Floating Maternity Wards


Sep 23, 2010
Democrats change meanings whenever it suites their global government agenda. Democrats twisted the 14th Amendment to accommodate birthright babies. Happily, it turned on them when birthright babies became an important campaign issue. More Americans than ever before now know that:

The Children of Illegal Immigrants Are Not Born American Citizens
By Tim Dunkin
August 28, 2015

The Children of Illegal Immigrants Are Not Born American Citizens

The issue of birthright babies/anchor babies is getting the media coverage it deserves, while changing the definition of diplomatic asylum to accommodate ECONOMIC REFUGEES is falling through the cracks. Economic refugees seeking asylum do not come anywhere near the number of illegal aliens pouring into the country. The UNHCR dictating America’s immigration policies is the new rigged game in town.

I am hoping that Donald Trump will at least connect United Nations refugees to the many problems unrestricted immigration is causing here and in Europe.

The thing that amazes me is how quickly governments can mobilize for wars of self-defense, yet nobody in our federal government will even admit that America is in a war, let alone in a war of self-defense against illegal aliens and the United Nations.

Even more amazing is how touchy-feely peaceniks oppose wars of self-defense —— until it comes to self-defense against the United Nations. Make no mistake about illegal aliens. They are soldiers fighting a war for the United Nations’ war as surely as ISIS soldiers are fighting a war for Islam.

Finally, I must confess that for many years I, too, believed the lie Democrats still tell. In fact, I used to believe that a baby born on a ship flying the American flag was automatically an American citizen. I do not know how that nonsense got into my head.

In defence of my own gullibility the topic of birthright babies was not something average Americans discussed. Now that I know better, I can see how stupid I was. Basically, if being born on dry land makes an illegal alien baby an American citizen, hustlers would be issuing birth certificates to babies born on a fleet of floating maternity wards flying Old Glory.
This sounds good on the face of it:

Nikki Haley, South Carolina’s Republican governor, came out last Thursday and blasted possible White House plans to bring Guantanamo Bay prisoners to her state.


“We are absolutely drawing a line that we are not going to allow any terrorist to come into South Carolina,” Haley said. “We are not going to allow that kind of threat, we are not going to allow that kind of character to come in.​

Look a little deeper and you will see that Governor Haley is another Republican who is either stupid, or afraid to offend the New World Order crowd, or she agrees with giving the United Nations authority over her state:

Yet, at the same time she was drawing a red line against Gitmo terrorists who would stay locked in a brig off the coast of Charleston, Haley was opening her arms wide to welcome “refugees” from jihadist strongholds in the Middle East and Africa.​

In addition to accepting economic refugees, Haley has no problem with American parasites being paid tax dollars to implement a United Nations program:

World Relief, an evangelical aid agency that gets paid by the federal government to resettle refugees in the U.S. from places like Somalia and Syria, hatched plans more than a year ago to add Spartanburg, South Carolina, to the list of more than 190 U.S. cities receiving foreign refugees.​

And what the hell is the difference between enemy combatants in Gitmo who got caught, and those enemy soldiers the United Nations impose on Americans?:

As WND has reported in a series of more than 35 articles over the past year, the refugee program has been fraught with problems. Chief among them has been young men entering the U.S. as refugees and turning out to be terrorists.


According to information supplied recently by Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., at least 72 cases have been documented in just the past year of Muslim immigrants becoming involved in terrorist activity.​

Finally, I used to think that Governor Haley had potential. Her position on political asylum tells me that should she ever become a U.S. Senator she will line up with the nest of traitors in the US Senate —— not those few senators like Jeff Sessions looking out for this country.

Anybody interested in learning more about how the United Nations gets into our domestic affairs you can start with South Carolina. Naturally, former SENATOR, and longtime traitor, John Kerry pops up in this article:

Kerry sent one of his top lieutenants to Spartanburg earlier this week to try to quell the uprising.​

Nikki Haley welcomes Muslim refugees
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 08/28/2015 @ 8:23 pm

Nikki Haley welcomes Muslim refugees
Finally, I used to think that Governor Haley had potential. Her position on political asylum tells me that should she ever become a U.S. Senator she will line up with the nest of traitors in the US Senate —— not those few senators like Jeff Sessions looking out for this country.
If conservative Republicans want to hang onto the governorship in South Carolina, they better start looking for a replacement for Nikki Haley:

The resolution calls for “all South Carolina public officials to immediately cease and desist” from helping to resettle Middle Eastern refugees anywhere in the state until the legislature can act on the issue and pass legislation reflecting the will of the people.


Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, has come down on the side of Obama’s State Department, saying she trusts the federal government’s ability to vet the Syrian refugees.

Haley’s comment came despite warnings to the contrary from the FBI.

U.S. state draws line in sand against Islamization
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 11/11/2015 @ 8:13 pm

U.S. state draws line in sand against Islamization
Gov. Nikki Haley, a Republican, has come down on the side of Obama’s State Department, saying she trusts the federal government’s ability to vet the Syrian refugees.

Haley’s comment came despite warnings to the contrary from the FBI.


Republican Gov. Nikki Haley, who initially supported the resettlements in her state, changed her mind after the attack on Paris that killed 130 people in November. Those attacks were carried out by eight Islamic terrorists, including one who entered Europe as a “refugee.” Haley joined more than two dozen other governors who told the Obama administration they didn’t want any Syrian refugees.

But none of that protest has stopped Obama’s plans from going forward. The Syrians continue to arrive not only in South Carolina but nationwide, Richard said.

A pair of Syrians were secretly planted last week in Midlands, near the state capital of Columbia, without even the governor’s office being notified. And more Syrians are on their way to the Palmetto State, the South Carolina Department of Social Services confirmed to WND.​


Syrian refugees (Photo: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)

It is interesting that it took a slaughter for Governor Haley to see the light. In truth, how she stands does not matter. Neither the governors, nor the American people, nor Congress have a say in who comes to this country. The filth in the State Department working hand in glove with the filth in the United Nations dictate this country’s immigration policy.

Rep. Mick Mulvaney, R-S.C., did not take kindly to the furtive action by the federal government, which works with the United Nations to distribute up to 85,000 foreign refugees annually into more than 180 U.S. cities and towns.

It begins: 1st Syrian 'refugees' arrive in S.C. despite governor's concerns
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 12/23/2015 @ 8:03 pm

It begins: 1st Syrian ‘refugees’ arrive in S.C. despite governor’s concerns

Click on the link to hear Rep. Mulvaney get nowhere with another State Department United Nations stooge:


Anne Richard: Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees

Think again if you believe stopping Muslim terrorists from coming here is all that it will take to insure national security:

Will the ‘Red-Green Axis’ Snuff Free Speech?
by Frank Gaffney
23 Dec 2015

Will the 'Red-Green Axis' Snuff Free Speech? - Breitbart
I used to think that Governor Haley had potential. Her position on political asylum tells me that should she ever become a U.S. Senator she will line up with the nest of traitors in the US Senate —— not those few senators like Jeff Sessions looking out for this country.
Lady Ann’s analysis is good enough for me:

Trump should deport Nikki Haley.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 13, 2016

Nikki Haley: "No one who is willing to work hard should ever be turned away." That's the definition of open borders.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 13, 2016

Nikki Haley says "welcoming properly vetted legal immigrants, regardless of religion." Translation: let in all the Muslims.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 13, 2016

Hey Nikki – how can you "vet" if you can't look at religion?
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 13, 2016

Haley: Let in unlimited immigrants "just like we have for centuries." Has she read a history book? Coolidge shut it down for 1/2 a century.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 13, 2016

Nikki Haley: "The best thing we can do is turn down the volume" Translation: Voters need to shut the hell up.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 13, 2016

Coulter: Trump Should Deport Nikki Haley
Derek Hunter
11:42 PM 01/12/2016

Coulter: Trump Should Deport Nikki Haley
I used to think that Governor Haley had potential. Her position on political asylum tells me that should she ever become a U.S. Senator she will line up with the nest of traitors in the US Senate —— not those few senators like Jeff Sessions looking out for this country.

Gov. Nikki Haley in Chapin, South Carolina: "If we elect Marco Rubio, every day will be a great day in America."

Yeah right! Elect Rubio will be a great day every day for illegal aliens and United Nations refugees.

Haley coming out for Rubio was all over television; so how come the lawsuit did not get as much coverage as did the endorsement?

Refugee-lovin' governor sued for importing Muslims
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 02/17/2016 @ 6:18 pm

Refugee-lovin’ governor sued for importing Muslims

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