Filing divorce counter-suit in LIBZ v. CONZ


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2011
We have reviewed your proposal entitled "Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!" and on advice of our legal counsel we must say "screw you and your horse" and instead present the following proposals:

1. Your stated ownership of our nation's founding documents and national symbols is at odds with your past behavior and stated wish to live separately so CONZ will at once refrain from claims of ownership and instead disavow any relationship with the founding principals of our union.

2. Take your precious money and go elsewhere.

The LIBZ, hereafter called the "United States of America" or the "USA", does not need your financial support enough to warrant putting up with your incessant whining and political sabotage in future.

If the CONZ, hereafter called "the whiners", feel that they are unwilling or incapable of fulfilling their social responsibility then they are invited to vacate the premises, otherwise the whiners are to invited to stay, live up to their social obligations and contribute to the national household in a constructive, meaningful way whereafter the invitation to GTFO will be withdrawn permanently.

The USA considers the whiners to be our brothers and sisters, friends and co-workers and has no desire to see the whiners go but feel that a continued, intractable separation requires your permanent absence from the American household if you cannot bear proximity to the USA as a whole or contribute to the well being of the household.

What part, that he responded, or that he was inaccurate? lol

There's nothing inaccurate there as I am presenting my opinion that the whiners need to whine less, be a more positive presence in our country or get the hell out of the way if it sucks so bad here they are willing to repeat the civil war with tanks and nukes..
What part, that he responded, or that he was inaccurate? lol

There's nothing inaccurate there as I am presenting my opinion that the whiners need to whine less, be a more positive presence in our country or get the hell out of the way if it sucks so bad here they are willing to repeat the civil war with tanks and nukes..

So you oppose the occupy movement now?

Have they had secession on their hardcore agenda? I must have missed that one. It's treason you know? It is clear that conservatives have given a lot of thought on the subject of rebellion and secession, certainly more than the left, why is the idea that conservatives could go off by themselves on a major chunk of US territory so attractive to these people? Move to Alabama, it's a place so republican that even the dirt is red, it's peachy there for scared, whiny white people.
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I am beginning to think that the idea of separation is the only way to go with all of this. I grew up in NY so the idea of such a diverse place with contrary concerns being governed under a single legislative decision often was problematic. It is clear that the US is a very large country with vastly differing concerns and views. Some of those views have merrits and some of them are just social ignorance that they cannot shake.

I would suggest a good division would be a few separate countries and auction off the externals for some quick cash. First you have the west coast which will consist of all the states bordering the pacific. Then there will be the northeast. This will include maryuland, DC, PA, Ohio, michigan, and all the other states up from there on the east coast. Then there will be the tobacco states GA, NC, SC, and VA. I would toss WV in there but their ass backwards redneck ways would probably make them better suited for the central areas. I would make Florida it's own country as it's mix of hostile northeast rejects and refugees from the gulf, along with high concentration of white trash and the elderly make it a realm of insanity that is best left on it's own. Then i guess we should split the middle of the country into a north and south half. This is just because of the differing concerns of the states that suffer a harsh winter to the states that suffer tornadoes and crippling heat waves. I would have included the southern and middle east coast in here, but they are much different than the other side of the Appliachians. Despite the fact people often lump them together due to their affinity for god, it is really much different in those states than it is in the middle of the country.

It is clear we are not going to agree. I think separation would also provide a good development of new technologies. Forcing the oil loving states out would provide the northeast and west coast states to develop new and better energy technologies and transportation systems. Then the middle of the country can pump oil across their farmlands and frack the hell out of their states. Texas, NM, and arizona can all spend their money in a war with mexico. Whoever wants to can turn into a religious country and go to war with the other christian nations on who is right protestants or catholics. gays can get married, and the other countries can deny their marriage without the complicated problems of differing contract laws in different states under and umbrella of a federal government. The money making states no longer have to fund social programs for the idiot states.

The jokes aside america is a very diverse country geographically with a number of differing concerns for the differing regions. It makes sense to separate the industrial parts from the agricultural parts. it makes sense to separate the socially conservative parts from the more liberal parts. There are too many vastly differing views and needs pulling us in all different directions so we barely get anywhere. About the only thing that really drove this country down the road of progression was it's desire to make war, and we cannot agree on that anymore.

So yeah, i am for a divorce where we let the farmers fend for themselves without fucking shit up for the rest of the country. About the only thing I would say is we have to move the anime dubbing industry out of the fascist crazy hell hole of texas.
There's nothing inaccurate there as I am presenting my opinion that the whiners need to whine less, be a more positive presence in our country or get the hell out of the way if it sucks so bad here they are willing to repeat the civil war with tanks and nukes..

So you oppose the occupy movement now?

Have they had secession on their hardcore agenda? I must have missed that one. It's treason you know? It is clear that conservatives have given a lot of thought on the subject of rebellion and secession, certainly more than the left, why is the idea that conservatives could go off by themselves on a major chunk of US territory so attractive to these people? Move to Alabama, it's a place so republican that even the dirt is red, it's peachy there for scared, whiny white people.

No talk of secession. They have just been advocating violent overthrow of the system since they started.

And Treason has a very high threshold in this country for good reasons.

And I know you wish we were scared of you so that we wouldnt stand up against the really evil stuff you guys do, but we aren't.
So yeah, i am for a divorce where we let the farmers fend for themselves without fucking shit up for the rest of the country. About the only thing I would say is we have to move the anime dubbing industry out of the fascist crazy hell hole of texas.

Interesting priorities.
So yeah, i am for a divorce where we let the farmers fend for themselves without fucking shit up for the rest of the country. About the only thing I would say is we have to move the anime dubbing industry out of the fascist crazy hell hole of texas.

Interesting priorities.

I wonder what they'll be eating when those "horrible" FARMERS are "taken care of"? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
So yeah, i am for a divorce where we let the farmers fend for themselves without fucking shit up for the rest of the country. About the only thing I would say is we have to move the anime dubbing industry out of the fascist crazy hell hole of texas.

Interesting priorities.

I wonder what they'll be eating when those "horrible" FARMERS are "taken care of"? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Same thing as always considering farmers have to sell their food. Certainly the large farms of the middle of the US are far more food production than their small populations actually need. Now if you are content with the agricultural lifestyle with little to nothing more then you have no problem, but if you want something more then you have to sell, and you then have to compete which means you cannot just drive up your prices out of spite.

Since the middle of the US gets along with no one and thinks they are the best and only meaningful people in the world it is far more problematic for them. Do you really think canada is going to sell their sand oil to the violent racist religious people of the middle of the US? How long is that oil going to last anyway? Except for texas the population is really low, and who is going to defend your land when you piss everyone else off? Not to mention these are the states who want to end education in thesciences and technology for education in god. That farmland is great but how long until they are screaming for financial support for their farm subsidies so they do not tank the profits for their production? Who is going to move their businesses there when their population can barely add and certainly will not allow medical or green research or productions? How long until their farmland is polluted from over farming and hate of any environmental law and will not produce crops anymore?

I say let them cut their own throats and when they are running around with no money to support their war machine, and a stupid tribal culture from their hate of book lernin they will be this hemisphere's middle east where everyone destroying their own society over who is right according to their imaginary friend. It is not hard at that point to make deals with the rich people who want better shit and have political power. Do you really think that once you get rid of all the gays and brown people all of a sudden all your people are going to be upper middle class and rich? Someone has got to do the work and have the shit jobs, and once you get rid of the poor minorities white christians will turn on themselves. there will not be any scapegoats left to blame for the problems of the middle states. Then where will they be? Stupid and knee deep into cow shit.

Good god, I would have thought the first complaint you would have had is that i clearly left the middle of the US landlocked. You would be at the mercy of the gulf or the other states as to what to let you ship out. All of their neighbors would prey on them considering you barely had an airspace exit also. That would have been a far more intelligent argument about the unfairness of such an idea.
Interesting priorities.

I wonder what they'll be eating when those "horrible" FARMERS are "taken care of"? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Same thing as always considering farmers have to sell their food. Certainly the large farms of the middle of the US are far more food production than their small populations actually need. Now if you are content with the agricultural lifestyle with little to nothing more then you have no problem, but if you want something more then you have to sell, and you then have to compete which means you cannot just drive up your prices out of spite.

Since the middle of the US gets along with no one and thinks they are the best and only meaningful people in the world it is far more problematic for them. Do you really think canada is going to sell their sand oil to the violent racist religious people of the middle of the US? How long is that oil going to last anyway? Except for texas the population is really low, and who is going to defend your land when you piss everyone else off? Not to mention these are the states who want to end education in thesciences and technology for education in god. That farmland is great but how long until they are screaming for financial support for their farm subsidies so they do not tank the profits for their production? Who is going to move their businesses there when their population can barely add and certainly will not allow medical or green research or productions? How long until their farmland is polluted from over farming and hate of any environmental law and will not produce crops anymore?

I say let them cut their own throats and when they are running around with no money to support their war machine, and a stupid tribal culture from their hate of book lernin they will be this hemisphere's middle east where everyone destroying their own society over who is right according to their imaginary friend. It is not hard at that point to make deals with the rich people who want better shit and have political power. Do you really think that once you get rid of all the gays and brown people all of a sudden all your people are going to be upper middle class and rich? Someone has got to do the work and have the shit jobs, and once you get rid of the poor minorities white christians will turn on themselves. there will not be any scapegoats left to blame for the problems of the middle states. Then where will they be? Stupid and knee deep into cow shit.

Good god, I would have thought the first complaint you would have had is that i clearly left the middle of the US landlocked. You would be at the mercy of the gulf or the other states as to what to let you ship out. All of their neighbors would prey on them considering you barely had an airspace exit also. That would have been a far more intelligent argument about the unfairness of such an idea.

Don't need all that^, just wanted to know what's for dinner when you take farmers out of the equation?
I wonder what they'll be eating when those "horrible" FARMERS are "taken care of"? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Same thing as always considering farmers have to sell their food. Certainly the large farms of the middle of the US are far more food production than their small populations actually need. Now if you are content with the agricultural lifestyle with little to nothing more then you have no problem, but if you want something more then you have to sell, and you then have to compete which means you cannot just drive up your prices out of spite.

Since the middle of the US gets along with no one and thinks they are the best and only meaningful people in the world it is far more problematic for them. Do you really think canada is going to sell their sand oil to the violent racist religious people of the middle of the US? How long is that oil going to last anyway? Except for texas the population is really low, and who is going to defend your land when you piss everyone else off? Not to mention these are the states who want to end education in thesciences and technology for education in god. That farmland is great but how long until they are screaming for financial support for their farm subsidies so they do not tank the profits for their production? Who is going to move their businesses there when their population can barely add and certainly will not allow medical or green research or productions? How long until their farmland is polluted from over farming and hate of any environmental law and will not produce crops anymore?

I say let them cut their own throats and when they are running around with no money to support their war machine, and a stupid tribal culture from their hate of book lernin they will be this hemisphere's middle east where everyone destroying their own society over who is right according to their imaginary friend. It is not hard at that point to make deals with the rich people who want better shit and have political power. Do you really think that once you get rid of all the gays and brown people all of a sudden all your people are going to be upper middle class and rich? Someone has got to do the work and have the shit jobs, and once you get rid of the poor minorities white christians will turn on themselves. there will not be any scapegoats left to blame for the problems of the middle states. Then where will they be? Stupid and knee deep into cow shit.

Good god, I would have thought the first complaint you would have had is that i clearly left the middle of the US landlocked. You would be at the mercy of the gulf or the other states as to what to let you ship out. All of their neighbors would prey on them considering you barely had an airspace exit also. That would have been a far more intelligent argument about the unfairness of such an idea.

Don't need all that^, just wanted to know what's for dinner when you take farmers out of the equation?

read it, I clearly answer that. Don't worry, if you practice enough you will get the hang of it.
What part, that he responded, or that he was inaccurate? lol
I like the "counter threads" like these. Sometimes a poster puts something up that you don't quite know how to respond to either because you don't agree with the premise or you could also make the exact opposite argument.

"You wanna' divorce me? Better look in the mirror because you're not exactly Ms. Wonderful yourself".

Like I said, interesting.
What part, that he responded, or that he was inaccurate? lol
I like the "counter threads" like these. Sometimes a poster puts something up that you don't quite know how to respond to either because you don't agree with the premise or you could also make the exact opposite argument.

"You wanna' divorce me? Better look in the mirror because you're not exactly Ms. Wonderful yourself".

Like I said, interesting.

The funny thing is, Fox posted the original thread toungue in cheek and the "stick up his butt" occupied took it seriously.
I am beginning to think that the idea of separation is the only way to go with all of this. I grew up in NY so the idea of such a diverse place with contrary concerns being governed under a single legislative decision often was problematic. It is clear that the US is a very large country with vastly differing concerns and views. Some of those views have merrits and some of them are just social ignorance that they cannot shake.

I would suggest a good division would be a few separate countries and auction off the externals for some quick cash. First you have the west coast which will consist of all the states bordering the pacific. Then there will be the northeast. This will include maryuland, DC, PA, Ohio, michigan, and all the other states up from there on the east coast. Then there will be the tobacco states GA, NC, SC, and VA. I would toss WV in there but their ass backwards redneck ways would probably make them better suited for the central areas. I would make Florida it's own country as it's mix of hostile northeast rejects and refugees from the gulf, along with high concentration of white trash and the elderly make it a realm of insanity that is best left on it's own. Then i guess we should split the middle of the country into a north and south half. This is just because of the differing concerns of the states that suffer a harsh winter to the states that suffer tornadoes and crippling heat waves. I would have included the southern and middle east coast in here, but they are much different than the other side of the Appliachians. Despite the fact people often lump them together due to their affinity for god, it is really much different in those states than it is in the middle of the country.

It is clear we are not going to agree. I think separation would also provide a good development of new technologies. Forcing the oil loving states out would provide the northeast and west coast states to develop new and better energy technologies and transportation systems. Then the middle of the country can pump oil across their farmlands and frack the hell out of their states. Texas, NM, and arizona can all spend their money in a war with mexico. Whoever wants to can turn into a religious country and go to war with the other christian nations on who is right protestants or catholics. gays can get married, and the other countries can deny their marriage without the complicated problems of differing contract laws in different states under and umbrella of a federal government. The money making states no longer have to fund social programs for the idiot states.

The jokes aside america is a very diverse country geographically with a number of differing concerns for the differing regions. It makes sense to separate the industrial parts from the agricultural parts. it makes sense to separate the socially conservative parts from the more liberal parts. There are too many vastly differing views and needs pulling us in all different directions so we barely get anywhere. About the only thing that really drove this country down the road of progression was it's desire to make war, and we cannot agree on that anymore.

So yeah, i am for a divorce where we let the farmers fend for themselves without fucking shit up for the rest of the country. About the only thing I would say is we have to move the anime dubbing industry out of the fascist crazy hell hole of texas.

You know that's why we had "States" in the first place, right?
What part, that he responded, or that he was inaccurate? lol
I like the "counter threads" like these. Sometimes a poster puts something up that you don't quite know how to respond to either because you don't agree with the premise or you could also make the exact opposite argument.

"You wanna' divorce me? Better look in the mirror because you're not exactly Ms. Wonderful yourself".

Like I said, interesting.

The funny thing is, Fox posted the original thread toungue in cheek and the "stick up his butt" occupied took it seriously.
More "interestingness". :lol:

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