Fire-Arms of Jesus Christ in Afgh.


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Used in Afghanistan

'Firearms of Jesus Christ'
(...) Weinstein, an attorney and former Air Force officer, (...) that commanders have referred to weapons with the sights as "spiritually transformed firearm of Jesus Christ."
U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes - ABC News

New Zealand army to take biblical references off guns
(...) also used by US and British troops (...)
(...) Biblical references printed in small type that at first glance appear to be part of the stock number (...)
"JN8:12" - a reference to John 8:12: "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life,'" (...)


JN8:12 ? a stock number for a military gunsight, or a biblical reference? | World news | The Guardian
New Zealand army to take biblical references off guns | Earth Times News
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Oh dear God, really? Come on. This is OLD news. It's not like the military put them on there. Some stupid company.
Oh dear God, really? Come on. This is OLD news. It's not like the military put them on there. Some stupid company.

Off course, it is never with knowledge of the US Army. Just like in Abu Ghraib.
Or here:

Soldiers In Afghanistan Given Bibles, Told To "Hunt People For Jesus" (VIDEO)
Soldiers In Afghanistan Given Bibles, Told To "Hunt People For Jesus" (VIDEO)

When is spreading Jesus words ever wrong, even if it may be through a gun?

If, as you claim, there is already a thread about US radical elements within US Army, then I would be thankfull to join this tread into the other thread.
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Old news, already dealt with. The company in question offered to remove all the offending serial number parts. And they promised no new deliveries would be inscribed with serial numbers like that.

In fact if our retarded Turkish dumb ass spent more time in the real world and less time fantasizing how his insignificant piss ant Country was going to become the next super power, he would have noticed the several threads that were given on the subject when it was REAL news.
Old news, already dealt with.(...)

There is no "read, wrote, done" issue with this.
Maybe you dealt with it, and you have ticked the issue off your brain and your lightly clothed conscience regarding Muslim issues.
Since when are you the benchmark in this?

The only error I may have made is not finding the original thread to post this in.
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I say everyone here negs the OP for posting this age-old crap that already had several threads dedicated to it back when it happened.

Do not project yourself more important then you really are.
There is no crusade here dude. I Know it may seem like one but that's not what this is.

State Television of North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), WDR

God's warriors on the Sea of the Devil

US Taliban indoctrination through radical Evangelical Madrassas.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Jesus Camp (deutsch) 1/5‬‎[/ame]
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Did you here that Nixon may have had something to do with the breakin at the Watergate?
Unfuckingbelievable... What an asshole.
It's been awhile since I've been to Nederhein Westphalia so my German just isn't that good. Not that I would expect anything truly unbiased coming from German television. Nor should you, Jerry hates turks.

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