For Gingrich, times have changed...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
After Gingrich's arrogant display of righteous indignation and sanctimony over the John King question at the debate about his adultery,

I think a quick reminder of what the old Gingrich used to think about such 'private' matters, especially as they related to politics:

October 30, 1998

Gingrich Orchestrated GOP Ads Recalling Clinton-Lewinsky Affair

The GOP's multimillion dollar ad campaign invoking President Clinton's relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky was devised by House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and tested before more than three dozen groups of likely voters before Republicans unleashed the assault, party sources said yesterday.

In reviving the presidential sex scandal just one week before Election Day, Gingrich and his chief strategists aimed to energize their most loyal supporters, whose enthusiasm appeared to be waning after House conservatives lost the budget fight and the Clinton scandal fell off the front pages....

"We tested and tested and honed and honed until we got to the point we felt our base understood the message we were trying to get to them," said Rich Galen, an informal adviser to Gingrich.

In April, Gingrich told supporters, "I will never again, as long as I am speaker, make a speech without commenting on this topic," referring to the presidential scandal....

...the party had hoped the harshest anti-Clinton ads would slip under the national news media's radar and only reach conservative voters in the South....

And on and on and on.

I guess that shoe is really uncomfortable on the other foot, isn't it Newt? Special Report: Clinton Accused
who wants a first lady that slept with a married man in his marital bed and thought it was fine and wanted to SHARE Newt with his current wife to retain her "man".
After Gingrich's arrogant display of righteous indignation and sanctimony over the John King question at the debate about his adultery,

I think a quick reminder of what the old Gingrich used to think about such 'private' matters, especially as they related to politics:

October 30, 1998

Gingrich Orchestrated GOP Ads Recalling Clinton-Lewinsky Affair

The GOP's multimillion dollar ad campaign invoking President Clinton's relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky was devised by House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and tested before more than three dozen groups of likely voters before Republicans unleashed the assault, party sources said yesterday.

In reviving the presidential sex scandal just one week before Election Day, Gingrich and his chief strategists aimed to energize their most loyal supporters, whose enthusiasm appeared to be waning after House conservatives lost the budget fight and the Clinton scandal fell off the front pages....

"We tested and tested and honed and honed until we got to the point we felt our base understood the message we were trying to get to them," said Rich Galen, an informal adviser to Gingrich.

In April, Gingrich told supporters, "I will never again, as long as I am speaker, make a speech without commenting on this topic," referring to the presidential scandal....

...the party had hoped the harshest anti-Clinton ads would slip under the national news media's radar and only reach conservative voters in the South....

And on and on and on.

I guess that shoe is really uncomfortable on the other foot, isn't it Newt? Special Report: Clinton Accused

is it any different than him leading the campaign against clinton while bonnking calista?
Newt is about as shamelessly hypocritical as they come.
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After Gingrich's arrogant display of righteous indignation and sanctimony over the John King question at the debate about his adultery,

I think a quick reminder of what the old Gingrich used to think about such 'private' matters, especially as they related to politics:

October 30, 1998

Gingrich Orchestrated GOP Ads Recalling Clinton-Lewinsky Affair

The GOP's multimillion dollar ad campaign invoking President Clinton's relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky was devised by House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and tested before more than three dozen groups of likely voters before Republicans unleashed the assault, party sources said yesterday.

In reviving the presidential sex scandal just one week before Election Day, Gingrich and his chief strategists aimed to energize their most loyal supporters, whose enthusiasm appeared to be waning after House conservatives lost the budget fight and the Clinton scandal fell off the front pages....

"We tested and tested and honed and honed until we got to the point we felt our base understood the message we were trying to get to them," said Rich Galen, an informal adviser to Gingrich.

In April, Gingrich told supporters, "I will never again, as long as I am speaker, make a speech without commenting on this topic," referring to the presidential scandal....

...the party had hoped the harshest anti-Clinton ads would slip under the national news media's radar and only reach conservative voters in the South....

And on and on and on.

I guess that shoe is really uncomfortable on the other foot, isn't it Newt? Special Report: Clinton Accused

is it any different than him leading the campaign against clinton while bonnking calista?

“It doesn’t matter what I do. People need to hear what I have to say. There’s no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn’t matter what I live.”

~Newt Gingrich, saying we should do as he says, regardless of what he actually does
I love how Newt claims people should drop out of the race and then tells us who is not in touch with main stream Republicans, then offers himself as the great conservative we have all been looking for... This of course is still being said by Newt even after he won a whopping 10% of the vote in NH and Iowa and came in near dead last in both primaries.

Newt would only make himself and the Republican party look like fools in a debate with Obama... The only reason Newt is good at debates now is because he insualts Obama, is he going to be a fucking asshole on stage for hours to Obama? How do you think that will play with the country?
Notice that you didn't post what the ad actually said. Perhaps that's because it talks about Clinton committing perjury and obstruction of justice, rather than focusing on his sexual activities.

You can always count on a libturd to attempt to distract people from the actual issue - to lie, in other words.

After Gingrich's arrogant display of righteous indignation and sanctimony over the John King question at the debate about his adultery,

I think a quick reminder of what the old Gingrich used to think about such 'private' matters, especially as they related to politics:

October 30, 1998

Gingrich Orchestrated GOP Ads Recalling Clinton-Lewinsky Affair

The GOP's multimillion dollar ad campaign invoking President Clinton's relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky was devised by House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and tested before more than three dozen groups of likely voters before Republicans unleashed the assault, party sources said yesterday.

In reviving the presidential sex scandal just one week before Election Day, Gingrich and his chief strategists aimed to energize their most loyal supporters, whose enthusiasm appeared to be waning after House conservatives lost the budget fight and the Clinton scandal fell off the front pages....

"We tested and tested and honed and honed until we got to the point we felt our base understood the message we were trying to get to them," said Rich Galen, an informal adviser to Gingrich.

In April, Gingrich told supporters, "I will never again, as long as I am speaker, make a speech without commenting on this topic," referring to the presidential scandal....

...the party had hoped the harshest anti-Clinton ads would slip under the national news media's radar and only reach conservative voters in the South....

And on and on and on.

I guess that shoe is really uncomfortable on the other foot, isn't it Newt? Special Report: Clinton Accused
I got a huge kick out of the audience going wild over Newt's response.

What a bunch of dim witted dupes.
who wants a first lady that slept with a married man in his marital bed and thought it was fine and wanted to SHARE Newt with his current wife to retain her "man".

Much better to have a First Lady who doesn't mind her husband getting hummers from a subordinate in the Oval Office, eh?
who wants a first lady that slept with a married man in his marital bed and thought it was fine and wanted to SHARE Newt with his current wife to retain her "man".

Much better to have a First Lady who doesn't mind her husband getting hummers from a subordinate in the Oval Office, eh?

I love watching you sell your values off. That is, if you had them in the first place.
The party of family values and personal responsibility indeed.

I'd prefer the party of balancing the budget and paying off our national debt, as well as getting the economy/job creation back on track.

Don't think anyone is worried about "family values" other than being able to afford basic living costs. Something Obama has failed miserably at.
Notice that you didn't post what the ad actually said. Perhaps that's because it talks about Clinton committing perjury and obstruction of justice, rather than focusing on his sexual activities.

You can always count on a libturd to attempt to distract people from the actual issue - to lie, in other words.


1. You're an idiot.

2. I linked to the entire article and you accuse me of lying about the article?

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