For the Men! How "typically" female would you be if you had a sex change?

Come on now guy's, don't all of you be wusses this has been up since 4:45am, one of you can take it. It's not that bad! :teeth:
I took a score of 20. Says I would NOT do well as a woman, even if I looked like one.

I could have told you all that without taking the test!
Your score = 70

What does your score mean?
You must have been a dame in a past life, because you'd fit in perfectly with the female species. You have a lot of the attitudes and behavioral patterns of a "typical" female...with a pretty dress and a few anatomical changes you'd be right at home with the beauty parlor crowd. Perhaps you are extremely open-minded and can simply understand the female slant on life, or you've got a deeper level of sensitivity that most men. Whatever the case, you'd make a lovely lady!

What does your score mean?

You'd stick out like a sore thumb if you tried to blend into a room of women, breasts or not! Even if you physically looked like a female on the outside, you'd never be able to walk the walk or talk the talk with any amount of ease. You're simply a guy through and through, and a pair of high heels isn't going to change that. Where you are now is where you belong - in a macho world.

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