Former air force officer is Iran spy currently at large wanted by US DOJ


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Fmr Air Force officer is Iran spy currently at large – wanted by US DOJ
The U.S. Department of Justice has jus charged a former U.S. Air Force officer with spying on behalf of Iran.

Ewwwwww look at this bitch she is one evil looking c word man this devil looking leech looks like she could kill you in the blink of an eye and nothing twice about it and she'd step over your body when she's all done wiping the blade.
Am I wrong to think she's more than a little hot? The whole spy thing is also kind of a turn on.
On the bright side, we'll never see that chick again.

Or, you might see her and not even know it...

What is generally not spoken of outside of the intelligence community, but is well known nowadays, is the battle for influence between the elint and humint factions of intelligence that began in the early '50s.

That battle culminated in the late '60s when the elint community and the NSA became the priority and more risky humint assets were deactivated.

Unfortunately, this left us blind to attacks from terrorists organizations who generally didn't use command and control vulnerable to electronic gathering methods.

We know Iran has a fairly sophisticated cyberattack capability, but it's interesting to find out they are deploying humint assets as well.

It makes me wonder what sort of humint assets we might have in that part of the world.
Fmr Air Force officer is Iran spy currently at large – wanted by US DOJ
The U.S. Department of Justice has jus charged a former U.S. Air Force officer with spying on behalf of Iran.

Ewwwwww look at this bitch she is one evil looking c word man this devil looking leech looks like she could kill you in the blink of an eye and nothing twice about it and she'd step over your body when she's all done wiping the blade.
I would like to know her origins and background which the article does not disclose. Maybe they should have suspected much earlier on? Generally speaking, if one is of Middle Eastern ancestry I would be double cautious. (not saying she is)
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Fmr Air Force officer is Iran spy currently at large – wanted by US DOJ
The U.S. Department of Justice has jus charged a former U.S. Air Force officer with spying on behalf of Iran.

Ewwwwww look at this bitch she is one evil looking c word man this devil looking leech looks like she could kill you in the blink of an eye and nothing twice about it and she'd step over your body when she's all done wiping the blade.
I would like to know her origins and background which the article does not disclose. Maybe they should have suspected much earlier on? Generally speaking, if one is of Middle Eastern ancestry I would be double cautious. (not saying she is)

Former U.S. Counterintelligence Agent Charged With Espionage on Behalf of Iran; Four Iranians Charged With a Cyber Campaign Targeting Her Former Colleagues
Indictment Unsealed as U.S. Treasury Department Announces Economic Sanctions
Monica Elfriede Witt, 39, a former U.S. service member and counterintelligence agent, has been indicted by a federal grand jury in the District of Columbia for conspiracy to deliver and delivering national defense information to representatives of the Iranian government. Witt, who defected to Iran in 2013, is alleged to have assisted Iranian intelligence services in targeting her former fellow agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC). Witt is also alleged to have disclosed the code name and classified mission of a U.S. Department of Defense Special Access Program. An arrest warrant has been issued for Witt, who remains at large.

The same indictment charges four Iranian nationals, Mojtaba Masoumpour, Behzad Mesri, Hossein Parvar and Mohamad Paryar (the “Cyber Conspirators”), with conspiracy, attempts to commit computer intrusion and aggravated identity theft, for conduct in 2014 and 2015 targeting former co-workers and colleagues of Witt in the U.S. Intelligence Community. The Cyber Conspirators, using fictional and imposter social media accounts and working on behalf of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), sought to deploy malware that would provide them covert access to the targets’ computers and networks. Arrest warrants have been issued for the Cyber Conspirators, who also remain at large.

The announcement was made by Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Demers, U.S. Attorney Jessie K. Liu for the District of Columbia, Executive Assistant Director for National Security Jay Tabb of the FBI, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin

Former U.S. Counterintelligence Agent Charged With Espionage on Behalf of Iran; Four Iranians Charged With a Cyber Campaign Targeting Her Former Colleagues

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