Fools will just throw it away.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The United States can never be defeated from the outside. This poses a problem for the New world Order that many workers became aware of 25 or 30 years ago shortly after NAFTA went into effect and they began losing promised company pensions and affordable health insurance. American industry cut political deals to throw American workers under the bus so they could exploit foreign workers that not only don’t get pensions and health insurance they are subjected to environmental contamination that is illegal in the US.

US industry financed this deal with the Devil on the backs of US citizens while American elites get great pensions and health packages that surpass the wildest dreams of average workers that are stuck with the scam of the laughably named Affordable Care Act. Why would the US do this? It’s not the people it’s the leadership which is why Donald Trump was elected.

Once the turncoat US leadership realized that the people were onto them they had to intensify their efforts to destroy American Exceptionalism so they brokered deals with neighboring Mexico to move populations from third world rat holes and implant them into the US to destroy it from the inside out.

Only the clinically gullible cannot figure out that once eradicated diseases like Smallpox, Measles, Mumps, Tuberculosis, Polio and the Plague along with new killers like Ebola are being dispersed into the US as illegal immigrants are lured by elites to crash our borders. When American population centers are infested with exploding cases of pandemics the government will declare martial law and suspend all freedoms and liberties. This is likely the final solution to take out Trump-it’s coming; or perhaps you think all these infectious microorganisms are just going to bow to the magnificence of global ideology?

The US is the last obstacle to a world government and no means are going to be spared for the end of taking it out with the blessing of its corrupted elitist leadership in league with a planetary effort to crush America and everything it ever stood for.

Why do you think Trump got elected? His flaws notwithstanding, he represents the only coherent defense of our heritage, history and right to remain free from authoritarian, repressive European style central planning.

Americans realize the importance of staying a sovereign nation with borders protecting us. Fools will just throw it away.
Nobody can invade us, nobody can challenge our sovereignty

You are being a Drama Queen

Can't the Chinese buy us out from the inside?
Seems like people are too busy investing millions if not billions on candidates running for office,
instead of investing that money in LOCAL OWNERSHIP to promote production, jobs,
and training in financial management.

Even Obama had to block foreign investors from buying out too much control.
What is being done to educate and invest in
local ownership so America doesn't get bought out by hungry investors?

The Chinese even use the EB5 investor programs
to buy their way into citizenship.

While masses of Americans are not taught how to invest in their own growth,
but are lobbied for donations to pay candidates to promise the more ways
to stay overreliant on govt. Instead of investing that money in sustaining their own independence.
Nobody can invade us, nobody can challenge our sovereignty

You are being a Drama Queen

Can't the Chinese buy us out from the inside?
Seems like people are too busy investing millions if not billions on candidates running for office,
instead of investing that money in LOCAL OWNERSHIP to promote production, jobs,
and training in financial management.

Even Obama had to block foreign investors from buying out too much control.
What is being done to educate and invest in
local ownership so America doesn't get bought out by hungry investors?

The Chinese even use the EB5 investor programs
to buy their way into citizenship.

While masses of Americans are not taught how to invest in their own growth,
but are lobbied for donations to pay candidates to promise the more ways
to stay overreliant on govt. Instead of investing that money in sustaining their own independence.
We are wealthier than China
The United States can never be defeated from the outside.
Economically, we're toast....

Why would the US do this?
because the elites want it that way

so they brokered deals with neighboring Mexico to move populations from third world rat holes and implant them into the US to destroy it from the inside out.

and still inviting them in to do so LEGALLY

When American population centers are infested with exploding cases of pandemics the government will declare martial law and suspend all freedoms and liberties.

Google N.I.M.S. , and get ed-jo-cated

The US is the last obstacle to a world government and no means are going to be spared for the end of taking it out with the blessing of its corrupted elitist leadership in league with a planetary effort to crush America and everything it ever stood for.

The US leads the world in "corrupted elitist leadership"

Why do you think Trump got elected?

because he appeals to the simple minded fools in this nation

Americans realize the importance of staying a sovereign nation with borders protecting us

Globalism and Globalists are laughing all the way to the bank Ray

The United States can never be defeated from the outside. This poses a problem for the New world Order that many workers became aware of 25 or 30 years ago shortly after NAFTA went into effect and they began losing promised company pensions and affordable health insurance. American industry cut political deals to throw American workers under the bus so they could exploit foreign workers that not only don’t get pensions and health insurance they are subjected to environmental contamination that is illegal in the US.

US industry financed this deal with the Devil on the backs of US citizens while American elites get great pensions and health packages that surpass the wildest dreams of average workers that are stuck with the scam of the laughably named Affordable Care Act. Why would the US do this? It’s not the people it’s the leadership which is why Donald Trump was elected.

Once the turncoat US leadership realized that the people were onto them they had to intensify their efforts to destroy American Exceptionalism so they brokered deals with neighboring Mexico to move populations from third world rat holes and implant them into the US to destroy it from the inside out.

Only the clinically gullible cannot figure out that once eradicated diseases like Smallpox, Measles, Mumps, Tuberculosis, Polio and the Plague along with new killers like Ebola are being dispersed into the US as illegal immigrants are lured by elites to crash our borders. When American population centers are infested with exploding cases of pandemics the government will declare martial law and suspend all freedoms and liberties. This is likely the final solution to take out Trump-it’s coming; or perhaps you think all these infectious microorganisms are just going to bow to the magnificence of global ideology?

The US is the last obstacle to a world government and no means are going to be spared for the end of taking it out with the blessing of its corrupted elitist leadership in league with a planetary effort to crush America and everything it ever stood for.

Why do you think Trump got elected? His flaws notwithstanding, he represents the only coherent defense of our heritage, history and right to remain free from authoritarian, repressive European style central planning.

Americans realize the importance of staying a sovereign nation with borders protecting us. Fools will just throw it away.

You threw it all away when you elected Trump. Trump hates America because he's a failure and it's the fault of the bankers who wouldn't lend to him after he lost billions of dollars of his father's money, and then the bank's money.

He's in league with Russia to destroy all of the trade deals that made America rich. And you're buying into his lies and conspiracy theories.

Your quarrel isn't with the government, it's with Big Business which controls government. It's with mega-multinational corporations who have seized control over government since Reagan gutted the anti-trust legislation and allowed these economic behemoths to accumulate wealth and power, and a Conservative Supreme Court gifted the nation with the disastrous Citizens' United decision, which further enhanced corporate power and control.
The price of globalization, curtesy of Papa Bush, Clinton, Baby Bush, Obiwon, and liberal mindset of the swamp. As a result only the rich get richer and consumers get their cheap prices. Regardless America’s anti business attitude coupled with today’s red tape, and former tax policy, had a price we are paying for today.
The United States can never be defeated from the outside. This poses a problem for the New world Order that many workers became aware of 25 or 30 years ago shortly after NAFTA went into effect and they began losing promised company pensions and affordable health insurance. American industry cut political deals to throw American workers under the bus so they could exploit foreign workers that not only don’t get pensions and health insurance they are subjected to environmental contamination that is illegal in the US.

US industry financed this deal with the Devil on the backs of US citizens while American elites get great pensions and health packages that surpass the wildest dreams of average workers that are stuck with the scam of the laughably named Affordable Care Act. Why would the US do this? It’s not the people it’s the leadership which is why Donald Trump was elected.

Once the turncoat US leadership realized that the people were onto them they had to intensify their efforts to destroy American Exceptionalism so they brokered deals with neighboring Mexico to move populations from third world rat holes and implant them into the US to destroy it from the inside out.

Only the clinically gullible cannot figure out that once eradicated diseases like Smallpox, Measles, Mumps, Tuberculosis, Polio and the Plague along with new killers like Ebola are being dispersed into the US as illegal immigrants are lured by elites to crash our borders. When American population centers are infested with exploding cases of pandemics the government will declare martial law and suspend all freedoms and liberties. This is likely the final solution to take out Trump-it’s coming; or perhaps you think all these infectious microorganisms are just going to bow to the magnificence of global ideology?

The US is the last obstacle to a world government and no means are going to be spared for the end of taking it out with the blessing of its corrupted elitist leadership in league with a planetary effort to crush America and everything it ever stood for.

Why do you think Trump got elected? His flaws notwithstanding, he represents the only coherent defense of our heritage, history and right to remain free from authoritarian, repressive European style central planning.

Americans realize the importance of staying a sovereign nation with borders protecting us. Fools will just throw it away.
We will never be defeated externally, but we certainly have an internal threat that is working hard for foreign interests, don't we? Keep the Democrats out of power and ignore their propaganda wing a.k.a. "The Media".
The professor from Dartmouth who wrote this article conveniently left out the Chinese to bolster the argument for blacks, which is a biased piece of propaganda:

The Real Origins of the Religious Right
'....Holmes County, MIssissippi....'

Holmes County, Mississippi
Holmes County, Mississippi - Wikipedia
'....As their socioeconomic status changed, the Chinese Americans carved out a niche "between black and white," gaining admission to white schools for their children through court challenges."

Today, the modus operandi is akin to the Russian Far East: the Chinese wanted to buy it. Otherwise, Asian-grown or purchased drugs is an old standby for the Triads and their whores. Anti-Chinese Miscegenation laws in California and federal intervention was an earlier attempt to keep the avaricious bitch on some type of leash.

Chinese Exclusion Act
Chinese Exclusion Act - Wikipedia
The United States can never be defeated from the outside. This poses a problem for the New world Order that many workers became aware of 25 or 30 years ago shortly after NAFTA went into effect and they began losing promised company pensions and affordable health insurance. American industry cut political deals to throw American workers under the bus so they could exploit foreign workers that not only don’t get pensions and health insurance they are subjected to environmental contamination that is illegal in the US.

US industry financed this deal with the Devil on the backs of US citizens while American elites get great pensions and health packages that surpass the wildest dreams of average workers that are stuck with the scam of the laughably named Affordable Care Act. Why would the US do this? It’s not the people it’s the leadership which is why Donald Trump was elected.

Once the turncoat US leadership realized that the people were onto them they had to intensify their efforts to destroy American Exceptionalism so they brokered deals with neighboring Mexico to move populations from third world rat holes and implant them into the US to destroy it from the inside out.

Only the clinically gullible cannot figure out that once eradicated diseases like Smallpox, Measles, Mumps, Tuberculosis, Polio and the Plague along with new killers like Ebola are being dispersed into the US as illegal immigrants are lured by elites to crash our borders. When American population centers are infested with exploding cases of pandemics the government will declare martial law and suspend all freedoms and liberties. This is likely the final solution to take out Trump-it’s coming; or perhaps you think all these infectious microorganisms are just going to bow to the magnificence of global ideology?

The US is the last obstacle to a world government and no means are going to be spared for the end of taking it out with the blessing of its corrupted elitist leadership in league with a planetary effort to crush America and everything it ever stood for.

Why do you think Trump got elected? His flaws notwithstanding, he represents the only coherent defense of our heritage, history and right to remain free from authoritarian, repressive European style central planning.

Americans realize the importance of staying a sovereign nation with borders protecting us. Fools will just throw it away.

You threw it all away when you elected Trump. Trump hates America because he's a failure and it's the fault of the bankers who wouldn't lend to him after he lost billions of dollars of his father's money, and then the bank's money.

He's in league with Russia to destroy all of the trade deals that made America rich. And you're buying into his lies and conspiracy theories.

Your quarrel isn't with the government, it's with Big Business which controls government. It's with mega-multinational corporations who have seized control over government since Reagan gutted the anti-trust legislation and allowed these economic behemoths to accumulate wealth and power, and a Conservative Supreme Court gifted the nation with the disastrous Citizens' United decision, which further enhanced corporate power and control.

All mainstream loonbat media fake talking points.
Nobody can invade us, nobody can challenge our sovereignty

You are being a Drama Queen

Can't the Chinese buy us out from the inside?
Seems like people are too busy investing millions if not billions on candidates running for office,
instead of investing that money in LOCAL OWNERSHIP to promote production, jobs,
and training in financial management.

Even Obama had to block foreign investors from buying out too much control.
What is being done to educate and invest in
local ownership so America doesn't get bought out by hungry investors?

The Chinese even use the EB5 investor programs
to buy their way into citizenship.

While masses of Americans are not taught how to invest in their own growth,
but are lobbied for donations to pay candidates to promise the more ways
to stay overreliant on govt. Instead of investing that money in sustaining their own independence.

You’re being as ridiculous as the OP.
The United States can never be defeated from the outside. This poses a problem for the New world Order that many workers became aware of 25 or 30 years ago shortly after NAFTA went into effect and they began losing promised company pensions and affordable health insurance. American industry cut political deals to throw American workers under the bus so they could exploit foreign workers that not only don’t get pensions and health insurance they are subjected to environmental contamination that is illegal in the US.

US industry financed this deal with the Devil on the backs of US citizens while American elites get great pensions and health packages that surpass the wildest dreams of average workers that are stuck with the scam of the laughably named Affordable Care Act. Why would the US do this? It’s not the people it’s the leadership which is why Donald Trump was elected.

Once the turncoat US leadership realized that the people were onto them they had to intensify their efforts to destroy American Exceptionalism so they brokered deals with neighboring Mexico to move populations from third world rat holes and implant them into the US to destroy it from the inside out.

Only the clinically gullible cannot figure out that once eradicated diseases like Smallpox, Measles, Mumps, Tuberculosis, Polio and the Plague along with new killers like Ebola are being dispersed into the US as illegal immigrants are lured by elites to crash our borders. When American population centers are infested with exploding cases of pandemics the government will declare martial law and suspend all freedoms and liberties. This is likely the final solution to take out Trump-it’s coming; or perhaps you think all these infectious microorganisms are just going to bow to the magnificence of global ideology?

The US is the last obstacle to a world government and no means are going to be spared for the end of taking it out with the blessing of its corrupted elitist leadership in league with a planetary effort to crush America and everything it ever stood for.

Why do you think Trump got elected? His flaws notwithstanding, he represents the only coherent defense of our heritage, history and right to remain free from authoritarian, repressive European style central planning.

Americans realize the importance of staying a sovereign nation with borders protecting us. Fools will just throw it away.
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.
Nobody can invade us, nobody can challenge our sovereignty

You are being a Drama Queen

Can't the Chinese buy us out from the inside?
Seems like people are too busy investing millions if not billions on candidates running for office,
instead of investing that money in LOCAL OWNERSHIP to promote production, jobs,
and training in financial management.

Even Obama had to block foreign investors from buying out too much control.
What is being done to educate and invest in
local ownership so America doesn't get bought out by hungry investors?

The Chinese even use the EB5 investor programs
to buy their way into citizenship.

While masses of Americans are not taught how to invest in their own growth,
but are lobbied for donations to pay candidates to promise the more ways
to stay overreliant on govt. Instead of investing that money in sustaining their own independence.
We are wealthier than China

But look where all the investors are who are
ready and motivated to buy into ownership:
Middle Eastern and Asian business venturers.

Can enough Americans figure out it's better
to pool our resources together to buy out development
instead of lobbying and pouring billions into media political campaigns?

Where is the lobbying to invest in ownership?

The Chinese who have figured out that investing both
pays off financially AND is the more effective path to citizenship
ARE pooling their resources and focusing their attention there.

Look at where Americans focus attention:
on POLITICS to raise money for candidates
to "run for office" and spread propaganda.

How is any of that money helping to create ownership
and control of resources?

Do you see what I mean that the Asian investors
are literally positioning themselves to buy out property
and interests in financial development
RIGHT UNDER THE NOSES of Americans who aren't
focused on owning their own development. Just betting
on CANDIDATES to manage policy through Govt, but
wasting BILLIONS on multiple candidates and campaigns.

REAL OWNERSHIP. Do you understand rightwinger
Nobody can invade us, nobody can challenge our sovereignty

You are being a Drama Queen

Can't the Chinese buy us out from the inside?
Seems like people are too busy investing millions if not billions on candidates running for office,
instead of investing that money in LOCAL OWNERSHIP to promote production, jobs,
and training in financial management.

Even Obama had to block foreign investors from buying out too much control.
What is being done to educate and invest in
local ownership so America doesn't get bought out by hungry investors?

The Chinese even use the EB5 investor programs
to buy their way into citizenship.

While masses of Americans are not taught how to invest in their own growth,
but are lobbied for donations to pay candidates to promise the more ways
to stay overreliant on govt. Instead of investing that money in sustaining their own independence.

I would change sources of the Chinese economy if I were you. Unlike Vietnam, Indonesia and the rest of southeast Asia, China is over extended with a planned economy that is kept on life support by Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.
The US is the last obstacle to a world government and no means are going to be spared for the end of taking it out with the blessing of its corrupted elitist leadership in league with a planetary effort to crush America and everything it ever stood for.


The last obstacle? The US is the nearest thing to a world government that the world has ever seen

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