food Stamp cuts could hurt military

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

If the Rs don't care about children and the elderly going hungry, they sure as hell won't care about those who fought for our country.

Besides, they're way too busy changing VA hospitals to accept vouchers so that vets get even less medical care than they do now.

Meanwhile, Mittens is saying he wants to increase government spending (that's OUR taxes cuz he also says he's lowering his crony's taxes!) to enlarge the military even though its bloated and wasteful.
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You know what would help a young family of 4 who's "breadwinner" is an E-2 in the armed forces?

A payraise that's compatible with what they're asked to do.

You know what an E2 under four years makes OP dipshit? Could you feed a wife and two kids on that?

Unfortunately this Admin would never consider giving our men and women what they truly deserve.
My wife and I were on the WIC program when we were stationed in Missouri. When I was in the service I AVERAGED 11,000 dollars a year (80's- early 90's).

If there's any group out there that deserves it and needs it more, it's low ranking Military members.

But when those same people go out and buy expensive cars on an E-3 paycheck, well then I lose all sympathy for them. :D
you know what would help a young family of 4 who's "breadwinner" is an e-2 in the armed forces?

A payraise that's compatible with what they're asked to do.

You know what an e2 under four years makes op dipshit? Could you feed a wife and two kids on that?

Unfortunately this admin would never consider giving our men and women what they truly deserve.

Oh for crying out loud. You rw's will tell any lie if it means you can blame President Obama. I have a one word answer for you -

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you know what would help a young family of 4 who's "breadwinner" is an e-2 in the armed forces?

A payraise that's compatible with what they're asked to do.

You know what an e2 under four years makes op dipshit? Could you feed a wife and two kids on that?

Unfortunately this admin would never consider giving our men and women what they truly deserve.

Oh for crying out loud. You rw's will tell any lie if it means you can blame President Obama. I have a one word answer for you -

Boiking just showed a few days ago that he has no compunctions against ruling buy decree...In fact, clowns like you cheered when he did so.

How 'bout you get your Führer on this one?
you know what would help a young family of 4 who's "breadwinner" is an e-2 in the armed forces?

A payraise that's compatible with what they're asked to do.

You know what an e2 under four years makes op dipshit? Could you feed a wife and two kids on that?

Unfortunately this admin would never consider giving our men and women what they truly deserve.

Oh for crying out loud. You rw's will tell any lie if it means you can blame President Obama. I have a one word answer for you -

Boiking just showed a few days ago that he has no compunctions against ruling buy decree...In fact, clowns like you cheered when he did so.

How 'bout you get your Führer on this one?

you haven't been paying attention, have you.

President Obama, along with his vice president and both the First and Second Ladies have done more for veterans AND their families than the Rs have done. As in, JOBS and HOUSING.

OTOH, the Rs don't actually DO a damn thing except take incessant vacations and play golf.

Or, am I wrong? Do you have any PROOF that the Rs have helped vets and their families? Jobs? Housing?

No, you don't.

FACT is, your side filibustered a bill to help homeless vets get jobs and housing.
Oh for crying out loud. You rw's will tell any lie if it means you can blame President Obama. I have a one word answer for you -

Boiking just showed a few days ago that he has no compunctions against ruling buy decree...In fact, clowns like you cheered when he did so.

How 'bout you get your Führer on this one?

you haven't been paying attention, have you.

President Obama, along with his vice president and both the First and Second Ladies have done more for veterans AND their families than the Rs have done. As in, JOBS and HOUSING.

OTOH, the Rs don't actually DO a damn thing except take incessant vacations and play golf.

Or, am I wrong? Do you have any PROOF that the Rs have helped vets and their families? Jobs? Housing?

No, you don't.

FACT is, your side filibustered a bill to help homeless vets get jobs and housing.

I've been paying attention...Apparently you haven't.

Now, why doesn't your matinee idol Boiking just come out, make another autocratic decree, and solve the problem....Not like you'd object to it or anything.
So, you're saying you would NOT object to fair and humane treatment of our vets IF President Obama was in favor of it?

If so, you would be going against the R's.

Admit it. You'll go along with whatever the Rs tell you to do.

GAWD, I am SO sick of you dittoheads.
Food Stamp Cuts Could Hit Military Members, Veterans

If the Rs don't care about children and the elderly going hungry, they sure as hell won't care about those who fought for our country.

Besides, they're way too busy changing VA hospitals to accept vouchers so that vets get even less medical care than they do now.

Meanwhile, Mittens is saying he wants to increase government spending (that's OUR taxes cuz he also says he's lowering his crony's taxes!) to enlarge the military even though its bloated and wasteful.

Ugh, I try to make a few factual posts and my rep goes to shit. I see this guy making 10zillion of these and his is fine, I dont get it lol

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