Fentanyl as an WMD: Mexican National Busted at Border with enough to KILL 57 Million Americans!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I am calling on THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, CONGRESS, DEA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, THE US MILITARY, AND PRESIDENT TRUMP to declare Fentanyl as a Weapon of Mass Destruction and as a Dangerous Chemical Weapon!

When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.
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When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.
I say give it to the liberals who say there isnt a border issue. And I mean inject them with it....
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.

At a crossing point. The Fat ass's wall would have done nothing.
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.
I say give it to the liberals who say there isnt a border issue. And I mean inject them with it....

Well, if only. Seriously 57 Million? Like what if someone poisoned candy, or cereal or some other kind of mass produced food or medicine with that?
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.
I say give it to the liberals who say there isnt a border issue. And I mean inject them with it....

Well, if only. Seriously 57 Million? Like what if someone poisoned candy, or cereal or some other kind of mass produced food or medicine with that?
New World Order, chemical, biological, nuclear elimination. At this point what difference does it make?
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.
I say give it to the liberals who say there isnt a border issue. And I mean inject them with it....

Well, if only. Seriously 57 Million? Like what if someone poisoned candy, or cereal or some other kind of mass produced food or medicine with that?
New World Order, chemical, biological, nuclear elimination. At this point what difference does it make?
Fentanyl should be Classified as a "Weapon of Mass Destruction"
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.

This story gives credence to investing money into more technology and more guards with training at the entry ports.
When drugs come into the US in places other than the port of entries, it is a majority of the time, through tunnels, under the walls.
This story does nothing for building a wall. It actually backs up what opponents of the wall have been saying all along.
Thanks, Tree.
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.

At a crossing point. The Fat ass's wall would have done nothing.
Or maybe the added attention on other areas of the Border by Border control forced the cartel to attempt one time massive effort rather than rely on coyotes or other types of less reliable methods one huge shipment that gets through is better than worrying about the logistics of multiple small shipments the Wall debate is working to stem the flow. Or the added pressure has forced the Cartels to get attention focused back on the Ports of entry to loosen up the other areas. They have a back up plan for their back up plan. Our plan should be a barrier followed by strict inspection and intervention.
Ha ha ha ha...the joke's on the left. Very few conservatives I know of are into fentynal, or any other drugs for that matter. That's more of a liberal thing.

What would this country look like without 57 million liberal dopers?
Yep, caught them with technology and no wall would have made a difference.
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.

The Mexican Drug Cartel Spokesperson Nancy Pelosi is extremely pissed off the Border Patrol has captured another one of their employees.
She has vowed to God that the Democratic Party will NEVER protect Americans from the Drug Cartels, Gangs and Human Traffickers.
Good Walls Make Good Neighbors.

The story about Fentanyl which in my opinion needs to be classified as a Chemical Weapon and a Weapon of Mass Destruction SCREAMS for More Border Security. Physical Barriers buy Border Patrol enough time to stop The Invasion in to America.

But The Left wants easy access to Brown Skinned Slaves to work in their sweatshops and on their plantations so they oppose physical barriers as part of the solution to secure America's Borders.

They just arrested around 100 Illegal Aliens involved in Kidnapping, Sexual Slavery and Human Trafficking Ring, but I suppose that is of no concern to The Left.

No more concern than the Injustice of Killing a 9 month termed baby in New York.

Just this week, they had a sting operation in Michigan that busted 100s of illegals who were scamming The Student Visa Program....but Lefty does not care about that any more than he does The Heroin Epidemic or the fact that 5 Million Illegal Aliens voted in our election in 2016.
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.
So...it was the wall that stopped him?
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.
I say give it to the liberals who say there isnt a border issue. And I mean inject them with it....
When you need to kill 57 Million Americans to make your Socialist Dystopia Happen, you of course would be opposed to Border Security.

Fentanyl seized by Border Patrol in record bust could have killed 57M, officials say

A Mexican national was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on Saturday with enough fentanyl to kill 57 million Americans, officials revealed Wednesday on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

The fentanyl seizure was a record amount, officials said in a news release.
I say give it to the liberals who say there isnt a border issue. And I mean inject them with it....
Better yet let them dig the Graves of the people that illegal immigration and the drugs and crime that come with it produce. they wouldn't have time to make their ridiculous claims that a wall isn't needed when everyone knows it's the only real long term solution it worked for East Germany for over 50 years "IRON CURTAIN"
So there is 3 tons of drugs confiscated. So what? The USA produces about 65 tons a day for the pharmacies.
Ha ha ha ha...the joke's on the left. Very few conservatives I know of are into fentynal, or any other drugs for that matter. That's more of a liberal thing.

What would this country look like without 57 million liberal dopers?

Damn! I didn't know that Rush Limbaugh was a liberal!

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