Forget the Fiscal Cliff – Obama’s Hawaii Vacation: 20-Days and $4 million


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Grrrr! Obama is going on yet another vacation. I could have sworn he said he wouldn't rest until the economy was better, unemployment was under control, blah blah blah. How many vacations has he and Michelle had the last 4 years? And, at a time when millions of Americans are facing even more hardships with higher taxes in our near future, Obama finds a way to spend more money we don't have. No shame.

As the US marches ever closer to the ‘fiscal cliff’, Washington is faced with the very real obligation of cutting back and tightening the belt on the budget. Republicans are eyeing Washington’s spending habits, while Democrats are concerned with raising taxes.
And in the middle of the fed’s financial crisis you have President Obama. His mainstream media face time suggests that he’s leading the galant charge to liberate America from the impending fiscal terrors; but, as the US finally makes the trip over the edge, the President will be in beautiful, sunny Hawaii, soaking in a 20-day, $4 million dollar vacation …oceans away from the problems that the rest of us are facing. The Hawaii Reporter writes about the warning that the local residents received, preceding the President’s arrival:
The report delivered to residents living along the ocean and canal that surrounds the multi-million dollar homes at Kailuana Place where the President stays, informed them of restrictions that will be implemented for 20 days beginning December 17 and running through January 6.
In a matter of weeks, Kailua residents will see the familiar street barricades fronted by U.S. Secret Service agents and Navy Seals and the U.S. Coast Guard stationed in canal and ocean waters.

Forget the Fiscal Cliff – Obama’s Hawaii Vacation: 20-Days and $4 million
Forget the Fiscal Cliff - Obama's Hawaii Vacation: 20-Days and $4 million Independent Journal Review
come on now, all that traveling around pitching raising taxes on others is hard work

give the Dear Leader a break..
come on now, all that traveling around pitching raising taxes on others is hard work

give the Dear Leader a break..

Finally you say something that makes sense. I can see you're starting to think straight, good for you.
Most of that $4 million (assuming the figure is true) are security costs which the taxpayers bear anytime the President of the United States goes anywhere, not just on vacation. You might call them fixed expenses and to add those fixed security costs into vacation expenses to make a political point is disingenuous and dishonest. Furthermore, it completely ignores how much it cost the taxpayers when previous residents of the White House went somewhere.

Here..let me help you out. The total cost of George Bushs' trips to Crawford, TX came to just over $124 million. Similar costs, adjusted for inflation, will be found for any Chief Executive in the modern era.

Pay Us Back: Boehner and GOP Owe Taxpayers $124 Million for Bush Vacation Travel

I, for one, do not begrudge a President his vacations. It's a demanding, 24 hour a day, 7 day a week job which is physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. Everybody needs time off and especially the man with his finger on the nuclear button. You should not want, and would not like, an exhausted President making life and death crisis decisions. The stakes are to high for the whole world. Remember...even God rested on the 7th day!

Nor do I begrudge the costs associated with keeping him safe. You shouldn't either. I cannot imagine a worse possible scenario than that some screwball manages to kill the President of the United States. In today's atmosphere of hatred, distrust and division, something like that happening to Barack Obama would be a catastrophe, perhaps fatal to our democracy. NOBODY should want that to happen. As much as I despised the policies of George Bush, I did not want him coming to harm either and would not have cared if the cost of his security was $1 million a minute. It's money well spent for the good of the nation.

Give it rest. If you feel you must criticize the President, pick something else. YOU take vacations, why shouldn't he?
lol, Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

can't have a obama thread without him

all we heard for EIGHT years while Bush was in office was the bitching about his going TO HIS OWN HOME
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Hey, Obama hasn't let the 23 million out of work stop him from his vacations before, why should he start now...he is giving them "welfare" after all they should be THANKFUL
lol, Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

can't have a obama thread without him

all we heard for EIGHT years while Bush was in office was the bitching about his going TO HIS OWN HOME

steffie... you're pathetic.

no more than you Jilly

but you are more shrill and crazy..don't forget I was here with YOU during the Bush administration..I can vouch for your love of
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Grrrr! Obama is going on yet another vacation. I could have sworn he said he wouldn't rest until the economy was better, unemployment was under control, blah blah blah. How many vacations has he and Michelle had the last 4 years? And, at a time when millions of Americans are facing even more hardships with higher taxes in our near future, Obama finds a way to spend more money we don't have. No shame.

As the US marches ever closer to the ‘fiscal cliff’, Washington is faced with the very real obligation of cutting back and tightening the belt on the budget. Republicans are eyeing Washington’s spending habits, while Democrats are concerned with raising taxes.
And in the middle of the fed’s financial crisis you have President Obama. His mainstream media face time suggests that he’s leading the galant charge to liberate America from the impending fiscal terrors; but, as the US finally makes the trip over the edge, the President will be in beautiful, sunny Hawaii, soaking in a 20-day, $4 million dollar vacation …oceans away from the problems that the rest of us are facing. The Hawaii Reporter writes about the warning that the local residents received, preceding the President’s arrival:
The report delivered to residents living along the ocean and canal that surrounds the multi-million dollar homes at Kailuana Place where the President stays, informed them of restrictions that will be implemented for 20 days beginning December 17 and running through January 6.
In a matter of weeks, Kailua residents will see the familiar street barricades fronted by U.S. Secret Service agents and Navy Seals and the U.S. Coast Guard stationed in canal and ocean waters.

Forget the Fiscal Cliff – Obama’s Hawaii Vacation: 20-Days and $4 million
Forget the Fiscal Cliff - Obama's Hawaii Vacation: 20-Days and $4 million Independent Journal Review

What can you do about it? He kicked Romulus' ass and has four years to do as he pleases. The Republican house of representatives is a different story. If they don't change their attitudes their party will soon be non existent.

It amazes me that the American electorate spoke loudly when they reelected an incumbent president in the middle of hard times and high unemployment and the Right still doesn't get it. Obama can play golf or basketball every day for the rest of his life if he wants to. I honestly believe the Right's stance against what used to be the middle class of America will do them in for good if they don't change.....and soon:

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Grrrr! Obama is going on yet another vacation. I could have sworn he said he wouldn't rest until the economy was better, unemployment was under control, blah blah blah. How many vacations has he and Michelle had the last 4 years? And, at a time when millions of Americans are facing even more hardships with higher taxes in our near future, Obama finds a way to spend more money we don't have. No shame.

As the US marches ever closer to the ‘fiscal cliff’, Washington is faced with the very real obligation of cutting back and tightening the belt on the budget. Republicans are eyeing Washington’s spending habits, while Democrats are concerned with raising taxes.
And in the middle of the fed’s financial crisis you have President Obama. His mainstream media face time suggests that he’s leading the galant charge to liberate America from the impending fiscal terrors; but, as the US finally makes the trip over the edge, the President will be in beautiful, sunny Hawaii, soaking in a 20-day, $4 million dollar vacation …oceans away from the problems that the rest of us are facing. The Hawaii Reporter writes about the warning that the local residents received, preceding the President’s arrival:
The report delivered to residents living along the ocean and canal that surrounds the multi-million dollar homes at Kailuana Place where the President stays, informed them of restrictions that will be implemented for 20 days beginning December 17 and running through January 6.
In a matter of weeks, Kailua residents will see the familiar street barricades fronted by U.S. Secret Service agents and Navy Seals and the U.S. Coast Guard stationed in canal and ocean waters.

Forget the Fiscal Cliff – Obama’s Hawaii Vacation: 20-Days and $4 million
Forget the Fiscal Cliff - Obama's Hawaii Vacation: 20-Days and $4 million Independent Journal Review

What can you do about it? He kicked Romulus' ass and has four years to do as he pleases. Now the Republican house of representatives is a different story. If they don't change their attitudes their party will soon be non existent.

It amazes me that the American electorate spoke loudly when they reelected an incumbent president in the middle of hard times and high unemployment and the Right still doesn't get it. I honestly believe their stance against what used to be the middle class of America will do them in for good if they don't change.....and soon.

oh boy, he kicked his ass...hardly..
A ass kicking would of been on the scale of Reagan-Carter
now that was a ass kicking, something you progressives have never had..all you get a are narrow squeaks by wins....but according to you PEOPLE that makes for Obama to become KING:lol:
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lol, Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

can't have a obama thread without him

all we heard for EIGHT years while Bush was in office was the bitching about his going TO HIS OWN HOME

So you're confirming that this thread is nothing more than another case of rightwing bitching about Obama.

Yeah, we know that.
lol, Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

can't have a obama thread without him

all we heard for EIGHT years while Bush was in office was the bitching about his going TO HIS OWN HOME

So you're confirming that this thread is nothing more than another case of rightwing bitching about Obama.

Yeah, we know that.

waaaa, they be picking on the Dear leader again:eusa_boohoo:
lol, Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

can't have a obama thread without him

all we heard for EIGHT years while Bush was in office was the bitching about his going TO HIS OWN HOME

steffie... you're pathetic.

no more than you Jilly

but you are more shrill and crazy..don't forget I was here with YOU during the Bush administration..I can vouch for your love of

really, steffie? aside from the fact that you're a compulsive liar, i never once saw you complain about the time shrub spent at crawford or what his jaunts cost us.


steffie... you're pathetic.

no more than you Jilly

but you are more shrill and crazy..don't forget I was here with YOU during the Bush administration..I can vouch for your love of

really, steffie? aside from the fact that you're a compulsive liar, i never once saw you complain about the time shrub spent at crawford or what his jaunts cost us.



cry us a riva:eusa_boohoo:
lol, Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

can't have a obama thread without him

all we heard for EIGHT years while Bush was in office was the bitching about his going TO HIS OWN HOME

So you're confirming that this thread is nothing more than another case of rightwing bitching about Obama.

Yeah, we know that.

waaaa, they be picking on the Dear leader again:eusa_boohoo:

The way obummer is seizing control that will soon get you locked up.
with Obama followers, out of site out of mind..

they don't have a clue everything this man and his comrades in arms administration is doing behind the their backs

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