Flat Earthers and the mentality that pervades society and politics


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Note: This thread is not about whether the Earth is flat or not. This is about the mentality that makes people think such a thing.

Why do conspiracy fans believe the Earth is flat? We spoke to one to find out

"Why do conspiracy fans believe the Earth is flat? We spoke to one to find out"

I saw this, and I'm a little shocked, but the more I read, the more it makes sense from other things I've spoken of before.

This isn't about stupidity. This isn't even about lack of knowledge. This whole issue is one of tactics that allow people to ignore things. "fake news" is the most recent tactic. Even Assad of Syria has jumped on Trump's bandwagon of labeling anything they find inconvenient as fake news. And in this issue of a flat Earth, "fake news" appears quite a few times.

"NBA star Kyrie Irving said in a podcast, ‘This is not even a conspiracy theory. The Earth is flat. I’m telling you, it’s right in front of our faces. They lie to us.’"

They lie to us. It's the easiest way of believing what you want. There's some kind of conspiracy, the media is in on it (now that no one trusts the media, EVERYTHING they say could potentially be fake).

Why would anyone try to lie that the Earth was a globe?
The reason people are trying to hide it is that they want us to believe that we all come from a speck of dust – that everything is pure chance, and that we are spinning around the universe, somehow miraculously developing and growing. It makes you feel insignificant. It takes away your desire to be a better person. If people understood that the world is flat, that the stars rotate around us, the sun rotates around us, people would start to believe that this has been built by design. People would gravitate towards God. The world would be a better place, wouldn’t it?"

This is the part that deals with religion. I've come to the view that people create their own environments so they don't have to deal with reality. Religion is such an environment. It's been used over history as a way of controlling people, and it still happens, but in the modern era it's about people allowing themselves to be controlled because they want to be, to hide from reality.

But also there's the point of how you feel. Some people hide behind alcohol, it makes you feel better, dulls the pain. Here if the sun revolves around the sun, you feel more important, there's a reason for us to exist. It's also why people want to believe in God. We're not just an unimportant speck of dust, we are important.

"The space program is 100% fake" Fake news again

"NASA is fake and a lie."

"If there are satellites, how come you never get reception when you are on top of a mountain? The internet all comes from cables under the sea."

"The reality is that there’s no such thing as gravity – instead there’s a force pushing you downwards. If the world was really spinning, why isn’t there a breeze?"
This is about the mentality that makes people think such a thing.

No one ACTUALLY thinks the Earth is flat. The Flat Earth Society are contrarians who are, in a very original way, taking issue with societal conformity. Forcing people to examine their own views rather than take education at face value.
This is about the mentality that makes people think such a thing.

No one ACTUALLY thinks the Earth is flat. The Flat Earth Society are contrarians who are, in a very original way, taking issue with societal conformity. Forcing people to examine their own views rather than take education at face value.

They might not think it's flat, but then it was talking about other people, who do believe it.

And they're able to justify it too easily too.
NASA is a bloated, bureaucratic, antique. We would be better off relying on private industry to take us into orbit and beyond.
This is about the mentality that makes people think such a thing.

No one ACTUALLY thinks the Earth is flat. The Flat Earth Society are contrarians who are, in a very original way, taking issue with societal conformity. Forcing people to examine their own views rather than take education at face value.

They might not think it's flat, but then it was talking about other people, who do believe it.

And they're able to justify it too easily too.

Who actually believes it? Why do you care? Do they make national policy?
NASA is a bloated, bureaucratic, antique. We would be better off relying on private industry to take us into orbit and beyond.

And you can pay the extra 20% for their profits too, and then they can bribe the govt to reduce their taxes too... yeah, great job.
Civilization has known it was spherical for over 2,000 years.

You'd have to throw out of all of physics and observational footage to toot this crap!

Why does this make you angry enough to use an exclamation point? There are only two reasons to get upset about what someone else thinks.

1. They are forcing YOU to conform to their beliefs.

2. You're so insecure about your own beliefs that you need them validated by conformity.

Why specifically are you angered by people who, seriously or not, believe in a non-spherical concept of the Earth?
Civilization has known it was spherical for over 2,000 years.

You'd have to throw out of all of physics and observational footage to toot this crap!

Why does this make you angry enough to use an exclamation point? There are only two reasons to get upset about what someone else thinks.

1. They are forcing YOU to conform to their beliefs.

2. You're so insecure about your own beliefs that you need them validated by conformity.

Why specifically are you angered by people who, seriously or not, believe in a non-spherical concept of the Earth?

Because with the evidence and the images of our planet saying otherwise I see these people as idiots. Why? Because other people can be brainwashed into this outright lie and I believe that is dangerous to our society. Enough idiocy is spread around our population and it is hurting science.
Note: This thread is not about whether the Earth is flat or not...

Are you sure about that?

And of course it's flat, how could ships sail of the edge otherwise?


Come on, fellas! It's a metaphor, albeit a very close one...
Some things are blindingly obvious, and many people will just totally refuse to accept it.
Can't you see how this relates to the current debacle unfolding before us?
Come on, fellas! It's a metaphor, albeit a very close one...
Some things are blindingly obvious, and many people will just totally refuse to accept it.
Can't you see how this relates to the current debacle unfolding before us?
Well, MMGW only occurs on a flat earth.....so I see your point....:lol:

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