Fellow Ametricans, your House GOP Leadership...


Jun 27, 2009
A whimpering wuss who can't control the nutbags in his caucus...


...and this asshole:

Stahl: But you know, your idol, as I’ve read anyway, was Ronald Reagan. And he compromised.

Cantor: He never compromised his principles.

Stahl: Well, he raised taxes and it was one of his principles not to raise taxes.

Cantor: Well, he — he also cut taxes.

Stahl: But he did compromise —

Cantor: Well I —

At that point, Cantor’s press secretary, off camera, interrupted the interview, yelling that Stahl was lying when she said Reagan raised taxes. As Stahl told “60 Minutes” viewers, “There seemed to be some difficulty accepting the fact that even though Ronald Reagan cut taxes, he also pushed through several tax increases, including one in 1982 during a recession.”

Let’s call “some difficulty” a dramatic understatement.
They don't appear to be any more flawed than the Senate leadership who refuses to put out a budget or hold votes on just about every bill sent to him from the House, or the president who completely lacks all and any leadership skills period.

The difference between you and me is that I can see the problems in all of them. You choose blissful ignorance and that's what makes you a tool with no credibility.
They don't appear to be any more flawed than the Senate leadership who refuses to put out a budget or hold votes on just about every bill sent to him from the House, or the president who completely lacks all and any leadership skills period.

The difference between you and me is that I can see the problems in all of them. You choose blissful ignorance and that's what makes you a tool with no credibility.

That word, leadership, how do you define it?
They don't appear to be any more flawed than the Senate leadership who refuses to put out a budget or hold votes on just about every bill sent to him from the House, or the president who completely lacks all and any leadership skills period.

The difference between you and me is that I can see the problems in all of them. You choose blissful ignorance and that's what makes you a tool with no credibility.

That word, leadership, how do you define it?
Pull your head out of obamaturds ass. You can go and join rdean in his local anti-American organizations.
Nothing but personal insult yet again in the face of facts?

Reagan raised taxes.

Its a cold hard fact
They don't appear to be any more flawed than the Senate leadership who refuses to put out a budget or hold votes on just about every bill sent to him from the House, or the president who completely lacks all and any leadership skills period.

The difference between you and me is that I can see the problems in all of them. You choose blissful ignorance and that's what makes you a tool with no credibility.

That word, leadership, how do you define it?

Put your mouth back on Harry Reid's ass and STFU, asswipe
this is the right on facts.

all they can do is give sexually twinged personal insults in the face of cold hard facts.

You are the stupidest most immature people who walk this planet.
Bohner and Reid had a meeting shortly after the 2010 election and came to an agreement. To keep America divided they will keep up the facade that each are on the right side of America and are working for the American people. While behind closed doors they are wheeling a dealing switching votes just enough to make it look like they care but not enough to stop the destruction of the liberty's of American citizens.

Bohner and Reid
Thank you for your support.
They don't appear to be any more flawed than the Senate leadership who refuses to put out a budget or hold votes on just about every bill sent to him from the House, or the president who completely lacks all and any leadership skills period.

The difference between you and me is that I can see the problems in all of them. You choose blissful ignorance and that's what makes you a tool with no credibility.

That word, leadership, how do you define it?
Pull your head out of obamaturds ass. You can go and join rdean in his local anti-American organizations.

Guess you don't have an answer, then, do ya...
They don't appear to be any more flawed than the Senate leadership who refuses to put out a budget or hold votes on just about every bill sent to him from the House, or the president who completely lacks all and any leadership skills period.

The difference between you and me is that I can see the problems in all of them. You choose blissful ignorance and that's what makes you a tool with no credibility.

That word, leadership, how do you define it?

Put your mouth back on Harry Reid's ass and STFU, asswipe

And you don't, either.
What I found funny, hypocritical, and disingenuous about the Cantor interview was the fact he had to bring his family on to show he was really a human being. His comments contradicted his purpose though, in the end he was still nothing but an enormous nothing. I'm sure, asked, every two bit con-artist will claim principles. Life requires results.
They don't appear to be any more flawed than the Senate leadership who refuses to put out a budget or hold votes on just about every bill sent to him from the House, or the president who completely lacks all and any leadership skills period.

The difference between you and me is that I can see the problems in all of them. You choose blissful ignorance and that's what makes you a tool with no credibility.

That word, leadership, how do you define it?

lack of obamitude
From the linked article in the OP:

In fact, between 1982 and 1984, Reagan raised taxes four times, and as Bruce Bartlett has explained more than once, Reagan raised taxes 12 times during his eight years in office.

Why do Cantor, his press secretary, and Republicans everywhere deny what is plainly true? Because reality is terribly inconvenient: the GOP demi-god rejected the right-wing line on always opposing tax increases; he willingly compromised with Democrats on revenue; and the economy soared after Reagan raised taxes, disproving the Republican assumption that tax increases always push the nation towards recessions.
Libs have no where to go after defending the pervert-in-chief for eight years. Maybe they have short memories or are blinded by hatred but I recall when libs laughed at allegations of rape 1st because the statute of limitations had expired. I recall when they praised (still do) the world class enabler because Hillary led the bimbo eruption squad that was set up to ruin every woman who ever came forward with allegations about Bubba Bill.
you have a big brown skid mark in yer BVD's you need an asswipe.. call rdean.

Thanks, I appreciate the thought.

Why does the truth bother right wingers so? Seems to me that living in a delusion is more scary, not less.

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