Food for thought


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
I really wish everyone who calls themselves a Democrat or a Republican would give this article serious consideration. As well as anyone who is interested in the relationship between the Tea Party movement and Libertarianism. It comes closer to reflecting my own political convictions than perhaps anything I've read.

It didn’t take long for the shift to transpire. The conservatives, after eight years defending the obscenely criminal and authoritarian Bush regime to the most degenerate depths, have rediscovered their role as rigorous defenders of Constitutional federalism, boasting that dissent is the highest form of patriotism, questioning the very legal and moral legitimacy of governmental and even executive power, daring to hope aloud that the regime fails. The left-liberals, meanwhile, have resumed their role as the most enthusiastic admirers of American leviathan, calling for its expansion in a hundred different directions, questioning the patriotism of those who oppose their commander in chief and even, at times, calling dissent treason. The transition concerning who plays opposition is typically awkward but usually has the pretense of being gradual and organic. This time, it came rather quickly right after Obama’s inauguration and, in the last two years, has taken on a surreal character.

Now it is the beginning of the 2012 election season and the same maddening hypocrisy will surely escalate. We will hear absurdities that would cause a saint to lose his composure in frustration. Much of the dissonance arises because both Bush and Obama have been unspeakably energetic and abusive with government power, and because more than 95% of their policies are identical. And so when those who a few years back lobbied for loyalty oaths today question the legitimacy of the president, cheering on some of the most histrionic and irreverent displays of political protest since Vietnam – and when those who once called the president a war criminal today declare that those who deride the president are anti-American and should be censored – all of this is much more frustrating since the domestic and foreign policies are fundamentally the same. ...
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Yes, libertarians like to indulge the fantasy that there is little substantive difference between conservatives and liberals. That isn't exactly news to those of us not drinking the Kool-Aid.
Yes, libertarians like to indulge the fantasy that there is little substantive difference between conservatives and liberals. That isn't exactly news to those of us not drinking the Kool-Aid.

You should definitely not read the article. You might learn something. We can't have that.
MOst TP members were ardent Bush supporters. I have little faith in their judgement. And we have seen how trhey behave after being elected.
Thanks for landing this one DBlack.. It's a keeper. Reads a little like a sermon for Libertarians. But it certainly describes why I don't waste time on "polling" topics or handicapping political candidates 18 months before an election.. Also means I don't have to CONSTANTLY defend the indefensible and instead concentrate on defending the important stuff. Pure bliss.

And my wasted vote for Bob Barr in 2008? Looking smarter every day...

The TP movement was made POSSIBLE by the Conservative dissatifaction with Bush. Couldn't have happened without him and the REP Congressional majority. History will write it that way.

Although this is an hymnal piece for the unaffiliated -- It's gonna be real hard for the partisians to deny the basic observations in the piece.
Although this is an hymnal piece for the unaffiliated -- It's gonna be real hard for the partisians to deny the basic observations in the piece.

That was sort of my reaction. Though I suspect most of the partisans won't read it. Ostrichism is alive and well.
Although this is an hymnal piece for the unaffiliated -- It's gonna be real hard for the partisians to deny the basic observations in the piece.

That was sort of my reaction. Though I suspect most of the partisans won't read it. Ostrichism is alive and well.

Actually anyone lacking a Wookie suit will be turned off by the hyperbole and rhetoric contained in the first two sentences, much less the rest of it.
Hey Rabbi:

If you're so satisfied with the neo-con world view and the Patriotic Act, and Conservatives building the Federal leviathan -- why don't you go draft the OTHER BUSH and leave the rest of us pissed-off citizens to our dissent? And I promise you we won't hurl meaningless little ad homs at ya?

You actually DISAGREE with the summary of the recent REP record on those items? Then defend it. I'm not buying any more of this phoney James Carville/Mary Matalin phoney feuding partisian crap..
What are your thoughts about it doofus? Democrats were in control of both houses in congress for the last four years and Fannie Mae collapsed thile they were interrogating Roger Clemmons about steroid use.
Hey Rabbi:

If you're so satisfied with the neo-con world view and the Patriotic Act, and Conservatives building the Federal leviathan -- why don't you go draft the OTHER BUSH and leave the rest of us pissed-off citizens to our dissent? And I promise you we won't hurl meaningless little ad homs at ya?

You actually DISAGREE with the summary of the recent REP record on those items? Then defend it. I'm not buying any more of this phoney James Carville/Mary Matalin phoney feuding partisian crap..

Hey, jerk off. If you like no government, try moving to Somalia.

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