For those in the path of Hurricane Michael


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
My thoughts and prayers are with you. If you haven't evacuated yet, I beg of you, get the hell out of there. As I write, the storm is a Category 4, with a slight chance of becoming Category 5 before landfall. There is no time to be foolish and have a hurricane party, this thing will kill you if you stay. I know I have a lot of political qualms with some of you, but I don't want to see you be a statistic. Go. Now. You can make fat jokes about me later.

Get your head in the game.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. If you haven't evacuated yet, I beg of you, get the hell out of there. As I write, the storm is a Category 4, with a slight chance of becoming Category 5 before landfall. There is no time to be foolish and have a hurricane party, this thing will kill you if you stay. I know I have a lot of political qualms with some of you, but I don't want to see you be a statistic. Go. Now. You can make fat jokes about me later.

Get your head in the game.


Oh my goodness...

I am not in hurricane country but I am a lifelong weather geek. I followed Florence updates faithfully and then watched it rather fizzle out. I know there was some flooding but not at all what "they" predicted. I have watched this happen over and over. So when I saw Michael coming I thought, sure, another one that will just die out with more Media Hyperventilating....

But this looks like the real deal.

And this is the danger of Media Hyperventilating, isn't it?
My thoughts and prayers are with you. If you haven't evacuated yet, I beg of you, get the hell out of there. As I write, the storm is a Category 4, with a slight chance of becoming Category 5 before landfall. There is no time to be foolish and have a hurricane party, this thing will kill you if you stay. I know I have a lot of political qualms with some of you, but I don't want to see you be a statistic. Go. Now. You can make fat jokes about me later.

Get your head in the game.


Oh my goodness...

I am not in hurricane country but I am a lifelong weather geek. I followed Florence updates faithfully and then watched it rather fizzle out. I know there was some flooding but not at all what "they" predicted. I have watched this happen over and over. So when I saw Michael coming I thought, sure, another one that will just die out with more Media Hyperventilating....

But this looks like the real deal.

And this is the danger of Media Hyperventilating, isn't it?

Treat EVERY Hurricane as if it is going to be the "real deal". If one gets away with just a bad one then thank your lucky stars. But the next one could be the REAL it now seems to be. Thoughts and prayers...and never be complacent around a Hurricane( or in our case a cyclone).

It's already a done deal at this point. Aw crap! Looks like getting bands from it this AM. :(
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My thoughts and prayers are with you. If you haven't evacuated yet, I beg of you, get the hell out of there. As I write, the storm is a Category 4, with a slight chance of becoming Category 5 before landfall. There is no time to be foolish and have a hurricane party, this thing will kill you if you stay. I know I have a lot of political qualms with some of you, but I don't want to see you be a statistic. Go. Now. You can make fat jokes about me later.

Get your head in the game.


Oh my goodness...

I am not in hurricane country but I am a lifelong weather geek. I followed Florence updates faithfully and then watched it rather fizzle out. I know there was some flooding but not at all what "they" predicted. I have watched this happen over and over. So when I saw Michael coming I thought, sure, another one that will just die out with more Media Hyperventilating....

But this looks like the real deal.

And this is the danger of Media Hyperventilating, isn't it?

Treat EVERY Hurricane as if it is going to be the "real deal". If one gets away with just a bad one then thank your lucky stars. But the next one could be the REAL it now seems to be. Thoughts and prayers...and never be complacent around a Hurricane( or in our case a cyclone).


We have snow here. Starting in about a month and lasting til long about...April. And snow. And maybe more snow, depending on the year. But hurricanes? Nope.

Yes indeed, prayers for those in the path. This looks awful. :(
We left Port St Joe on Monday around 10AM. The lines at the gas stations reminded me of the 1970s. There may be a few idiots staying. But most of what I saw was people evacuating. I hope our favorite Florida campground is still there next year.
We left Port St Joe on Monday around 10AM. The lines at the gas stations reminded me of the 1970s. There may be a few idiots staying. But most of what I saw was people evacuating. I hope our favorite Florida campground is still there next year.

That would definitely not be a place to be. They'll be feeling it there.
We left Port St Joe on Monday around 10AM. The lines at the gas stations reminded me of the 1970s. There may be a few idiots staying. But most of what I saw was people evacuating. I hope our favorite Florida campground is still there next year.

That would definitely not be a place to be. They'll be feeling it there.

Yes they are.

I hope everyone gets out. But I can also see how it could be tough to evacuate. If you are living week to week, paycheck to paycheck, its hard to load everything in a questionable car and head out without having somewhere to go. Add up the cost of gas, hotels, food, finding someplace that will accommodate pets, ect ect, and you have a chunk of money that some folks can't spare. Coastal towns can have a LOT of people in that range.
My daughter and grandkids live in Pensacola right next to the Gulf.

Pensacola looks like it will be on the left side edge of the hurricane.

She and the other relatives are going to decide later this morning whether to drive to a shelter or ride it out at home. .... :cool:
Yes she will likely be okay.
Been there, done that. .... :cool:

We were living in Pensacola when it took a direct hit from category 3 hurricane Ivan in 2004

Spent the night at a shelter and left in the morning. So many large trees were blown down and lying on the streets, that it took an hour to drive the 3 miles back home. Everyone had to drive thru people"s yards to make it home.

Our house suffered no damage, but around 40,000 homes lost their roofs.

20+ people lost their lives.

We were extremely lucky and got power and water back in three days. (many people went for weeks without power) All the stores remained closed and we ran out of food after a week. Drove to a FEMA distribution station and was given cases of military MRE's for food and bottled water.

Got low on gas for my car after about a week, and found the National Guard had set up a large generator at the WalMart to pump gas. I waited in a long, long line, for 6 hours and finally was able to fill up my car.

Took about two weeks before the stores started to reopen and things sort of returned to normal.
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My thoughts and prayers are with you. If you haven't evacuated yet, I beg of you, get the hell out of there. As I write, the storm is a Category 4, with a slight chance of becoming Category 5 before landfall. There is no time to be foolish and have a hurricane party, this thing will kill you if you stay. I know I have a lot of political qualms with some of you, but I don't want to see you be a statistic. Go. Now. You can make fat jokes about me later.

Get your head in the game.


Got some family down around Lakeland. They'll never budge, even if Poseidon himself unleashed the Kraken on the Florida Gulf coast.

c’est la vie

My area slammed by it. one point we were getting over 3 inches of rain per hour. had flash flood come through my property right up to edge of house. lost a patio under construction but house fine. power been out over a day with no restoration in sight. roads washed out. trees down. a few people drownef in flooding.

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