First 6 weeks of Somali and iraqi refugees


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
1,070 Iraqis admitted to US in first 6 weeks of 2016, 85% are Muslim
Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 19, 2015

Since my two previous posts are so popularā€”the first is on Syrians admitted to the US in FY2016 (which began on Oct. 1) and the second on Somalis admitted in those same 6 weeks, I thought you might like to know about the Iraqis who have been coming into the US (over 100,000 since Obama took office. Here is one summary through 2013 and a large portion of 2014. Iā€™ll get more complete numbers later).

My Somali post made it to Drudge! What an honor!

This is where the 1,070 have gone in the last six weeks. Top five Iraqi resettlement states so far this year are: Texas, California, Michigan, Washington and Colorado.

And here is how their religions break down (directly from the Refugee Processing Center data base, these are their categories and spelling):

Atheist: 3

Catholic: 69

Christian: 24

Moslem: 44

Moslem Shiite: 427

Moslem Suni: 435

Orthodox: 20

Yazidi: 40

Interesting isnā€™t it! When you see almost equal numbers of Shiites and Sunis donā€™t you wonder why we are bringing in both sides of the warring factions?

Supposedly the bill being supported by Speaker Paul Ryan that seeks to get administration assurance that no terrorists are getting in through the refugee stream to America only involves Syrians and Iraqis. What about Somalis? And, isnā€™t it a bit late considering we have admitted over 100,000 Somalis and over 100,000 Iraqis to live in your towns and cities?

Anyone want to write a book on the Iraqi resettlement, we have 673 previous posts going back 8 years on that resettlement.

In first six weeks of FY2016 we resettled 827 Somalis; all but one are Muslim
Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 17, 2015

As I mentioned in my post this morning on governors, while we are going crazy over Syrian Muslims coming into the US, the beat goes on with the resettlement of Somalis which we have been bringing for over two decades (once a resettlement starts it doesnā€™t end) and dropping them off in your states.

Top five ā€˜luckyā€™ states are Minnesota, Arizona, New York, Ohio and Texas.

Here is a map showing where the first 827 Somalis have been resettled since October 1 (the beginning of the 2016 fiscal year). Last year the total was around 8,858 (well over 100,000 now) Why? Why are we still bringing in Somalis at this high rate? And, by the way, we are picking up Somalis all over the world and there is no data on them either! Tell me how you vet someone who has ā€œmade his wayā€ to Indonesia or Malaysia? Or, to Malta for that matter after launching from Libya?

Poster boy (here) for Somali resettlement to America?


Interesting, but yet all we focus on is syrians???
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Since jan 1 2009 for somali

1,070 Iraqis admitted to US in first 6 weeks of 2016, 85% are Muslim
Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 19, 2015

Since my two previous posts are so popularā€”the first is on Syrians admitted to the US in FY2016 (which began on Oct. 1) and the second on Somalis admitted in those same 6 weeks, I thought you might like to know about the Iraqis who have been coming into the US (over 100,000 since Obama took office. Here is one summary through 2013 and a large portion of 2014. Iā€™ll get more complete numbers later).

My Somali post made it to Drudge! What an honor!

This is where the 1,070 have gone in the last six weeks. Top five Iraqi resettlement states so far this year are: Texas, California, Michigan, Washington and Colorado.

And here is how their religions break down (directly from the Refugee Processing Center data base, these are their categories and spelling):

Atheist: 3

Catholic: 69

Christian: 24

Moslem: 44

Moslem Shiite: 427

Moslem Suni: 435

Orthodox: 20

Yazidi: 40

Interesting isnā€™t it! When you see almost equal numbers of Shiites and Sunis donā€™t you wonder why we are bringing in both sides of the warring factions?

Supposedly the bill being supported by Speaker Paul Ryan that seeks to get administration assurance that no terrorists are getting in through the refugee stream to America only involves Syrians and Iraqis. What about Somalis? And, isnā€™t it a bit late considering we have admitted over 100,000 Somalis and over 100,000 Iraqis to live in your towns and cities?

Anyone want to write a book on the Iraqi resettlement, we have 673 previous posts going back 8 years on that resettlement.

In first six weeks of FY2016 we resettled 827 Somalis; all but one are Muslim
Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 17, 2015

As I mentioned in my post this morning on governors, while we are going crazy over Syrian Muslims coming into the US, the beat goes on with the resettlement of Somalis which we have been bringing for over two decades (once a resettlement starts it doesnā€™t end) and dropping them off in your states.

Top five ā€˜luckyā€™ states are Minnesota, Arizona, New York, Ohio and Texas.

Here is a map showing where the first 827 Somalis have been resettled since October 1 (the beginning of the 2016 fiscal year). Last year the total was around 8,858 (well over 100,000 now) Why? Why are we still bringing in Somalis at this high rate? And, by the way, we are picking up Somalis all over the world and there is no data on them either! Tell me how you vet someone who has ā€œmade his wayā€ to Indonesia or Malaysia? Or, to Malta for that matter after launching from Libya?

Poster boy (here) for Somali resettlement to America?


Interesting, but yet all we focus on is syrians???
Matt, you keep saying 2016 it is still 2015
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1,070 Iraqis admitted to US in first 6 weeks of 2016, 85% are Muslim
Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 19, 2015

Since my two previous posts are so popularā€”the first is on Syrians admitted to the US in FY2016 (which began on Oct. 1) and the second on Somalis admitted in those same 6 weeks, I thought you might like to know about the Iraqis who have been coming into the US (over 100,000 since Obama took office. Here is one summary through 2013 and a large portion of 2014. Iā€™ll get more complete numbers later).

My Somali post made it to Drudge! What an honor!

This is where the 1,070 have gone in the last six weeks. Top five Iraqi resettlement states so far this year are: Texas, California, Michigan, Washington and Colorado.

And here is how their religions break down (directly from the Refugee Processing Center data base, these are their categories and spelling):

Atheist: 3

Catholic: 69

Christian: 24

Moslem: 44

Moslem Shiite: 427

Moslem Suni: 435

Orthodox: 20

Yazidi: 40

Interesting isnā€™t it! When you see almost equal numbers of Shiites and Sunis donā€™t you wonder why we are bringing in both sides of the warring factions?

Supposedly the bill being supported by Speaker Paul Ryan that seeks to get administration assurance that no terrorists are getting in through the refugee stream to America only involves Syrians and Iraqis. What about Somalis? And, isnā€™t it a bit late considering we have admitted over 100,000 Somalis and over 100,000 Iraqis to live in your towns and cities?

Anyone want to write a book on the Iraqi resettlement, we have 673 previous posts going back 8 years on that resettlement.

In first six weeks of FY2016 we resettled 827 Somalis; all but one are Muslim
Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 17, 2015

As I mentioned in my post this morning on governors, while we are going crazy over Syrian Muslims coming into the US, the beat goes on with the resettlement of Somalis which we have been bringing for over two decades (once a resettlement starts it doesnā€™t end) and dropping them off in your states.

Top five ā€˜luckyā€™ states are Minnesota, Arizona, New York, Ohio and Texas.

Here is a map showing where the first 827 Somalis have been resettled since October 1 (the beginning of the 2016 fiscal year). Last year the total was around 8,858 (well over 100,000 now) Why? Why are we still bringing in Somalis at this high rate? And, by the way, we are picking up Somalis all over the world and there is no data on them either! Tell me how you vet someone who has ā€œmade his wayā€ to Indonesia or Malaysia? Or, to Malta for that matter after launching from Libya?

Poster boy (here) for Somali resettlement to America?


Interesting, but yet all we focus on is syrians???
Matt, you keep saying 2016 it is still 2015

2016 is the governments fiscal year from Oct 1st to Sept 31st.
Secondly, I didn't write it. Click the title.
Equal number of Siites and Sunnies? I guess the US hasn't yet decided whether it wants a Siite or a Sunite future. I think Siite would be better, because the muslim world is short of siites, only 10 % of them are siites. HEHE
I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
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I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
Yeah, hear ya. We have to accept non acclimating foreigners,Obama is all up about that. I do NOT accept them as an American, they don't speak English or understand this culture. That is exactly what allowed the Paris attracts last week. Blind acceptance of anything . Enough!
I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
Funny thing about that, I almost got ran over in a crosswalk by a young black man in front of the local Police station/DMV. A few minutes later, at a gas station, I almost got arrested for calling a young black girl a N*gger after she called me a honkey craker, impeded my business with a local filling station with the loud ass rap music,and gave me a lecture on black culture. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, and ignore laws. Then blame white people for noticing. that's Racism? I bet Obama doesn't have to deal with these dingbats.
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I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
Funny thing about that, I almost got ran over in a crosswalk by a young black man in front of the local Police station/DMV. A few minutes later, at a gas station, I almost got arrested for calling a young black girl a N*gger after she called me a honkey craker, impeded my business with a local filling station with the loud ass rap music,and gave me a lecture on black culture. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, and ignore laws. Then blame white people fore noticing. I bet Obama doesn't have to deal with these dingbats.
I think this is getting funny. I have a black gf and thanks to you now I know what it means when she calls me a craker. I don't understand what is insulting about it, I plaid hockey in middle school, and getting into a fight was fun.
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I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
Funny thing about that, I almost got ran over in a crosswalk by a young black man in front of the local Police station/DMV. A few minutes later, at a gas station, I almost got arrested for calling a young black girl a N*gger after she called me a honkey craker, impeded my business with a local filling station with the loud ass rap music,and gave me a lecture on black culture. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, and ignore laws. Then blame white people fore noticing. I bet Obama doesn't have to deal with these dingbats.
I think this is getting funny. I have a black gf and thanks to you now I know what it means when she calls me a cracker. I don't understand what is insulting about it, I plaid hockey in middle school, and getting into a fight was fun.
When you get arrested for calling someone a cracker, get back to me, because you can't jokingly let alone scholarly use the word "N#gger" without being called out for it. I am not kidding, I was arrested just for using that word, I didn't threaten anyone, didn't hurt anyone, nothing like that.It was "disturbing the peace", after reacting to a racist insult coming from someone with ridiculously loud radio blaring. Wow. I got off, but, wow...really?
I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
Funny thing about that, I almost got ran over in a crosswalk by a young black man in front of the local Police station/DMV. A few minutes later, at a gas station, I almost got arrested for calling a young black girl a N*gger after she called me a honkey craker, impeded my business with a local filling station with the loud ass rap music,and gave me a lecture on black culture. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, and ignore laws. Then blame white people fore noticing. I bet Obama doesn't have to deal with these dingbats.
I think this is getting funny. I have a black gf and thanks to you now I know what it means when she calls me a cracker. I don't understand what is insulting about it, I plaid hockey in middle school, and getting into a fight was fun.
When you get arrested for calling someone a cracker, get back to me, because you can't jokingly let alone scholarly use the word "N#gger" without being called out for it. I am not kidding, I was arrested just for using that word, I didn't threaten anyone, didn't hurt anyone, nothing like that.It was "disturbing the peace", after reacting to a racist insult coming from someone with ridiculously loud radio blaring. Wow. I got off, but, wow...really?
Now this is interesting. So much for the 1st amendment? You can't call them what they are? Actually, come to think of it, I did call her a ****** once, and she gave me a big beat down for it. That was funny too, because she is quite smaller than I.
I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
Funny thing about that, I almost got ran over in a crosswalk by a young black man in front of the local Police station/DMV. A few minutes later, at a gas station, I almost got arrested for calling a young black girl a N*gger after she called me a honkey craker, impeded my business with a local filling station with the loud ass rap music,and gave me a lecture on black culture. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, and ignore laws. Then blame white people fore noticing. I bet Obama doesn't have to deal with these dingbats.
I think this is getting funny. I have a black gf and thanks to you now I know what it means when she calls me a cracker. I don't understand what is insulting about it, I plaid hockey in middle school, and getting into a fight was fun.
When you get arrested for calling someone a cracker, get back to me, because you can't jokingly let alone scholarly use the word "N#gger" without being called out for it. I am not kidding, I was arrested just for using that word, I didn't threaten anyone, didn't hurt anyone, nothing like that.It was "disturbing the peace", after reacting to a racist insult coming from someone with ridiculously loud radio blaring. Wow. I got off, but, wow...really?
Now this is interesting. So much for the 1st amendment? You can't call them what they are? Actually, come to think of it, I did call her a ****** once, and she gave me a big beat down for it. That was funny too, because she is quite smaller than I.
Sorry for ranting about that, but it pains me even now... Off topic, The last bus I took was all about Diversity, the driver, for instance. Didn't speak a lick of English, a Nigerian by the looks of him. His brother sat behind him, shotgun, and he was a bloody piss poor interpreter , and neither seemed to understand Denver or the bus schedules they were to follow. Great Job our liberal mayor/governor is doing, bang up job! Liberal just DON'T get it...
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
Funny thing about that, I almost got ran over in a crosswalk by a young black man in front of the local Police station/DMV. A few minutes later, at a gas station, I almost got arrested for calling a young black girl a N*gger after she called me a honkey craker, impeded my business with a local filling station with the loud ass rap music,and gave me a lecture on black culture. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, and ignore laws. Then blame white people fore noticing. I bet Obama doesn't have to deal with these dingbats.
I think this is getting funny. I have a black gf and thanks to you now I know what it means when she calls me a cracker. I don't understand what is insulting about it, I plaid hockey in middle school, and getting into a fight was fun.
When you get arrested for calling someone a cracker, get back to me, because you can't jokingly let alone scholarly use the word "N#gger" without being called out for it. I am not kidding, I was arrested just for using that word, I didn't threaten anyone, didn't hurt anyone, nothing like that.It was "disturbing the peace", after reacting to a racist insult coming from someone with ridiculously loud radio blaring. Wow. I got off, but, wow...really?
Now this is interesting. So much for the 1st amendment? You can't call them what they are? Actually, come to think of it, I did call her a ****** once, and she gave me a big beat down for it. That was funny too, because she is quite smaller than I.
Sorry for ranting about that, but it pains me even now... Off topic, The last bus I took was all about Diversity, the driver, for instance. Didn't speak a lick of English, a Nigerian by the looks of him. His brother sat behind him, shotgun, and he was a bloody piss poor interpreter , and neither seemed to understand Denver or the bus schedules they were to follow. Great Job our liberal mayor/governor is doing, bang up job! Liberal just DON'T get it...
Sorry I lose my posts half the time, especially when I don't get to post for a week. The bus driver story you are writing is amazing indeed. Nigeria is a British colony though so it is surprising that they don't speak enough English. Could it be the country of Niger? That one is French. Well, at least they were doing some work. Most of them do nothing just play on welfare. But you are completely right. English is not just another tribal tongue. It is the world central language. Shame on them.
I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
Yeah, hear ya. We have to accept non acclimating foreigners,Obama is all up about that. I do NOT accept them as an American, they don't speak English or understand this culture. That is exactly what allowed the Paris attracts last week. Blind acceptance of anything . Enough!
So not speaking English caused the Paris attacks....
I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
Yeah, hear ya. We have to accept non acclimating foreigners,Obama is all up about that. I do NOT accept them as an American, they don't speak English or understand this culture. That is exactly what allowed the Paris attracts last week. Blind acceptance of anything . Enough!
So not speaking English caused the Paris attacks....
I noticed at the local DMV, One person was taking the WRITTEN portion of the drivers test, three Hispanic males were allowed in the cubicle to help him. When was ANYONE allowed to help you on the written drivers test, let alone concern over what their first language is, let alone ...three people helping? It amazes me how far America allows stretching of the rules to pander to immigrants, so, perhaps, they might let a terrorist or two slide by examination because of this pansy ass PC acceptance of ANYTHING. And if you question that, you are a xenophobe or hater or that liberal name calling nonsense. Enough!
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Funny thing about that, I almost got ran over in a crosswalk by a young black man in front of the local Police station/DMV. A few minutes later, at a gas station, I almost got arrested for calling a young black girl a N*gger after she called me a honkey craker, impeded my business with a local filling station with the loud ass rap music,and gave me a lecture on black culture. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM, and ignore laws. Then blame white people fore noticing. I bet Obama doesn't have to deal with these dingbats.
I think this is getting funny. I have a black gf and thanks to you now I know what it means when she calls me a cracker. I don't understand what is insulting about it, I plaid hockey in middle school, and getting into a fight was fun.
When you get arrested for calling someone a cracker, get back to me, because you can't jokingly let alone scholarly use the word "N#gger" without being called out for it. I am not kidding, I was arrested just for using that word, I didn't threaten anyone, didn't hurt anyone, nothing like that.It was "disturbing the peace", after reacting to a racist insult coming from someone with ridiculously loud radio blaring. Wow. I got off, but, wow...really?
Now this is interesting. So much for the 1st amendment? You can't call them what they are? Actually, come to think of it, I did call her a ****** once, and she gave me a big beat down for it. That was funny too, because she is quite smaller than I.
Sorry for ranting about that, but it pains me even now... Off topic, The last bus I took was all about Diversity, the driver, for instance. Didn't speak a lick of English, a Nigerian by the looks of him. His brother sat behind him, shotgun, and he was a bloody piss poor interpreter , and neither seemed to understand Denver or the bus schedules they were to follow. Great Job our liberal mayor/governor is doing, bang up job! Liberal just DON'T get it...
Sorry I lose my posts half the time, especially when I don't get to post for a week. The bus driver story you are writing is amazing indeed. Nigeria is a British colony though so it is surprising that they don't speak enough English. Could it be the country of Niger? That one is French. Well, at least they were doing some work. Most of them do nothing just play on welfare. But you are completely right. English is not just another tribal tongue. It is the world central language. Shame on them.
It's too bad most of these incidences happened before the age of the cell phone. All those anecdotes are eye witness testimony. Would you brave a comment? You don't like them, do you? how do you feel about all the misrepresentations that were made about Michel Brown putting his hands up and saying "Don't Shoot" that NEVER happened? Use that same level of skepticism on everything, we will get along fine.
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I just want our leaders to ask US what we want. Since this is a democracy, a republic.About this acceptance of non acclimation, that liberal thing is frightening. I had a adventure with on the local bus full of Africans or Mexicans (almost expected pigs, goats or chickens on the bus with people clinging to the bumper or sides like in some third world country). The bloody driver was Nigerian, didn't speak English and His brother sitting behind him had to TRANSLATE! On a Denver RTD bus! This is what...Diversity has come to. They didn't know were they were going, and these PC idiots made me late!
How about this. I went to the driver license center, but it opened an hour too late without notice, then the guy who took my questions gave me half sentence answers because he couldn't speak English either. The the bus driver told me to forget getting off the bus at the stop where I needed, because he was running late so he wouldn't bother to stop the bus for me to get off at the bus stop. Taxation is a joke. Their fat pensions and union contracts aren't though. Hehehe.
Yeah, hear ya. We have to accept non acclimating foreigners,Obama is all up about that. I do NOT accept them as an American, they don't speak English or understand this culture. That is exactly what allowed the Paris attracts last week. Blind acceptance of anything . Enough!
So not speaking English caused the Paris attacks....
Well, I know first hand that the French are not eager enough to learn English. That is bad enough.

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