For those who falsley accuse mccain of being another bush


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
It is simply dishonest to say that mccain would be another bush for numerous reasons, this should get it started:

He’s a highly effective fundraiser in an election cycle in which Republicans are starved for cash, a hero to the wing of the party that views John McCain with the most suspicion. He has four decades of campaign experience, ranging from a short stint running Gerald Ford’s election bid in 1976 to two successful races on the presidential ticket.

Yet despite that pedigree, Vice President Dick Cheney is unlikely to share a stage with McCain anytime soon—and may not be called on to play any role at all in the 2008 presidential campaign.

In part, it’s a reflection of political expediency. Though Cheney is one of the nation’s most influential and talked about vice presidents ever, his favorability ratings are near toxic lows.

But Cheney and McCain also have had a rocky relationship.

They have clashed publicly and privately during the Bush years on matters ranging from the treatment of terrorist detainees to former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Most recently, they’ve been on opposite sides on the idea of a gas tax holiday and on a Cheney-backed energy bill.

What should McCain do about Cheney? - Yahoo! News
That won't stop the left from regurgitating the line over and over until it sounds absolutely asinine, no matter if everyone and their uncle have already proved it's pure bull shit.

But try saying hussein is just like Jimmah, peanut brain, Catah... the left has a cow if you say that.

Don't ya love the double standard?
He appears to me to want to continue the saem idiotic policies which Bush supported.

The fact that Cheyney won't be playing makes like zero difference.
He appears to me to want to continue the saem idiotic policies which Bush supported.

The fact that Cheyney won't be playing makes like zero difference.

Bush and McCain are on the same page on Iraq, giving millions of illegal aliens amnesty, and keeping the tax breaks.

Giving millions of illegal aliens amnesty, and a hundred more years in Iraq... idiotic.

Keeping the tax breaks... not idiotic.

watching pubs run away from the worst president evar...

while understandable.

is hilarious.
Bush or McCain really doesn't matter. They both have to adhere to the same republican platform. McCain has had to change his position on issues to become the rep nominee. He will have to adhere to the republican platform to keep their support.
i mean good grief.

what was really funny was yurt's 'evidence' (heheh to use like a legal term lol) to claim mccain ain't bush.

hehehe...cheney and him don't get along?

that's was worth bold?

watching dems support a racist asshole is not funny, its scary how bad dems want to destroy this country

Even less funny again is how partisan turds like you can't even acknowledge that both dems and reps actually want what's best for this country, they just happen to disagree on what is actually best.
Even less funny again is how partisan turds like you can't even acknowledge that both dems and reps actually want what's best for this country, they just happen to disagree on what is actually best.

One major difference between dems and repubs is, when a repub doesn't agree with a repub candidate, they no longer support him/her. But when dems don't agree with something a dem candidate says, they still support him/her unconditionally, just because they have a 'D' in front of the name.
One major difference between dems and repubs is, when a repub doesn't agree with a repub candidate, they no longer support him/her. But when dems don't agree with something a dem candidate says, they still support him/her unconditionally, just because they have a 'D' in front of the name.

Are you even old enough to vote? I doubt it, because usually those of us who can vote aren't stupid enough to think the thoughts you just laid out on this message board.

No offense though, if you are under 18.
One major difference between dems and repubs is, when a repub doesn't agree with a repub candidate, they no longer support him/her. But when dems don't agree with something a dem candidate says, they still support him/her unconditionally, just because they have a 'D' in front of the name.

You mean like when they all supported McGovern, Mondale and Dukakis? :eusa_whistle:
mccain is bush. pick any issue. tax the rich or companies, stop the war, tap alaska, close loopholes, appoint neo con lobbyists and judges, nafta, etc. what's crazy is he used to be correct on all these issues, so you know the same people pulling bushs strings are now pulling mccains. rove, delay, chaney, mccain, abramoff are all evil. mccain used to be different. who's his evil vp gonna be? mccains boss hasn't decided. who owns the fed reserves? is it not a part private company? who owns it? that's who the gop works 4. are you rich? if not, wake up.
McCain has gotten in more varying positions to satisfy the neocons than he has to satisfy the blonde on his arm who replaced the damaged goods first wife.

pardon me while i continue to laugh:badgrin:

why should i pardon a lost think its funny but would be crying buckets if a white racist was going to be elected

Even less funny again is how partisan turds like you can't even acknowledge that both dems and reps actually want what's best for this country, they just happen to disagree on what is actually best.

do you have proof for this stupid diatribe of yours? let me guess, this is another diarrhea of the mouth moment for you...nothing to debate so you insult with baseless accusations....:clap2:

dems like obama want socialism and that is not what is best for this country sir turd
Watching dems blind drunk on the obamalama kool aide is a real laugh too.

The difference here should be obvious even to you, but just in case you are as stupid as your posts, Bush has a record, he is president, his failure is obvious. Need I explain more. Pick on Obama after his eight years and you'll have some groundwork.
SEN. McCAIN: No. No. I -- the fact is that I'm different but the fact is that I have agreed with President Bush far more than I have disagreed. And on the transcendent issues, the most important issues of our day, I've been totally in agreement and support of President Bush. So have we had some disagreements on some issues, the bulk -- particularly domestic issues? Yes. But I will argue my conservative record voting with anyone's, and I will also submit that my support for President Bush has been active and very impassioned on issues that are important to the American people.
John McCain then and now - Glenn Greenwald -

So when McCain does disagree with Bush, it is only on issues that aren't important to the American people?

I wonder why anyone would think that a McCain presidency would be a continuation of Bush policies?
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mccain is bush. pick any issue. tax the rich or companies, stop the war, tap alaska, close loopholes, appoint neo con lobbyists and judges, nafta, etc.


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