Final word on Tea Party and 2010 elections: Libs, it gets worse


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I can't help but comment on all the loony tune libs crying that the Tea Party wasn't effective because a few elections were lost, where a traditional Republican might have won.

HELLO!!! THAT is the point. The Republican Party has been ALMOST as bad as the Dems. We, the Tea Party, are trying to clean up our side!!! Just like the left should, but won't. It's like rooting out a cancer. We are doing it on our side. We won some (Kentucky, Florida) and lost some (Delaware, Alaska, Nevada). But guess what? Nothing is cleansed overnight. This is just the first step. We can't truly find our conservative power in this country until we root out some of the liberal cancer on the right. And we've done a pretty good job so far. 2012 we'll root out some more RINOS, and in the meantime, also defeat some liberal Dems.

Tea Party folks, it's a great first start. The Obama presidency has been dealt a crippling blow, and the Senate will be next in 2012, hopefully along with the presidency. No one expected the Tea Party to win 100% of the races we were in. The RINO's and liberals are entrenched strong in our government. It's gonna take time, but it's a helluva start.
A few? Yes. However, O'Donnell, Miller, Buck and Angle lost seats that could have easily been won by less extreme candidates. Are you trying to say that a Democrat in the seat is better than a Republican who is not as conservative as you want them to be? If so, congratulations. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Clean up? Clean up how? You have tea party candidates advocating for violent revolution, preaching religious and ethnic bigotry, calling the President the "worst" in history, shilling for big business and the rich, playing "dress up" in Nazi uniforms, wanting to eviserate the United States Constitution, and preaching lockstep fealty to the notion that compromise is not an option.

I wish people were paying more attention. Perhaps when they are living in cardboard boxes..
A few? Yes. However, O'Donnell, Miller, Buck and Angle lost seats that could have easily been won by less extreme candidates. Are you trying to say that a Democrat in the seat is better than a Republican who is not as conservative as you want them to be? If so, congratulations. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

That is exactly what we are saying... You still don't understand that Conservatives have principles... one thing libs don't. We are tired of Democrat light Republicans giving the party a bad name....

Yank, you better get use to a Conservative country. This is only the beginning... You may want to move to Europe.
A few? Yes. However, O'Donnell, Miller, Buck and Angle lost seats that could have easily been won by less extreme candidates. Are you trying to say that a Democrat in the seat is better than a Republican who is not as conservative as you want them to be? If so, congratulations. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

That is exactly what we are saying... You still don't understand that Conservatives have principles... one thing libs don't. We are tired of Democrat light Republicans giving the party a bad name....

Yank, you better get use to a Conservative country. This is only the beginning... You may want to move to Europe.

Before I pack my bags, let me ask you, as a "conservative", what is the plan now to shape the country the way YOU want it? Based on the mid term results, all I see is gridlock for the next two years. Now, many "conservatives" see this as a good thing, however I am trying to figure out how gridlock is going to accomplish anything you Tea Partiers wanted. SO, what's the plan?
A few? Yes. However, O'Donnell, Miller, Buck and Angle lost seats that could have easily been won by less extreme candidates. Are you trying to say that a Democrat in the seat is better than a Republican who is not as conservative as you want them to be? If so, congratulations. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Buck barely lost. Miller would have crushed the Democrat. That's Lisa Murkowski's problem, not his.

Would Harry Reid have rolled over for Sue Lowden? Would Obama/Biden/Coons just let Mike Castle win Biden's seat?

Besides Mark Kirk, where were the moderates picking up open seats or defeating incumbents? Who were Lindsay Graham's candidates?
A few? Yes. However, O'Donnell, Miller, Buck and Angle lost seats that could have easily been won by less extreme candidates. Are you trying to say that a Democrat in the seat is better than a Republican who is not as conservative as you want them to be? If so, congratulations. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

That is exactly what we are saying... You still don't understand that Conservatives have principles... one thing libs don't. We are tired of Democrat light Republicans giving the party a bad name....

Yank, you better get use to a Conservative country. This is only the beginning... You may want to move to Europe.

Before I pack my bags, let me ask you, as a "conservative", what is the plan now to shape the country the way YOU want it? Based on the mid term results, all I see is gridlock for the next two years. Now, many "conservatives" see this as a good thing, however I am trying to figure out how gridlock is going to accomplish anything you Tea Partiers wanted. SO, what's the plan?

Stop Obama from more destructive social spending and reverse as much of what he has already done as possible.
For the first national election go around, the Tea Party supported candidates did very well. No real national leader, federal election dollar support or long standing political networks. Interesting you have to go to entrenched politicans who survived an election for proof that something went wrong.
That is exactly what we are saying... You still don't understand that Conservatives have principles... one thing libs don't. We are tired of Democrat light Republicans giving the party a bad name....

Yank, you better get use to a Conservative country. This is only the beginning... You may want to move to Europe.

Before I pack my bags, let me ask you, as a "conservative", what is the plan now to shape the country the way YOU want it? Based on the mid term results, all I see is gridlock for the next two years. Now, many "conservatives" see this as a good thing, however I am trying to figure out how gridlock is going to accomplish anything you Tea Partiers wanted. SO, what's the plan?

Stop Obama from more destructive social spending and reverse as much of what he has already done as possible.

And with the gridlock situation that we now face in Congress, how and when do you hope to get any of this accomplished?
Before I pack my bags, let me ask you, as a "conservative", what is the plan now to shape the country the way YOU want it? Based on the mid term results, all I see is gridlock for the next two years. Now, many "conservatives" see this as a good thing, however I am trying to figure out how gridlock is going to accomplish anything you Tea Partiers wanted. SO, what's the plan?

Stop Obama from more destructive social spending and reverse as much of what he has already done as possible.

And with the gridlock situation that we now face in Congress, how and when do you hope to get any of this accomplished?

Gridlock accomplishes the first goal. Forcing to Democrats to vote up or down on the latter starts that process.
A few? Yes. However, O'Donnell, Miller, Buck and Angle lost seats that could have easily been won by less extreme candidates. Are you trying to say that a Democrat in the seat is better than a Republican who is not as conservative as you want them to be? If so, congratulations. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

In the long run... it sends a message to future or potential REP candidates... and shows that conservatism should not be diluted with DEM Lite...

RINO REPs will continue to be called out and exposed... and hopefully eliminated from government along with the progressive ilk they 'governmentally' breed with
I think the voters wanted gridlock. The Dems did cramdown on several issues the voters were mad about. Whatever happens in the future, we won't have cramdowns anymore.

And the voters have spoken several times since 94 that they want open and transparent government. When the Republicans forgot that, they were replaced. When the Democrats reneged, they were replaced.

I think the Republicans may have got the message that when the voters say they want open government, they aren't kidding. No more passing bills in the dead of night that no one knows what is in them but the lobbyists who paid for them

And there is another election in two years, just to remind you that swings of 88 seats are not unheard of.
Stop Obama from more destructive social spending and reverse as much of what he has already done as possible.

And with the gridlock situation that we now face in Congress, how and when do you hope to get any of this accomplished?

Gridlock accomplishes the first goal. Forcing to Democrats to vote up or down on the latter starts that process.

So, let's assume the new, new GOP wants to get the Bush tax cuts extended. How will they get it done. AND if they want the tax cuts so bad, where will they cut spending. And with gridlock, how will they cut spending?
A few? Yes. However, O'Donnell, Miller, Buck and Angle lost seats that could have easily been won by less extreme candidates. Are you trying to say that a Democrat in the seat is better than a Republican who is not as conservative as you want them to be? If so, congratulations. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

In the long run... it sends a message to future or potential REP candidates... and shows that conservatism should not be diluted with DEM Lite...

RINO REPs will continue to be called out and exposed... and hopefully eliminated from government along with the progressive ilk they 'governmentally' breed with

Like John McCain?
A few? Yes. However, O'Donnell, Miller, Buck and Angle lost seats that could have easily been won by less extreme candidates. Are you trying to say that a Democrat in the seat is better than a Republican who is not as conservative as you want them to be? If so, congratulations. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

In the long run... it sends a message to future or potential REP candidates... and shows that conservatism should not be diluted with DEM Lite...

RINO REPs will continue to be called out and exposed... and hopefully eliminated from government along with the progressive ilk they 'governmentally' breed with

Like John McCain?

I would actually say yes... McCain is not what is needed now... I liked him a bit better back in 2000 and before, but have drawn away from his stances and against his voting record
And with the gridlock situation that we now face in Congress, how and when do you hope to get any of this accomplished?

Gridlock accomplishes the first goal. Forcing to Democrats to vote up or down on the latter starts that process.

So, let's assume the new, new GOP wants to get the Bush tax cuts extended. How will they get it done. AND if they want the tax cuts so bad, where will they cut spending. And with gridlock, how will they cut spending?

I have posted numerous times about what agencies and programs should be cut or targeted by the GOP...

And even if it gets chopped out at the knees by the Senate or Obutthole... stick to their guns and put it all on the shoulders of the opposition as things get worse
I think the voters wanted gridlock. The Dems did cramdown on several issues the voters were mad about. Whatever happens in the future, we won't have cramdowns anymore.

And the voters have spoken several times since 94 that they want open and transparent government. When the Republicans forgot that, they were replaced. When the Democrats reneged, they were replaced.

I think the Republicans may have got the message that when the voters say they want open government, they aren't kidding. No more passing bills in the dead of night that no one knows what is in them but the lobbyists who paid for them

And there is another election in two years, just to remind you that swings of 88 seats are not unheard of.


The top earmarkers in both the House and Senate are Republicans, even after the GOP has spent much of the past year making fiscal restraint and runaway government spending the centerpiece of its political message.

Rep. Bill Young (R-Fla.) and Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) — both atop defense spending panels — led their respective bodies in securing earmarks, according to an analysis by the nonprofit Taxpayers for Common Sense.

Republicans lead earmark list - Jake Sherman -
Gridlock accomplishes the first goal. Forcing to Democrats to vote up or down on the latter starts that process.

So, let's assume the new, new GOP wants to get the Bush tax cuts extended. How will they get it done. AND if they want the tax cuts so bad, where will they cut spending. And with gridlock, how will they cut spending?

I have posted numerous times about what agencies and programs should be cut or targeted by the GOP...

And even if it gets chopped out at the knees by the Senate or Obutthole... stick to their guns and put it all on the shoulders of the opposition as things get worse

While I appreciate your input, YOU are not a member of Congress (at least not that I am aware of), so what do your elected Republicans and Tea Partiers plan to cut? I mean they presented the "Contract to America" already, I am sure it is all spelled out in there, right?

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