CDZ For Those Who Are Opposed to Guns

How would that happen, exactly?

1. Federal notification of all gun purchases, to ensure compliance with Terror Watch List.

2. Additional federal restrictions on gun purchases.

3. Federal registration of "assault weapons."

4. Expanded definitions of assault weapons, to include "semi-automatic" weapons.

5. Complete inclusion of all remaining guns.

6. Punitive taxation (and investigation) of gun ownership.

7. Requirement to prove need for a gun.

8. Confiscation of guns from non-approved (non-law enforcement) owners.
And such legislation is exactly where in either the House or Senate – moreover, no one seeks to 'confiscate' guns, the notion is ridiculous.

Private property can't be 'confiscated' absent due process and just compensation pursuant to the 5th Amendment; and due process would be required for each of the 300,000,000 guns in the United States, each and every firearm, not collections or the like, any idea how long that would take, and how much it would cost; and that's assuming guns can be located, in order for firearms to be 'confiscated' a search warranted must first be issued pursuant the 4th Amendment.

Last, any law or measure 'authorizing confiscation' would be stuck down as un-Constitutional, pursuant to the Second Amendment, whose jurisprudence holds that citizens have the individual right to possess a firearm for lawful self-defense.

It's difficult to determine if most on the right are indeed ignorant of the law or know the law but are willfully ignorant in an effort to contrive and propagate ridiculous lies such as 'confiscation.'
It was once thought "ridiculous" that pot, herione, and cocaine would be illegal, and attempts would be made to confiscate them. It was once thought "ridiculous" that abortion would be made legal. It was once thought "ridiculous" that women would be "allowed" to vote. And yet all of these have happened.

So, don't tell me that is "ridiculous" that attempts would be made to confiscate all guns. It will be a Progressive effort, in small "logical" steps that could take generations. If you really beleive that the ultimate goal of "gun-control" is something other than confiscation, you really need to think about why the argument is framed, and titled, the way it is.

The ONLY way to control guns is to possess ALL of them.

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