Fifty Shades Of Grey - 20 Million Copies Sold In US Alone


Ninja Kicker
Jul 6, 2012
31 million worldwide, 20 million in the US! That's a lot of books.

PRINT and e-book sales of the Fifty Shades trilogy in the United States have broken the 20 million mark, its publisher said today, as Hollywood's take on the erotic tale inches closer.

That makes Americans by far the biggest enthusiasts of British author E.L. James' steamy best-sellers about a 21-year-old English literature student and her sadistic billionaire lover.

"As of Monday we have sold more than 20 million copies in all formats in the United States since its publication four months ago", Russell Perreault, director of publicity at Vintage Books, told AFP.

I've read all three books and quite liked them - although I skipped much of the second book because it was a little boring. Lots of sex but I didn't find it overly graphic, although some would disagree.

Only thing I hated was Ana's constant thoughts of 'Holy fuck' and 'Holy shit' and 'Holy cow' every second paragraph. Drove me nuts.

Who has them, and have you read all three in the series yet?

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