine he does.
This is arguably even worse than anything Trump has been accused of. His whole liberal party deserve to crash, largely thanks to him.

I'm sure your "friends" in Ontario think Trump is a great President too, but 80% of Canadians think he's an asshole. The problem for you is that people in Ontario have a super amount of buyers' remorse for Dougie Ford.

But we're not talking about Ford here, are we? Every time you lefties can't argue on subject you try to change it, or simply draw the race card.

You're underestimating how many people are pissed at his government.

It's been "amazing" to watch the same memes "Its current year" and "we'll award positions to people based on gender and race". Only to have one of those diversity hires to turn on you when the time arose, why?
Because of how much of a laughing stock him and his father have made of Canadian Indigenous.

The Canadian Liberal party isn't going to survive the next coming months with everything that's gonna come out against Butts and Trudeau. Next election is going to be fun to watch because no one can begin to predict who will win.

And you're WAY overestimating it. You're also underestimating how BAD the Conservatives under Andrew Scheer really are. Scheer is takling a page out of the Trump racist playbook, and attacking Muslims, and immigrants of all stripes. That may work in the USA where Republican talk radio has lied to the good people in the fly-over states since Reagan was elected, but it's not working in Canada.

Canadians are asking for MORE immigrants, not fewer. We have jobs to fill. And while there is some racism in Canada, there isn't the same systemic racism throughout our nation because we didn't fight a Civil War over slavery, and we have a long history of accepting refugees fleeing racism in the USA.

Doug Ford is the PERFECT example as to why the Trudeau government is not in as much trouble as you might think. The idiot right wing of the Conservative Party elected this incompetent buffoon as party leader over 3 perfectly competent and experienced members of their caucus. Ford finished dead last in his attempt to replace his brother as Mayor of Toronto, because the people of Toronto saw up close that Dougie was the dumber, less capable of the two Ford brothers and that the ONLY thing he had over his brother is that he's NOT a drug addict.

I figured that the ONE thing Dougie would get right is the rollout of legalized marijuana in Ontario. I mean the guy used to deal pot out of Etobicoke Park and together with Rob, the brothers were pretty big time dealers back in the day. But no, Dougie even botched that one in a major way. You can only buy legal pot in Ontario, online. They're chargiing $56.50 for 3 GRAMS of pot, and it'll be mailed via Canada Post. The last time I checked, they were 3 weeks behind in processing orders. I haven't been back to the website since.

When pot was illegal, I used to pay $40 for 3.5 grams. When pot was legalized, I started paying $125 for 28 grams - one ounce $4 and change per gram. No Dougie, I'm not paying $25 + per gram when I can grow 4 plants myself.

Dougie cut medical benefits to seniors, a planned increase to the minimum wage, and the green energy program. Kathleen Wynn was so fiscally inept that it was embarassing, but the people Conservatives kept putting up against her were much, much worse, and that especially includes Doug Ford.

He has tried to privatize our healthcare in Ontario, and he cut funding to healthcare so he could declare it broken first. Nothing spells the kiss of death in Canada than when you try to bring in US style healthcare. I recently shared a story on my FaceBook page that has gone viral around the world, wherein the brother of a dear friend spent his final hours lying in an emergency room hallway while hospital staff desperately tried to a private place for his family to say goodbye. "Hallway medicine" is becoming commonplace under the Ford administration, and make no mistake, people are really pissed about this shit.

It took Dougie and the Conservatives nearly 20 years to rid the party of the stink of the Mike Harris Conservatives, and Dougie has taken us to a place that even Harris dared not go in the first year of his administration.

Then there's the idea that no one who speaks French will EVER vote for a Conservative in this lifetime. The last time they did they got the Meech Lake Accord, wherein Mulroney sold out Quebec's guarantee of 1/4 of the seats in the House and Senate, so that he could go down in history as the guy who re-wrote Trudeau's Constitution. They certainly are not going to vote for a guy who doesn't even speak French, like Scheer. BC alternates between Liberals and NDP, and with Conservatives in Ontario on very shaky ground under Ford, I wouldn't count out Trudeau just yet.

I have no idea why successive administrations have cozied up to SNC Lavalin. When I was under contract to CBRE Construction, they were under investigation for a bribery scheme in Saudi Arabia, and were being defended by the Stephen Harper Conservatives. The Ontario Liberals had numerous construction projects under management by SNC Lavalin, and a number of those projects came across my desk because of the high incidence of construction liens filed against SNC on government projects.

Their projects were frequently plagued with problems of delays and subtrades not being paid. There were complaints by subtrades that they had to pay a "kickback" to SNC for the privilege of getting the contracts, which I knew absolutely to be true, and yet they continued to receive government contracts, from both liberals and conservatives. They were facing bribery charges and corruption charges, in various jurisdictions around the world, but not at home, despite obvious problems with government contracts here too.

None of these complaints are new, and Trudeau is a fool to have fallen into this particular trap, but he's still not Andrew Scheer, and right now that means more.
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