Finally a Plastic Firearm...XXXX the BATF , TSA, et al


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA

Local 2 Investigates the idea to make "Wiki Weapon" with 3D printer

It's either new technology that could dramatically change the way anyone could get a gun or just a bunch of hype. Either way, the plan coming from a group in Texas is getting attention around the world.

"We don't come at it as being gun nuts," said Cody Wilson, project leader with an Austin group called Defense Distributed. "But gun nuts love the project."

The project is called the "Wiki Weapon" and it takes a little bit for it to sink in. Wilson's idea is to create a computerized blueprint for a gun on the Internet that anyone, anywhere can put on their own computer. Then someone would make the gun by using a new line of 3D printers that would actually take the blueprint and manufacture the gun out of plastic, resin or even stainless steel.

"All we did was hold our hand up and say, 'Hey we're interested in doing this. Would you like the help?'" Wilson said.

Wilson, who is a University of Texas law student, put the idea on YouTube. More than 880,000 views and $21,000 in donations later, Wilson and his admitted amateur team are busily developing the prototype.

"We are not trying to skirt gun control laws," said Wilson. "We are trying to act within the legal regime. But, of course, we're suggesting to people you should have the right to own a firearm no matter what.

Great! Why should any gun manufacturer have a monoply?

Well , that is not really the issue:

Montana Firearms Freedom Act

The law declares that firearms manufactured in the state of Montana after October 1, 2009, and which remain in the state, are exempt from United States federal firearms regulations, provided that these items are clearly stamped "Made in Montana" on a central metallic part.
It's going to be fun watching the first retard make a gun out of resin and having it blow up in his face when he fires the first round. :lol:

It's going to be fun watching the first retard make a gun out of resin and having it blow up in his face when he fires the first round. :lol:


How about the first criminal to have his gray matter perforated by bullet fired from a gun made out of resin ?

It's going to be fun watching the first retard make a gun out of resin and having it blow up in his face when he fires the first round. :lol:


How about the first criminal to have his gray matter perforated by bullet fired from a gun made out of resin ?


I have one of those resin fax machines at my company. I would not fire a gun made from that stuff.

You first.

I say this technology use to make a gun stock on a TV show, I seriously doubt it would work for a breach or chamber. Instead of bang you get boom.

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