Fine all businesses and landlords!


VIP Member
Dec 14, 2009
Fine all businesses and landlords that hire and house Illegal Aliens! Now, no more racial profiling!!
Fine all businesses and landlords that hire and house Illegal Aliens! Now, no more racial profiling!!

Go after the businesses that hire them most agressively.

Make it so the risk is to high for businesses they will not hire illegals. Make it so businesses will lose money if they hire illegals because of fines and penalties.

The problem is the businesses are the ones donating and lining the pockets of politicians. The politicians do not want to go after contributors. slime bucket politicians.
That's the problem with today's society...nobody want's to suffer a bit to make the future better.
Fine all businesses and landlords that hire and house Illegal Aliens! Now, no more racial profiling!!

How would we find out who does this? Do you want small biz and landlords to be immigration enforcers?

There is an I-9 form that is used to check citizenship, before someone is hired.
If you're renting to someone you can ask for references and a credit check.

It's not immigration enforcement, it's called CYA.
It's the business owner that's fined if caught, so CYA.
If the landlord is fined for turning a blind eye, they'll start using the CYA method.
Fine all businesses and landlords that hire and house Illegal Aliens! Now, no more racial profiling!!

How would we find out who does this? Do you want small biz and landlords to be immigration enforcers?

There is an I-9 form that is used to check citizenship, before someone is hired.
If you're renting to someone you can ask for references and a credit check.

It's not immigration enforcement, it's called CYA.
It's the business owner that's fined if caught, so CYA.
If the landlord is fined for turning a blind eye, they'll start using the CYA method.

yeah, so you would pass off the costs of immigration enforcement to small businesses and landlords? :cuckoo:

references and credit checks are poor indicators of anything. landlords need to meet people face to face and have awareness of the pitfalls of trying to make a dollar off of others through housing.

business owners can pass on initial paperwork to the guv, but have neither the time nor resources to police people or research data. small biz owners usually need help tright away...not later after numerous checks. what happens if a hire turns out to be in charge of false papers?

sure some people knowingly hire and rent to illegals. but unlike you I don't think the solution is to turn the nation into a police state. once given power, government is not easily persuaded to give it up.
yeah, so you would pass off the costs of immigration enforcement to small businesses and landlords? :cuckoo:

references and credit checks are poor indicators of anything. landlords need to meet people face to face and have awareness of the pitfalls of trying to make a dollar off of others through housing.

business owners can pass on initial paperwork to the guv, but have neither the time nor resources to police people or research data. small biz owners usually need help tright away...not later after numerous checks. what happens if a hire turns out to be in charge of false papers?

sure some people knowingly hire and rent to illegals. but unlike you I don't think the solution is to turn the nation into a police state. once given power, government is not easily persuaded to give it up.
I don't believe in a police state, whatsoever.
I do, however, believe that there are common sense approaches that business owners and landlords can take to make sure that they're not on the hook for enabling someone that is here illegally.
When I fill out an I-9 for a new hire they must provide the proper (up to date) documents. If they don't, they don't start work.
If they do provide the 'proper' documents and it gets forwarded to the payroll company and they determine a forgery, the authorities are notified and Hector rides away in a police car. (seen it happen)
yeah, so you would pass off the costs of immigration enforcement to small businesses and landlords? :cuckoo:

references and credit checks are poor indicators of anything. landlords need to meet people face to face and have awareness of the pitfalls of trying to make a dollar off of others through housing.

business owners can pass on initial paperwork to the guv, but have neither the time nor resources to police people or research data. small biz owners usually need help tright away...not later after numerous checks. what happens if a hire turns out to be in charge of false papers?

sure some people knowingly hire and rent to illegals. but unlike you I don't think the solution is to turn the nation into a police state. once given power, government is not easily persuaded to give it up.
I don't believe in a police state, whatsoever.

I do, however, believe that there are common sense approaches that business owners and landlords can take to make sure that they're not on the hook for enabling someone that is here illegally.

When I fill out an I-9 for a new hire they must provide the proper (up to date) documents. If they don't, they don't start work.

If they do provide the 'proper' documents and it gets forwarded to the payroll company and they determine a forgery, the authorities are notified and Hector rides away in a police car. (seen it happen)

now you sound like an academic in an ivory tower or worse---a progressive social worker.

A simplistic solution to a complicate problem. Hector? I worked with latino and european illegals.

I've seen forged docs. I've seen illegals get papers that put them in a semi-legal status. I think landlords should not be required to ask for documents proving one is in America legally. Landlords are not agents of the federal government.

Lots of people in America do not like the waves of illegals but fear a police state more. It is possible solutions like the ones you propose that keep us from getting things done. Irrationality only causes more shit
Seems to me sanctuary cities are violating the law. ALL federal monies should be withheld until they comply.
Yes, we'll punish those evil businesses!

Here's some potential problems:
Businesses already check, they get lied to. The illegals say they are legal and produce fake SS cards. So how far must they take it to ensure the person they are hiring is really legal?

You're going after the wrong people. They aren't the ones who came here illegally. They aren't the ones who encouraged them to come here. They aren't the ones who've given them amnesty. They aren't the ones who have allowed them to live here free and clear for decades.

How do you know who to punish at the businesses?
Fine all businesses and landlords that hire and house Illegal Aliens! Now, no more racial profiling!!

Give me a 'BREAK'. The very first thing an illegal will do upon entering this country is to obtain some kind of papers that show that they are here legally. Fraudulent ones whatever. A few years ago--it was a real business in California--where someone from the Drivers license administration was actually selling--birth certificates--social security cards--and drivers licenses to illegals--at about 2K a pop.

Our dear President--has basically issued VALID state drivers licenses to illegals--in his campaign statement that" "They didn't come here to drive." Remember that comment?

Then to add insult to injury--democrats wanted to "de-fund"--E-verify--the ONLY on-line tool that employers have to verify legal entry or citizenship.

So NO--you can't fine employers or landlords for unknowingly getting fraudulent documents from illegals.
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The working ones are not the problem anyway. They are at least contributing, though not in full. It is the criminal ones that are the real problem.
The working ones are not the problem anyway. They are at least contributing, though not in full. It is the criminal ones that are the real problem.

This is twice, in as many minutes, I've read someone saying that the working illegals aren't the problem.


So what if they're working?!

They're not paying taxes.
They're working "under the table" and sucking off the state and fed. g'ment for every entitlement program they can get their hands on.
We pay for them to have their "anchor-baby" then we get to pay to school the kid, too.

How the fuck can you say they're not the problem.

Hell, at least, the drug dealers are making enough cash flow as to not need *as much* assistance!!
The working ones are not the problem anyway. They are at least contributing, though not in full. It is the criminal ones that are the real problem.

This is twice, in as many minutes, I've read someone saying that the working illegals aren't the problem.


So what if they're working?!

They're not paying taxes.
They're working "under the table" and sucking off the state and fed. g'ment for every entitlement program they can get their hands on.
We pay for them to have their "anchor-baby" then we get to pay to school the kid, too.

How the fuck can you say they're not the problem.

Hell, at least, the drug dealers are making enough cash flow as to not need *as much* assistance!!
While they are 'a' problem, the main issue with illegals at the moment is the crime they are brining into this country. That is a simple fact. Arizona is NOT complaining that the strawberry fields are getting picked too cheaply or that peoples yards are well groomed, they are complaining that crime has gotten far out of hand and it is unacceptable what the border neighborhoods have become. When that problem is fixed we can turn our efforts to the working illegals. The workers need a more comprehensive form of reform rather than simple deportation. If you deported all the illegal aliens then construction and food supplies would be nonexistent ;) (I know, exaggeration, just poking a little fun so do not take that last sentence literally) I WANT hard working individuals to come to this country and we need that sort of immigration. The immigrants that are coming here for drug trafficking and other crime is the acuter problem and needs to be dealt with first.

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