? For Liberals


Big D

Questions, questions, and still more questions. Where those on the left of the political spectrum are concerned there are plenty pf puzzling questions begging to be asked. There is much hypocrisy from Liberals on just about every controversial issue. Abortion, taxes, racism, sexism, fairness, compassion, the environment, you name it and Liberals hold a questionable view on it.

For instance Liberal say they want to lower crime and make the streets safer. Yet they oppose concealed carry laws which have lowered violent crime in every state they have been enacted in. Liberals also are continuously warning Americans not to have guns in their homes, yet hundreds of thousands of us use our guns to stop crimes every year. So why do those on the left continue to preach against guns? Do they really want crime reduced?

Liberals also oppose racism, sexism, thisism, thatism, and every ism ever known to man. Yet they fully support affirmative action, which awards people for being of a certain color, or gender, while penalizing members of other races or genders. Why is this?

Further these self-appointed discrimination fighters seem to love hate crime laws. These laws of course punish some criminals more harshly than others based on their skin color and the skin color of their victims. If we are to be a truly color blind society then why are Liberals supporting laws which accentuate the differences in skin color?

Still further why do those on the left insist on labeling everyone? Asian American, African-American, Jewish-American, This-American, That-American. Good grief why are these stupid labels necessary? And how are they supposed to bring us together when all they do is focus on our outer differences?

Then of course there is fairness. Liberals can not seem to talk for more than two minutes without the word fair popping up. Apparently Liberals really want everything to be fair. But their version of what is and is not fair seems to be a bit skewed to many people.

Certainly fairness in taxation amounts to soaking the taxpayer depending on how much they earn. Liberals oppose all tax codes, which would truly be fair. Flat taxes, where everyone pays the same rate? Liberals do not like those. Consumption taxes, where again everyone is taxed in a balanced fashion? Liberals dislike that system as well.

In fact, the only “fair” tax code to liberals appears to be one which punishes success, and takes way too much of Americans hard earned money and places it in the hands of government.

There are so many oddities where the ideological positions of the left are concerned. They say they love children, everything they do is for the children, yet they support abortion on demand, which murders over a million innocent unborn children every year. Why? Are those still in the womb less than human?

Tolerance, inclusion, sensitivity, are all words used repeatedly by Liberals to express their desire to never, ever, hurt anyone’s feelings. Yet they seem to hold no concern for the feelings of most Americans.

For those who are hurt by moronic zero-tolerance policies in our schools there is no pity from the left. For millions of Southerners there is no sensitivity when their beloved Confederate flag is trashed, banned, and taken away. For Christian children desiring to pray in school there is certainly no compassion.

So where is all this tolerance? Where is the sensitivity? Why do only certain seem worthy of these emotions to Liberals? Why even ask these questions? No Liberal will ever step forward and provide any reasoned answer to them.

In fact none of the questions asked here has ever been, nor ever will be answered by any Liberal. These questions can not be answered because to do so honestly would destroy the lie, which is American Liberalism.

There are a few other questions which most of us have or at least wanted to ask about Liberals. In closing I will pose them for all to consider.

Why are feminists and civil rights leaders always so angry? They always have the same scowl on their faces when being interviewed on TV. They look like they just lost a lot of money betting on a horse race. Why the anger?

Why can a Liberal never answer a direct question with a direct answer? Ask them if they support outlawing gun ownership and they go off on a tangent about Wild West shootouts. Ask a liberal to refute medical information showing the unborn are living humans and their eyes glaze over. They start foaming at the mouth and begin cursing you, and ranting about enslaving women, and fetuses invading women’s bodies. Do they really believe this hyperbole?

Of course these are questions which will never get an answer because the left makes no sense. But it can be fun to pose these queries to a Liberal just to watch them squirm.
your entire post was a waste of time, as I've proven time and again that I can, have, and will continue to give you direct answers to questions you ask. It's not my fault you don't like the answers
Originally posted by Big D
Questions, questions, and still more questions. Where those on the left of the political spectrum are concerned there are plenty pf puzzling questions begging to be asked. There is much hypocrisy from Liberals on just about every controversial issue. Abortion, taxes, racism, sexism, fairness, compassion, the environment, you name it and Liberals hold a questionable view on it.

For instance Liberal say they want to lower crime and make the streets safer. Yet they oppose concealed carry laws which have lowered violent crime in every state they have been enacted in. Liberals also are continuously warning Americans not to have guns in their homes, yet hundreds of thousands of us use our guns to stop crimes every year. So why do those on the left continue to preach against guns? Do they really want crime reduced?

Liberals also oppose racism, sexism, thisism, thatism, and every ism ever known to man. Yet they fully support affirmative action, which awards people for being of a certain color, or gender, while penalizing members of other races or genders. Why is this?

Further these self-appointed discrimination fighters seem to love hate crime laws. These laws of course punish some criminals more harshly than others based on their skin color and the skin color of their victims. If we are to be a truly color blind society then why are Liberals supporting laws which accentuate the differences in skin color?

Still further why do those on the left insist on labeling everyone? Asian American, African-American, Jewish-American, This-American, That-American. Good grief why are these stupid labels necessary? And how are they supposed to bring us together when all they do is focus on our outer differences?

Then of course there is fairness. Liberals can not seem to talk for more than two minutes without the word fair popping up. Apparently Liberals really want everything to be fair. But their version of what is and is not fair seems to be a bit skewed to many people.

Certainly fairness in taxation amounts to soaking the taxpayer depending on how much they earn. Liberals oppose all tax codes, which would truly be fair. Flat taxes, where everyone pays the same rate? Liberals do not like those. Consumption taxes, where again everyone is taxed in a balanced fashion? Liberals dislike that system as well.

In fact, the only “fair” tax code to liberals appears to be one which punishes success, and takes way too much of Americans hard earned money and places it in the hands of government.

There are so many oddities where the ideological positions of the left are concerned. They say they love children, everything they do is for the children, yet they support abortion on demand, which murders over a million innocent unborn children every year. Why? Are those still in the womb less than human?

Tolerance, inclusion, sensitivity, are all words used repeatedly by Liberals to express their desire to never, ever, hurt anyone’s feelings. Yet they seem to hold no concern for the feelings of most Americans.

For those who are hurt by moronic zero-tolerance policies in our schools there is no pity from the left. For millions of Southerners there is no sensitivity when their beloved Confederate flag is trashed, banned, and taken away. For Christian children desiring to pray in school there is certainly no compassion.

So where is all this tolerance? Where is the sensitivity? Why do only certain seem worthy of these emotions to Liberals? Why even ask these questions? No Liberal will ever step forward and provide any reasoned answer to them.

In fact none of the questions asked here has ever been, nor ever will be answered by any Liberal. These questions can not be answered because to do so honestly would destroy the lie, which is American Liberalism.

There are a few other questions which most of us have or at least wanted to ask about Liberals. In closing I will pose them for all to consider.

Why are feminists and civil rights leaders always so angry? They always have the same scowl on their faces when being interviewed on TV. They look like they just lost a lot of money betting on a horse race. Why the anger?

Why can a Liberal never answer a direct question with a direct answer? Ask them if they support outlawing gun ownership and they go off on a tangent about Wild West shootouts. Ask a liberal to refute medical information showing the unborn are living humans and their eyes glaze over. They start foaming at the mouth and begin cursing you, and ranting about enslaving women, and fetuses invading women’s bodies. Do they really believe this hyperbole?

Of course these are questions which will never get an answer because the left makes no sense. But it can be fun to pose these queries to a Liberal just to watch them squirm.

Where's the link? We all know you didn't write this because there are no spelling errors.
great post, big d.

Liberals are going down hard. And all they do STILL is just sit around and feel superior to everyone else.

All their fairness talk, they sound like whiny children.

"That's not fair bobby got recess early cuz his work was done."

Blithering fools.
Originally posted by OCA
Big D is as much a conservative as Ronald Reagan was a communist.

Hey don't get pissy just cuz YOU advocate racial discrimination.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
your entire post was a waste of time, as I've proven time and again that I can, have, and will continue to give you direct answers to questions you ask. It's not my fault you don't like the answers

hey DK,
Forget aobut answering Big D. You can answer them to me. I'll listen then we can debate. Sound Fun?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
ask away then.

okay, i'm just going to referr and paraphrase what Big D asked.

1)Studies have shown more guns in the hands of responsible citizens equal less crime, (read "More Guns, Less Crime" by john lott for all the evidence. Why does the left "preach against guns" when studies have shown they actually reduce crime and this make society safer? While counter intuitive, it's hard to argue against the data.

2) Why does the left want to end racism, sexism but endorses laws (affirmative action, hate crime laws) that inherently treat them different?

3) Why does the left preach equal treatment of all, but demand that the rich pay the most taxes?

4) this one may be tougher but, "why can't the left answer a direct question with a direct answer? If you've ever watched O'reiley factor you have seen this in action.

Finally, i am paraphrasing Big D's questions here, If they don't apply to you, you can just say so.
1) This leftist likes his guns. I want more. The extremists want gun control because they are under the mistaken belief that we can be like japan and not worry about violence with weapons.

2) This leftist believes that AA had its uses a while ago and is not needed anymore while hate crimes are SUPPOSED to have the same type of incentive that the death penaly would in giving pause to certain crimes committed by people, neither which are effective.

3) Because the wealthy (corporate and otherwise) buy tax legislation that gives them loopholes and tax breaks that end up with 60% of corporations not paying any taxes, as evidenced by an earlier report by the GAO.

4) I only watch O' reilly on a limited basis but the only reason I can see that his leftist guests can't answer any questions at all is because if O'reilly doesn't like the answers being given then he has to shout them down by telling them that they are wrong.
Well now I'm befudled cause I call myself a rightist and you call yourself a leftist yet we agree on almost all of those. So either you're not as left as people make you out to be or think you or I'm................becoming ..................a liberal................NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo!

on the tax one, in an ideal world where rich people are rich cause they worked hard i believe it is wrong to take money from those who earned and give it to those that did not. Again, ideally. I am fully aware that there are tax cheats. One good book I read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," says that rich peole find loopholes in the tax system simply because they understand money better than poor people. He believes, and i would agree that most americans suffer from an extreme lack of financial literacy.

Though i agree with him most of the time i am not a fan of O'reilly's interview style.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth

2) This leftist believes that AA had its uses a while ago and is not needed anymore while hate crimes are SUPPOSED to have the same type of incentive that the death penaly would in giving pause to certain crimes committed by people, neither which are effective.
Liberal's are crying for affirmative action now more then ever, and it was never a good idea.

90% of "hate" crimes are blacks attacking whites.
Originally posted by Big D
90% of "hate" crimes are blacks attacking whites.

which should be pursued with as much fervor as they give other hate crimes. I bad mouth laura miller everytime its not done in dallas. she's probably tired of my emails by now.

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