Fluke the activist


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
" Here's the link at Andrew Breitbart's Big Government where you will find this opening in a story by Charles Johnson:
As a student at Cornell and treasurer of a pro-choice organization at the school, Sandra Fluke, helped shut down a pro-life speech on Cornell's campus by counter protesting. She argued that a pro-life organization at Cornell was about "manipulating [students'] emotions" with misleading statistics about abortion. But when it is her turn to speak on Capitol Hill, the third-year Georgetown Law Student demands she gets her say in a hearing that has nothing to do with birth control.
"Well, well, well. So Sandra Fluke has a record of denying free speech to others? In addition to giving a pass to Mr. Ed on the slut business? Free speech for Sandra Fluke but not Rush Limbaugh or those pro-lifers at Cornell? Interesting, yes? Hypocritical and thuggish, definitely. She also walked out in protest of the congressional hearing where supporters of religious liberty were allowed to speak. It turns out, as reported here, that Fluke is no struggling law student -- she's already a professional far-left genderist, long deeply into the leftist scam of judging others by skin color or gender."

The American Spectator : Rally for Rush
How about Sandra Fluke "the activist baby killer."

Pro-choice is tyrannical...

The pro-baby killers are impeding another individuals right to life, while ironically claiming they have the liberty to do such..

She's no better than a murderer and a tyrant..
Hell, woman don't own the fetus and any woman who believes they do should support slavery then because slavery is no different.

So not only does Fluke support murder and tyranny - she also supports and promotes slavery...
" Here's the link at Andrew Breitbart's Big Government where you will find this opening in a story by Charles Johnson:
As a student at Cornell and treasurer of a pro-choice organization at the school, Sandra Fluke, helped shut down a pro-life speech on Cornell's campus by counter protesting. She argued that a pro-life organization at Cornell was about "manipulating [students'] emotions" with misleading statistics about abortion. But when it is her turn to speak on Capitol Hill, the third-year Georgetown Law Student demands she gets her say in a hearing that has nothing to do with birth control.
"Well, well, well. So Sandra Fluke has a record of denying free speech to others? In addition to giving a pass to Mr. Ed on the slut business? Free speech for Sandra Fluke but not Rush Limbaugh or those pro-lifers at Cornell? Interesting, yes? Hypocritical and thuggish, definitely. She also walked out in protest of the congressional hearing where supporters of religious liberty were allowed to speak. It turns out, as reported here, that Fluke is no struggling law student -- she's already a professional far-left genderist, long deeply into the leftist scam of judging others by skin color or gender."

The American Spectator : Rally for Rush

Wasn't that last infamous video of Andrew Breitbart taken when he was trying to shout down OWS'ers?
How about Sandra Fluke "the activist baby killer."

Pro-choice is tyrannical...

The pro-baby killers are impeding another individuals right to life, while ironically claiming they have the liberty to do such..

She's no better than a murderer and a tyrant..

retards are smarter than you.

Then contradict my assertions fool..

Oh yeah you cant otherwise you would have..
Hell, woman don't own the fetus and any woman who believes they do should support slavery then because slavery is no different.

So not only does Fluke support murder and tyranny - she also supports and promotes slavery...
at what time in pregnancy does an embryo become a ''fetus''? Do you know?
Hell, woman don't own the fetus and any woman who believes they do should support slavery then because slavery is no different.

So not only does Fluke support murder and tyranny - she also supports and promotes slavery...
at what time in pregnancy does an embryo become a ''fetus''? Do you know?

Yea, the second a sperm weasels its way through the door.

At that point an embryo becomes a fetus/individual..

You know why?? because it takes two to tango...
No, embryo refers to the development of a baby after the zygote stage. It's already fertilized. These are terms for stages in human development.
Hell, woman don't own the fetus and any woman who believes they do should support slavery then because slavery is no different.

So not only does Fluke support murder and tyranny - she also supports and promotes slavery...
at what time in pregnancy does an embryo become a ''fetus''? Do you know?

A ''fetus'' becomes a 'life' the moment the ''fetus'' was created... at conception.
Hell, woman don't own the fetus and any woman who believes they do should support slavery then because slavery is no different.

So not only does Fluke support murder and tyranny - she also supports and promotes slavery...
at what time in pregnancy does an embryo become a ''fetus''? Do you know?

Yea, the second a sperm weasels its way through the door.

Nope. At that moment, it's a zygote.
Hell, woman don't own the fetus and any woman who believes they do should support slavery then because slavery is no different.

So not only does Fluke support murder and tyranny - she also supports and promotes slavery...
at what time in pregnancy does an embryo become a ''fetus''? Do you know?

A ''fetus'' becomes a 'life' the moment the ''fetus'' was created... at conception.
oh, it is a life that is growing from the moment it implants itself in the mother's womb, but it is NOT a fetus from day one...I believe it is around 8-10 weeks when it becomes a fetus, before it was a fetus it was an embryo and before that a zygote....

just saying he needs to get his terms straight so we can make sense out of what he's saying.
No, embryo refers to the development of a baby after the zygote stage. It's already fertilized. These are terms for stages in human development.

Well it is difficult to give a name to when an individual becomes one biologically.

Lets just call it the transitional period the second the sperm breaks the egg??

An individual is created and a mother and father are made.

That individual is no longer a body part considering its now a sprouting seed.
There are scientific definitions for each of the developmental stages. I prefer to try to stick to them.
Hell, woman don't own the fetus and any woman who believes they do should support slavery then because slavery is no different.

So not only does Fluke support murder and tyranny - she also supports and promotes slavery...

FYI - You sound like a nutbag. Anyways, though I wouldn't personally support my wife aborting or abortion when it comes to my own child, I think that it should be up to the female to choose whether or not to abort the fetus in her own body within the first trimester. What if the female's twelve and was raped by her uncle, and the pregnancy poses great risk to her health? What if the woman is 23 and was mercilessly raped by some unknown assailant who never gets found? You think the government has a right to tell that woman that she must now raise that baby on her own, no exceptions, and if she aborts she's going to jail for the rest of her life?

The "no-abortion under any circumstance" crowd sounds more like the tyranny supporters if you ask me, by over extending the reach of the government into places it should not be entering. I want small government, not the big government you suggest.
The female who is twelve and raped by her uncle needs to be removed from her home. The abortion is every bit as dangerous as the birth at that age, and the fact of the matter is...child molesters USE the abortion industry to HIDE THEIR CRIME.

Then they promote the whole idea that we must have anonymous, free for all abortions available to "protect" girls and women...and if everybody doesn't have the right to convenience abortions, a plethora of women and children will DIE, DIE! I TELL YOU! because if we shut down the abortion mills, then women will be chained up and forced to bear mama-killing-monster-babies.

What a crock of shit.
Hell, woman don't own the fetus and any woman who believes they do should support slavery then because slavery is no different.

So not only does Fluke support murder and tyranny - she also supports and promotes slavery...

FYI - You sound like a nutbag. Anyways, though I wouldn't personally support my wife aborting or abortion when it comes to my own child, I think that it should be up to the female to choose whether or not to abort the fetus in her own body within the first trimester. What if the female's twelve and was raped by her uncle, and the pregnancy poses great risk to her health? What if the woman is 23 and was mercilessly raped by some unknown assailant who never gets found? You think the government has a right to tell that woman that she must now raise that baby on her own, no exceptions, and if she aborts she's going to jail for the rest of her life?

The "no-abortion under any circumstance" crowd sounds more like the tyranny supporters if you ask me, by over extending the reach of the government into places it should not be entering. I want small government, not the big government you suggest.

I'm tired of the "rape and incest" smoke and mirrors being used to cover up over one millon abortions every year that are not the result of rape or incest nor necessary to save the health of the mother.

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