Flashback-Obama vows to cut huge deficit in half


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

By MIKE ALLEN | 2/22/09 6:58 AM EDT

President Obama will announce Monday that he plans to cut the nation’s projected annual deficit in half by the end of his first term, a senior administration official said Saturday.

The plan will make explicit what Obama officials have been suggesting for months: Contrary to his campaign promise, Obama will allow the Bush tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans expire as scheduled at the end of 2010 instead of seeking their repeal sooner. Officials determined that seeking to raise the taxes earlier during a recession was a bad idea, advisers said.

Obama, who will speak Monday to a Fiscal Responsibility Summit at the White House, also will outline steps he is taking to eliminate what his staff calls “accounting gimmicks” used by previous administrations.

“This budget actually is going to assume that there will be a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood or manmade disaster in the United States in fiscal year 2010, and each year going forward 10 years,” the official said. “The Bush budget never assumed that.”

Under White House projections, this year’s inherited budget deficit of $1.3 trillion will be cut to $533 billion by fiscal year 2013, the end of the first term.

“So we’ll cut it at least in half,” the official said.

Read more: Obama vows to cut huge deficit in half - Mike Allen - POLITICO.com
He might have been able to do that, had the Republican's highest priority been the welfare of the nation, rather than their own re-election.

Obama inherited a house on fire. A still collapsing economy and 2 wars. That was unprecedented as NO President in our history has been confronted with such a mix of mayhem on his first day.

He's actually done a pretty job of preventing catastrophe, considering that as he's battled the blazes set by the Bush administration, the GOP has been running around behind him cutting hoses at every opportunity.

And now...they want us to turn the job over to them. That's like hiring the town arsonist to be the fire chief.
OH DAMN, that poor Obama he could manage to get passed OBAMACARE (against the will OF THE PEOPLE) but those damn Republicans prevented him from DOING MORE..

those evil bastards....:lol:
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He might have been able to do that, had the Republican's highest priority been the welfare of the nation, rather than their own re-election.

Obama inherited a house on fire. A still collapsing economy and 2 wars. That was unprecedented as NO President in our history has been confronted with such a mix of mayhem on his first day.

He's actually done a pretty job of preventing catastrophe, considering that as he's battled the blazes set by the Bush administration, the GOP has been running around behind him cutting hoses at every opportunity.

And now...they want us to turn the job over to them. That's like hiring the town arsonist to be the fire chief.

Or it just could have been the time spent on a very unpopular healthcare law??

He had all the branches for the 1st 2 years?? so how does that reflect on the Repubs??

Convenient memory loss??
Obama inherited a house on fire. A still collapsing economy and 2 wars. That was unprecedented as NO President in our history has been confronted with such a mix of mayhem on his first day.

Harry Truman ?? ww2
Obama inherited a house on fire. A still collapsing economy and 2 wars. That was unprecedented as NO President in our history has been confronted with such a mix of mayhem on his first day.

Harry Truman ?? ww2

we are suppose to fweel sorry for Obama
If Bam Bam repeats something enough we know the sheep will believe it to be gospel.
Obama inherited a house on fire. A still collapsing economy and 2 wars. That was unprecedented as NO President in our history has been confronted with such a mix of mayhem on his first day.

Harry Truman ?? ww2

What was the second war? And, was the economy collapsing? (hint: No, it was booming because of that war).
Obama inherited a house on fire. A still collapsing economy and 2 wars. That was unprecedented as NO President in our history has been confronted with such a mix of mayhem on his first day.

Harry Truman ?? ww2

we are suppose to fweel sorry for Obama

No, of course not. But, give him credit for what he has been able to do.

he hasn't done shit but saddle us and our Great Grand Children WITH MORE DEPT and GROW GOVERNMENT (ObamaCare)

oh he supposedly killed Bin laden...whoohoo
Obama inherited a house on fire. A still collapsing economy and 2 wars. That was unprecedented as NO President in our history has been confronted with such a mix of mayhem on his first day.

Harry Truman ?? ww2

What was the second war? And, was the economy collapsing? (hint: No, it was booming because of that war).

WORLD WAR??? are you really going to say WW2 wasn't as big as Iraq,which was already more or less done and Afghanistan??

Really??? You couldn't by a new car,you had to have sugar stamps,gas was rationed

Are you really going to go there??
Obama inherited a house on fire. A still collapsing economy and 2 wars. That was unprecedented as NO President in our history has been confronted with such a mix of mayhem on his first day.

Harry Truman ?? ww2

What was the second war? And, was the economy collapsing? (hint: No, it was booming because of that war).

WORLD WAR??? are you really going to say WW2 wasn't as big as Iraq,which was already more or less done and Afghanistan??

Really??? You couldn't by a new car,you had to have sugar stamps,gas was rationed

Are you really going to go there??

Of course I won't say that and didn't. WWII was the biggest war in history but there are a couple of important points about it to remember in relation to what I said.

1. It was a popular war and Truman didn't have to do anything different from what FDR had been doing. Not so for Obama and Iraq/Afghanistan. The Bush administration had so screwed up both of those wars that they could not go on without some changes.

2. The economy was not in a free fall when Truman walked through the White House door, was it?
He might have been able to do that, had the Republican's highest priority been the welfare of the nation, rather than their own re-election.

Obama inherited a house on fire. A still collapsing economy and 2 wars. That was unprecedented as NO President in our history has been confronted with such a mix of mayhem on his first day.

He's actually done a pretty job of preventing catastrophe, considering that as he's battled the blazes set by the Bush administration, the GOP has been running around behind him cutting hoses at every opportunity.

And now...they want us to turn the job over to them. That's like hiring the town arsonist to be the fire chief.

Yeah. He might have been able to do that if his policies didn't suck. He tried the same shit ant FDR did during the GD and guess what? It didn't work any better today than it did back then.

He also didn't want to work with Reps. In fact he told them that he won and they should STFU and get in the back of the bus. BTW that car is buried over the axels now.

Yeah. He's done a fantabulous job. Just look at the stats. Guess he needs another four years to bury the entire car.
What was the second war? And, was the economy collapsing? (hint: No, it was booming because of that war).

WORLD WAR??? are you really going to say WW2 wasn't as big as Iraq,which was already more or less done and Afghanistan??

Really??? You couldn't by a new car,you had to have sugar stamps,gas was rationed

Are you really going to go there??

Of course I won't say that and didn't. WWII was the biggest war in history but there are a couple of important points about it to remember in relation to what I said.

1. It was a popular war and Truman didn't have to do anything different from what FDR had been doing. Not so for Obama and Iraq/Afghanistan. The Bush administration had so screwed up both of those wars that they could not go on without some changes.

2. The economy was not in a free fall when Truman walked through the White House door, was it?

Still with the excuses,people didn't have crap during ww2 blackout curtains,ships sunks within site of land our land!!

Obamma made a bunch of hollow promises and delivered on which ones??

Why do we need a 3rd stimulus?? If he has done such an amazing job why??
He wasn't interested in working with tthe GOP. He made that abundantly clear. STFU and get in the back of the bus still rings today.

He still has no interest in working with them. He isn't a Clinton or a Reagan who could work across the aisle.

He has his own views and doesn't seem to be interested in anyone elses.

I only hope we aren't saddled with this loser for another four years. Who know where the economy will be if he wins??
So what did he do different in Iraq?? follow a time line already in place??

What he did do in Afghanistan,was the same as Bush did in Iraq a surg of troops,ya he really changed the paradigm.

The kinda funny thing,he promised to have us out of Afghanistan in 6 months,close Gitmo which ones did he get done??

The unwillingness of the left to hold our leaders accountable for their shallow promises is sad.

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