First openly gay senator in Wisconsin

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
been meaning to get @ to posting this but theres been so much other fodder to process from the election. Baldwin becomes first openly gay senator in Wisconsin (goes w/o saying that her Repub rival lost)
Senate candidate Rep. Tammy Baldwin celebrates her victory over Republican candidate Tommy Thompson as she enters the stage on election night on Nov. 6, in Madison, Wisconsin. Baldwin became Wisconsin's first openly gay senator.
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been meaning to get @ to posting this but theres been so much other fodder to process from the election. Baldwin becomes first openly gay senator in Wisconsin (goes w/o saying that her Repub rival lost)

NBC Politics: Election News, Political Issues & Events | NBC News
Senate candidate Rep. Tammy Baldwin celebrates her victory over Republican candidate Tommy Thompson as she enters the stage on election night on Nov. 6, in Madison, Wisconsin. Baldwin became Wisconsin's first openly gay senator.

Conservatives and republicans need to realize that this society is changing – for the better; and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.
Why do you say "Good for her" just because she's gay? :confused:

Are you afraid the Gay Mafia is gonna' get ya'?
Why do you say "Good for her" just because she's gay? :confused:

Are you afraid the Gay Mafia is gonna' get ya'?

Yes, because she's openly gay. She broke the glass ceiling and all that jazz.

Lol, gay mafia? Is oprah involved?

Broke the glass ceiling ... what a joke

If you have an opinion on her being gay, why don't you just come out and say it instead of tap dancing around it?
If you have an opinion on her being gay, why don't you just come out and say it instead of tap dancing around it?
I don't have an opinion on her being Gay, I just don't think it should be used as a resume enhancer or the reason anyone votes for her.
Yes, because she's openly gay. She broke the glass ceiling and all that jazz.

Lol, gay mafia? Is oprah involved?

Broke the glass ceiling ... what a joke

If you have an opinion on her being gay, why don't you just come out and say it instead of tap dancing around it?

I am not tap dancing Amy, I am not gay ..... having said that I do respect peoples sexual inclinations, I have relatives who are gay why should I have a beef with it?
If you have an opinion on her being gay, why don't you just come out and say it instead of tap dancing around it?
I don't have an opinion on her being Gay, I just don't think it should be used as a resume enhancer or the reason anyone votes for her.

I don't think anyone should vote for anyone else based on their sexual preference, although I'm sure some did, and I'm sure some voted for the other guy because she was gay.

People vote for representives for lots of reasons, plently of which I think are silly. *shrug*

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