Foreign Policy Night in Tampa


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Yesterday [Wednesday] was given over to foreign policy at the Republican National Convention, and what a blast from the past it was – John McCain and Condi Rice singing a duo of "Give War A Chance." The only one missing was He Who Shall Not Be Named – but he was there in spirit.

McCain was his usual self, which is to say brimming over with the manic energy of a whirling dervish high on meth, bellicosity emanating like sweat from every pore. He reminded his audience that he had "hopes of addressing [you] under different circumstances," but having lost the election he had to settle for another role, that of Warmonger-in-residence, a position he shares with Senators Lindsay Graham and Joe Lieberman. Together, this chirping trio constitutes our chorus of war-birds, Senatorial shrikes who screech in unison whenever it appears America is passing up yet another opportunity to make war.

Foreign Policy Night in Tampa by Justin Raimondo --

Always the same tired warmongering.

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