Foods for the weight loss

Raw veggies and water foods can be helpful to lose the weight.
Eat more raw green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and nuts to burn your fat and lose unnecessary weight.
Green tea and citrus fruits juices are also very useful for the weight loss purposes.
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Raw veggies and water foods can be helpful to lose the weight.
Eat more raw green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and nuts to burn your fat and lose unnecessary weight.
Green tea and citrus fruits juices are also very useful for the weight loss purposes.
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Some veggies are more efficient cooked, because certain ones like broccoli for instance have such tough fibers that your body needs them cooked in order to metabolize the vitamins more efficiently. I believe that by eating raw broccoli you're only getting about 10% of the benefits of its vitamins. Same goes for quite a few other fibrous veggies.
If you eat at a calorie deficit you will lose weight. You can eat whatever you want as long as you create that deficit. To get the most bang for your buck eat lean proteins, veggies, fruits, brown rice, sweet potatoes, nuts are nutrient dense (but sometimes hard to eat just a serving of!), etc. You most certainly can have ice cream, cookies, pasta, etc. as long as you fit them into your daily calorie count. There are no "bad" foods. That's bunk. Losing weight is also a marathon, not a sprint.
Raw veggies and water foods can be helpful to lose the weight.
Eat more raw green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, and nuts to burn your fat and lose unnecessary weight.
Green tea and citrus fruits juices are also very useful for the weight loss purposes.
Any comment?


Some veggies are more efficient cooked, because certain ones like broccoli for instance have such tough fibers that your body needs them cooked in order to metabolize the vitamins more efficiently. I believe that by eating raw broccoli you're only getting about 10% of the benefits of its vitamins. Same goes for quite a few other fibrous veggies.

^^^ So I have read.

Fruit and fruit juices have much sugar in them. Use sparingly.
Here are the 3 things that work for me.

I get active every day. At least for a 30 minute walk or a good stretching session.

I eat a lot slower. Observe yourself over the next few meals. You might realize that you are eating like a human garbage disposal. Slow down!! I take a minimum of 30 minutes per meal (15 for breakfast).

No eating in front of TV.


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