Fight for free speech on Campus


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Do liberals even know what freedom means anymore
It’s Now 1984 at the University of Michigan | Trending
That is what the University of Michigan has been transformed into -- the equivalent of Oceania in 1984 or the former East Germany. As the lawsuit says, the university has created an “elaborate investigatory and disciplinary apparatus to suppress and punish speech other students deem ‘demeaning,’ ‘bothersome,’ or ‘hurtful’.” Yes, really: The student disciplinary code defines “harassment” as any “unwanted negative attention perceived as intimidating, demeaning, or bothersome to an individual” (emphasis added).

In other words, as the complaint says, “the most sensitive student on campus effectively dictates the terms under which others may speak.”
First, a university staff member immediately approached us about our white board, erroneously claiming that it violated the university’s exhibit policy, and that we had no right to conduct the event because UTSA is a “limited free speech” campus, though the administrator was unable to show us the policy that we allegedly violated.
Leftists call cops to report conservative free speech event
Do liberals even know what freedom means anymore
Liberals do, and passionately try to protect and advocate for it at every opportunity. Freedom of Speech & Expression is the most liberal of all ideals.

Regressive Leftists, on the other hand, are quite the opposite. The goal of these illiberal leftist authoritarians is to shut down opposing speech, and they use the most cynical of all methods to do so: They have perverted Freedom of Speech to mean that they will use theirs to stop yours.

They know quite well that's not what Freedom of Speech is all about, but they don't care. Remember, they'll tell you the Constitution itself is an outdated document written by rich white slave rapists.
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liberals are not attempting to shut down speech of others' ideas, it is the neo-marxists / SJWs that are doing that. They use any means necessary including violence.
Do liberals even know what freedom means anymore
It’s Now 1984 at the University of Michigan | Trending
That is what the University of Michigan has been transformed into -- the equivalent of Oceania in 1984 or the former East Germany. As the lawsuit says, the university has created an “elaborate investigatory and disciplinary apparatus to suppress and punish speech other students deem ‘demeaning,’ ‘bothersome,’ or ‘hurtful’.” Yes, really: The student disciplinary code defines “harassment” as any “unwanted negative attention perceived as intimidating, demeaning, or bothersome to an individual” (emphasis added).

In other words, as the complaint says, “the most sensitive student on campus effectively dictates the terms under which others may speak.”
First, a university staff member immediately approached us about our white board, erroneously claiming that it violated the university’s exhibit policy, and that we had no right to conduct the event because UTSA is a “limited free speech” campus, though the administrator was unable to show us the policy that we allegedly violated.
Leftists call cops to report conservative free speech event
First, a university staff member immediately approached us about our white board, erroneously claiming that it violated the university’s exhibit policy, and that we had no right to conduct the event because UTSA is a “limited free speech” campus, though the administrator was unable to show us the policy that we allegedly violated.
Leftists call cops to report conservative free speech event
Hasty generalization fallacy.

Rights are neither unlimited nor absolute, including those enshrined in the First Amendment.

This is yet another tedious example of the ignorant, wrongheaded right lying and whining about free speech being 'denied' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Has to be a bot.

No actual human could repeat the same post 45000 times without getting bored beyond belief.
liberals are not attempting to shut down speech of others' ideas, it is the neo-marxists / SJWs that are doing that. They use any means necessary including violence.
Democrats...I know dems here try to portray themselves as "classic" libs. but their rhetoric doesn't match...these are them......

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