Food Stamp Parties?..Obama's America


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
USDA suggests food stamp parties, games to increase participation

While spending on the food stamp program has increased 100 percent under President Barack Obama, the government continues to push more Americans to enroll in the welfare program.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has embraced entire promotional campaigns designed to encourage eligible Americans to participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps.

A pamphlet currently posted at the USDA website encourages local SNAP offices to throw parties as one way to get potentially eligible seniors to enroll in the program.

“Throw a Great Party. Host social events where people mix and mingle,” the agency advises. “Make it fun by having activities, games, food, and entertainment, and provide information about SNAP. Putting SNAP information in a game format like BINGO, crossword puzzles, or even a ‘true/false’ quiz is fun and helps get your message across in a memorable way.” - USDA suggests food stamp parties, games to increase participation
Wow, and liberals say they dont want people on food stamps, suuuuuuuuure ya dont.
Alabama nightclub sponsors “Food Stamp Friday” party

Flaunting food stamps almost seems to be a trend. First, Mr. EBT released his now-infamous rap. Shortly thereafter, girls followed suit with their own version. Now, a night club in Montgomery, Ala., is hosting its very own “Food Stamp Friday” party. On April 6, the Rose Supper Club in North Montgomery will offer a discounted cover charge — and free shots — to any patron who flashes a food stamp card at the door. Not surprisingly, some Montgomery residents aren’t happy about the way the party seems to glamorize a life on government assistance

Alabama nightclub sponsors “Food Stamp Friday” party « Hot Air
"Food stamp parties" caused by the GOP congress 1994 to 2006 with the help of complacent presidents.
And to think that no one recieved food stamps untill Obama was elected. Pretty amazing.

And then to think that there would be more and more people that met the qualifications for food stamps when they lost their job in the Obama recession is also pretty amazing.

What is even more amazing is that poor people want to eat.

And to think that there are no scammers recieving food stamps is not correct thinking. There are people scamming something everyday. Rich and poor and in the middle.

Help stamp out scam artists. Shoot a politician, a CEO and a welfare recipient today.

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