Florida not impressed w/ T Party

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Is this really a surprise? They want their country back.

GOP poll: Tea party movement could cost Republicans in 2012 - Political Currents - MiamiHerald.com
Beware, Florida Republicans: The tea party movement that swept you into office in 2010 could cost you the next election.
That’s the takeaway message from Republican pollster and consultant Alex Patton, who conducted a recent survey showing that, by a 2:1 ratio, registered Florida voters said the tea party movement did not represent their views.
I liked a lot about the Tea Party. But, some of their views were too right winger and turned off a lot of potential support. This kept them from obtaining critical mass. Now that they have been co-opted by the Republican party they have become pretty much irrelevant.
The Tea Party is a grass roots movement against large government intrusion into individuals' rights.

Therefore, people only become passionate about the movement during elections (2010).

I wouldn't expect many voters to relate to a grassroots movement in 2011 since there's no election.

Neither the Repubs or Dems want to believe this.
Florida is already somewhat of a model state in that is has no income tax. WTF do they have to complain about?
Florida not impressed w/ T Party


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