For Afghans, Two Outrages, Two Different Reactions


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
After U.S. troops inadvertently burned Qurans in Afghanistan last month, Afghans staged nationwide riots that left 40 dead and hundreds injured in unrest that lasted days.

In the days since 16 Afghan civilians were shot dead on Sunday, apparently by a lone U.S. soldier, the Afghan reaction has been relatively restrained so far.

Why such different responses? It can seem especially confounding to Americans, who consider the shooting a far graver offense than the Quran burnings.

Could it be that decades of war have simply made the Afghans numb to death and they regard the burning of the Koran a far greater outrage?

For Afghans, Two Outrages, Two Different Reactions : NPR
could be but then getting into their heads is kinda scary,they have no problem chopping of heads,hands and treating their women like dirt killing is a way of life for many over there.
How about same outrage, different reactions?

A bunch of Taliban human debris write on the pages of Qur'ans (i.e desecrate the book) in order to pass messages...Not a peep.

Said desecrated books get destroyed by incineration and all hell breaks loose.

Not even liberoidals could be so dense to let that one go by the boards...Or could they be?
In one of the first battles of WWI, over 20,000 died. In WWII, we were accustomed seeing death tolls of a thousand or more in a day, so a few hundred deaths was considered a good day. We simply became desensitized to death. I think this is what's happened in Afghanistan. Killing people is so common it's really not news. Now burning the Koran is.
Uh, note Karzai's DEMANDS and demonstrations yesterday. Also, await a response to Obama saying "NO".
Uh, note Karzai's DEMANDS and demonstrations yesterday. Also, await a response to Obama saying "NO".
If you are referring to Obama saying no sudden change to withdrawal plans, I don't see how that will make any difference.

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