Fond memories of the years 1964 -1966


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
After the JFK assn and before the upheavals of the late 60s

Last time of normalcy
After the JFK assn and before the upheavals of the late 60s

Last time of normalcy
I wrapped up a four year tour in the US Marine Corps, got my first job as an adult, met the gal who would be my wife up until at least the present time, and settled back into civilian life.

As I recall my boot camp platoon was standing in the company street on the evening following the first Tuesday, November 2nd, 1960 when the drill instructor made the announcement: "John F Kennedy has been elected President of the United States; the smoking lamp is lit".

Three years and twenty days later, lying in the back of a truck waiting for guys to load their gear after a two week field exercise, a fellow Marine came by our truck to pass the word that "the president has been shot in Texas". He also said: "and we're loading up to go there" - and that last, was an unauthorized statement without any basis in fact.

I made the trip to DC from Camp Lejeune' NC for the public ceremony. Life went on with a new president; LBJ.
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