Fix: The Poverty of Political Debate

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Fix: The Poverty of Political Debate

How about viewing something like this...


..and then debate or better, discuss, what has transpired.

Or do you want a cheap online imitation of the cable fest food fights that pass as political debate?

we could move the discussion into 2 threads.

one for the videos themselves and another for the discussion. this way the video thread will not be flooded with posts that will get the videos lost.

is this a good idea for some of you?
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There is no "Political Debate" in this country. It's all about "negotiation".

Democrats keep making the false premise that "We are all Americans and if we work together, we will succeed". Republicans understand that this is not so. And why is that? The answer is right there in front of us. It's as basic as the differences between the two major political parties.

The Republican party is 90% white and nearly all Christian and with mostly the same level of education. A "trifecta". That makes them, basically a "nation within a nation". This is where "We want our country back" comes from. They are NOT talking "inclusion, but exclusion". They have a clearly defined goal.

Some may point out that the Democratic party is more than 60% white, but look at those whites. Gay straight young old educated uneducated religious (various religions) atheist conservative liberal men women feminist. Then you add in black brown Asian and all the other races and suddenly, you realize you have a "second" nation. One that exists through diversity, acceptance and negotiation.

So you can see, it has NOTHING to do with "political discourse". It's all about negotiation. Republicans have realized during the last 30 years that they are at "war" with the rest of America.

Iraq was the Republicans warning the rest of America that they can nation build. Only it was a terrible failure. A failure of such magnitude, they refuse to face it or accept it.

The first six years under Bush was an orgy of deregulation and tax breaks for the rich. With Republicans controlling every single branch of government, they were putting into practice their failed ideology.

Everything they had been pushing for the previous 20 years. Nothing worked out they way they expected. Because they were so invested in this failed ideology, they haven't come close to questioning the reasons it failed. It must be the "fault" of the Democrats, the Hispanics, the liberals, the "somebody". It will never occur to them, it was simply a "failed ideology".

Republicans don't "study". They don't "reason". They "imagine". If they do "this", "that" will happen. When it doesn't, instead of learning the reason why, they attempt to "force" their beliefs. They want to "make it happen". This puts them at war with the rest of America.

We can only hope that disastrous party grows old quickly and becomes marginalized before they do worse than what they have done during the last 10 years.
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See what I mean? The truth is so obvious, no one "debates" it.
Nobody debates you because you're a stone nincompoop, who wouldn't know the truth if it beat you over the head.

I just call it they way I see it. Go ahead. Call names. That only reinforces the current "debate" from the "we want OUR country back" far right Conservative Confederate Republican Party of Teabags.
You would think with the right's mantra of "We want OUR country back", there would be plenty of debate. At the very least, you could find out, "back? from whom?"
Nobody debates you because you're a stone nincompoop, who wouldn't know the truth if it beat you over the head.

I just call it they way I see it. Go ahead. Call names. That only reinforces the current "debate" from the "we want OUR country back" far right Conservative Confederate Republican Party of Teabags.

teabag? you don't care when zona teabags you right before he sprays in your face.

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