for California Girl


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
hey CG, I tried to respond to your note but couldn't so here goes:

thanks so much for answering CG.... I think the DP with JP changed some time in the 80's....and the reason the Church vehemently became against it was because the DP process was sending TOO MANY innocent people to death row....and saving one innocent person from being murdered by the State was more important to stop, than killing those that were guilty and already imprisoned.... The guilty are not out free and can not harm others. The state murdering someone who is innocent is NOT acceptable by the CC....thus they are very much against the death penalty! They believe it should be reserved for ONLY the worst of the worst killers like mass murderers, where no mistake can be made, like Bundy, and Dahmer....and since our gvt does administer it towards people that are not guilty, even if by accident, they are against it.

Birth control is considered a venial sin, not a mortal sin....if it were a mortal sin, then 90% of Catholic women and their husbands who participated in the BC position would be destined to hell.... The church's position has been seeing the taking of BC as a venial sin from day 1 of its availability as far as I know....? Bearing False witness, Adultery, coveting what your friends have are all mortal sins, not just killing....any breaking of the 10 commandments are mortal sins.

Taking BC is NOT even close to the sin of abortion. :eek:

MOST ALL married women from the CC and all Faiths have taken BC pills or used other forms of BC before having their children, and after having the children they as a family, believe they can handle....The CC does not excommunicate them....nor does it even preach on the subject in Mass...

Abortion is forgiven, with Confession and sorrow, there is no excommunication for it by the CC.

John Paul wrote a really long dissertation on the DP if memory serves? I miss him. I truly loved him.

sorry for taking so long to answer you back! my life is really crazy now!!!!

hey CG, I tried to respond to your note but couldn't so here goes:

thanks so much for answering CG.... I think the DP with JP changed some time in the 80's....and the reason the Church vehemently became against it was because the DP process was sending TOO MANY innocent people to death row....and saving one innocent person from being murdered by the State was more important to stop, than killing those that were guilty and already imprisoned.... The guilty are not out free and can not harm others. The state murdering someone who is innocent is NOT acceptable by the CC....thus they are very much against the death penalty! They believe it should be reserved for ONLY the worst of the worst killers like mass murderers, where no mistake can be made, like Bundy, and Dahmer....and since our gvt does administer it towards people that are not guilty, even if by accident, they are against it.

Birth control is considered a venial sin, not a mortal sin....if it were a mortal sin, then 90% of Catholic women and their husbands who participated in the BC position would be destined to hell.... The church's position has been seeing the taking of BC as a venial sin from day 1 of its availability as far as I know....? Bearing False witness, Adultery, coveting what your friends have are all mortal sins, not just killing....any breaking of the 10 commandments are mortal sins.

Taking BC is NOT even close to the sin of abortion. :eek:

MOST ALL married women from the CC and all Faiths have taken BC pills or used other forms of BC before having their children, and after having the children they as a family, believe they can handle....The CC does not excommunicate them....nor does it even preach on the subject in Mass...

Abortion is forgiven, with Confession and sorrow, there is no excommunication for it by the CC.

John Paul wrote a really long dissertation on the DP if memory serves? I miss him. I truly loved him.

sorry for taking so long to answer you back! my life is really crazy now!!!!


Personally, I agree with you on the DP. I have issues with the way it is implemented - not the concept of it. As you say, it should be reserved for the most heinous of heinous crimes. I support it for those who murder children - and certainly for those who murder those who dedicate their lives to 'protect and serve' our society... our law enforcement. We owe it to those men and women to serve the ultimate justice for that crime.

JP did indeed write a very good piece on the DP.... and, like you, I miss that man. He was a great Pope.

One doesn't necessarily go to Hell for a mortal sin. All sins can be forgiven, depending on whether one seeks forgiveness. Personally, I'm just not convinced that God is gonna send any woman to hell (purgatory maybe, but hell? Nah)... for birth control. Abortion, on the other hand... that is, to Catholics, the equivalent of pre-mediated murder. Even that can be forgiven.... if one genuinely seeks forgiveness.
I think God judges fairly, only He knows what is in a person's heart and soul...I don't believe for a nano second that these women taking BC pills to manage their family size believe they are killing a human being or potential human being....they are not taking the Pill with any sort of malice towards another human being....thus the church's somewhat silent stand on it for decades now.
I think God judges fairly, only He knows what is in a person's heart and soul...I don't believe for a nano second that these women taking BC pills to manage their family size believe they are killing a human being or potential human being....they are not taking the Pill with any sort of malice towards another human being....thus the church's somewhat silent stand on it for decades now.

I agree. I think bc is a choice that individuals make, and Catholics can and do seek forgiveness for it... and it is for God to judge them, not anyone else. Most Catholic females understand the difference between their personal choices and Church Doctrine. Now, what I see as a problem for Obama is that they will understand the religious liberty aspect of Obama's fight with the Church. It is not that they are against bc, but they are likely to support the Church's stance.... even if they are personally using bc. It's not rocket science.

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