Finnish people are waking up

Jews are only jews if they go by Gods laws and traditions. You can't be a jew unless you are biblecal jew because the word comes from the bible.

And todays jews on the most part are either atheist or promoters of evil. Not all of course but those too are silent.

Who has wrapped their agendas around American and Israeli laws? Who defends islam with a powerfu lobby and who defends all lefestyles the Torah calls blashemy and sin? Who has destroyed the family unit and took prayer out of schools and put islam in them? All jewish banker and lawyer groups are invovled. ACLU,ADL,SPLC etc,etc,etc,. These people are not real jewish hebrews. And Haggee and others who lie about them are not real christians ,imo. The Bbile warns us about this but you won't hear it from the pulpits . Jesus didn't come to change the laws just to give us a chance to obey them and forgiveness when we fail. JUst my opinion and I'm still learning not teaching.
Thats nice but too little too late. All talk and if they even put a finger on one of them the UN and NATO would be on them like stink on shite.

Its their last hurrah imo. It is a very sad shame what libs have done to this world. I think the devil made them do it, I really do since he rules over this world.

Simply because the caucasion white man has always been one of the most fierce fighters in the world throughout history none have been better warriors, hell we sacked the roman empire. But instead of just killing rotten apples like hitler we killed the hell out of each other so we are not who we were. And of course we killed others but if not us it is always somebody killign the hell out of somebody, we are just evil us unkind mankind.
You are fucking crazy. Get help you holocaust apologist.

You a liar, I never denied the holocaust. Zionist are not jews and only ignorant fools like you think they are.

Rev.2:9 even tells us the apostates living in israel in last days are not led by hebrews, but by those who say they are jews BUT ARE NOT ! Some evidence points towards these same professing so called jews were part of the holocaust tradgidy. Now get informed or shut up bearing false witness on those who do think for themselves and investigate. There may be some real jews living in Israel today but they are silent peaceful hebrews.
Yep I got that one wrong. Apologies for that.
Listen to the lyrics of this old Kinks song.

I'm a mother.

This is also a very old song, and this song is pronounce by young people now, same as once in old time. The lyrics is just simple questions, if you judt read the write is. But you listen to the song and you can feel the hard anger.

Somebody tell me

Birds come. Birds come.
They do spray the death-rain.
Birds come. Birds come.
They do bleed to you with the black tears.
(You understand it.) bomb-01.jpg

Somebody tell me what life is like
Somebody tell me why life is like this
Somebody tell me why life is nice
Somebody tell me why it's not
Somebody tell me why the man is good
Somebody tell me why he's not
Somebody tell me why he becomes evil
Somebody tell me why he doesn't

Somebody tell me who I have to believe
Somebody tell me who I shouldn't
Somebody tell me where people can get to
What does the water of life tastes like
Somebody tell me why the long years
Feel like they're so short
Somebody tell me what passed away means
Somebody tell me where it stayed

Somebody tell me how to live
My dad told me not to hurt other people
Somebody saw I've already hurt you
Somebody saw you've hurt me
Somebody tell me why we're here
My mom told me, for you to be happy
But my mom didn't tell me, why not on this land.
My mom didn't tell me, tell me why?

Thats nice but too little too late. All talk and if they even put a finger on one of them the UN and NATO would be on them like stink on shite.

Its their last hurrah imo. It is a very sad shame what libs have done to this world. I think the devil made them do it, I really do since he rules over this world.

Simply because the caucasion white man has always been one of the most fierce fighters in the world throughout history none have been better warriors, hell we sacked the roman empire. But instead of just killing rotten apples like hitler we killed the hell out of each other so we are not who we were. And of course we killed others but if not us it is always somebody killign the hell out of somebody, we are just evil us unkind mankind.
You are fucking crazy. Get help you holocaust apologist.

You a liar, I never denied the holocaust. Zionist are not jews and only ignorant fools like you think they are.

Rev.2:9 even tells us the apostates living in israel in last days are not led by hebrews, but by those who say they are jews BUT ARE NOT ! Some evidence points towards these same professing so called jews were part of the holocaust tradgidy. Now get informed or shut up bearing false witness on those who do think for themselves and investigate. There may be some real jews living in Israel today but they are silent peaceful hebrews.
Yep I got that one wrong. Apologies for that.
Got that one wrong?

On suppressing a culture of violence and murder you are always wrong.

Seems you are always apologizing for these acts of violence and defending them, rather than the contempt for those who reject what these " guests" do to the societies they inhabit.
Jews are only jews if they go by Gods laws and traditions. You can't be a jew unless you are biblecal jew because the word comes from the bible.

And todays jews on the most part are either atheist or promoters of evil. Not all of course but those too are silent.

Who has wrapped their agendas around American and Israeli laws? Who defends islam with a powerfu lobby and who defends all lefestyles the Torah calls blashemy and sin? Who has destroyed the family unit and took prayer out of schools and put islam in them? All jewish banker and lawyer groups are invovled. ACLU,ADL,SPLC etc,etc,etc,. These people are not real jewish hebrews. And Haggee and others who lie about them are not real christians ,imo. The Bbile warns us about this but you won't hear it from the pulpits . Jesus didn't come to change the laws just to give us a chance to obey them and forgiveness when we fail. JUst my opinion and I'm still learning not teaching.

help me understand if I got your point of view:

'Jooos' who are not real Jews because they're not religious enough (according to NT) or G-d forbid atheists- are the main reason why Europeans lost their balls and can't deal with the immigrants?
Also the main cause for the spreading of left-wing ideology fashion?...basically are those Jooos responsible for the uncertain future of Europe and ALL 'whites'?

I'm just confused, please explain in a simple manner.

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