Feinstein........Inside Trader.......easy pickings for the chinese


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Yet another bought and paid for politician who recently found out her staffer was a Chinese spy for all of these years............Listen to the THUNDER OF MSM..........crickets...........

Check out some of it.
Dianne Feinstein: Inside Traitor (April 25, 2013)

Out of the entire universe of those who could have won the first phase construction contract for California’s high speed rail boondoggle, who would stand out as the last person who would win it if there were no political patronage.

Put another way, who is the most likely person to win it if there is political patronage?

Both questions have the same answer: Richard Blum, the husband of California senator Diane Feinstein.

So, who won the contract? Blum, of course, as the principle owner of Tutor Perini, the lead firm in the three-firm consortium selected by the California High Speed Rail Authority.

Yes, Diane, it really does look that bad to us little people

Insider Trader, War Profiteer, Chinese Company Invested Dianne Feinstein

Insider Trader, War Profiteer, Chinese Company Invested Dianne Feinstein : Indybay

by Forest Glen Durland, Peter Byrne And Others
Friday Dec 2nd, 2011 6:56 PM
Time for the 79 year old insider trader, China connected traitor, hawkish Dianne Feinstein who funneled over 1 billion in military contracts illegally to her husband Richard Blum to resign. She and her husband with Barbara Boxer's help sold San Diego ports to Cosco. Her husband was part of the pressure network which caused police to bust up Occupy in Oakland and San Francisco. Many of the older links in this article were compiled by Forest Glen Durland.
The record of insider trader war profiteer and hawkish traitor Dianne Feinstein.

1 Dianne Feinstein has funneled over 1 billion in contracts to her husband Richard Blum's URS ... just one of his companies to which she has funneled money stolen from the people of America. She has also with our money helped him profiteer from bankster foreclosures. Metroactive | Metro Newspaper Silicon Valley | News, Events, Movies, Clubs
Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy

As media, intelligence agency, and political scrutiny of foreign meddling is seemingly at its apex, a story with big national security implications involving a high-ranking senator with access to America’s most sensitive intelligence information has been hiding in plain sight.

The story involves China and the senior U.S. senator from California, and former chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Democrat Dianne Feinstein. It was buried eight paragraphs into a recent Politico exposé on foreign efforts to infiltrate Silicon Valley, as a passing example of political espionage:

Former intelligence officials…[said] Chinese intelligence once recruited a staff member at a California office of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, and the source reported back to China about local politics. (A spokesperson for Feinstein said the office doesn’t comment on personnel matters or investigations, but noted that no Feinstein staffer in California has ever had a security clearance.)

Later comes additional detail:

According to four former intelligence officials, in the 2000s, a staffer in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s San Francisco field office was reporting back to the MSS [China’s Ministry of State Security, its intelligence and security apparatus]. While this person, who was a liaison to the local Chinese community, was fired, charges were never filed against him. (One former official reasoned this was because the staffer was providing political intelligence and not classified information—making prosecution far more difficult.) The suspected informant was ‘run’ by officials based at China’s San Francisco Consulate, said another former intelligence official. The spy’s handler ‘probably got an award back in China’ for his work, noted this former official, dryly.
There was a 60 Minutes a scant few years ago that was critical of the abilty of Congress to enrich themselves by giving the thumbs up/down to industry and thus enrich themselves, while we, the peasants were left like a deer in the headlights.
There was a 60 Minutes a scant few years ago that was critical of the abilty of Congress to enrich themselves by giving the thumbs up/down to industry and thus enrich themselves, while we, the peasants were left like a deer in the headlights.
Her hubby got the contract on the high speed rail......nice gig they got going there............

And people wonder why all politicians end up millionaires..................then people like Martha Steward go to the slammer.......

Boogles the mind.
100 Billion dollar train.............they need water.........they need fire breaks.......they need to reinforce levies..............

But hey...........a high speed train is more important.........and the rail will probably never get up to speed anyway.

A $100 Billion Train: The Future of California or a Boondoggle?

The entire 800-mile line is scheduled for completion by 2033. There is no shortage of obstacles to what even the project’s biggest boosters call an ambitious timetable, including the engineering challenge of tunneling through the Tehachapi Mountains, a barrier between the Central Valley and Los Angeles.

The cost was originally supposed to be split among the state, the federal government and private business. But that arrangement faltered, as hopes for federal dollars faded with Republicans in power in Washington and businesses shied away from such an uncertain venture. As of now, the rail authority has come up with less than $30 billion of the necessary $100 billion, and the project’s costs are expected to continue to rise.
California High Speed Rail Blog » Feinstein and Boxer Call for HSR Money to be Redirected to California

November 16, 2010

The Honorable Ray LaHood
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20590

Dear Secretary LaHood:

It has come to our attention that several states plan to cancel their high-speed rail projects. We ask that you withdraw the Federal grants to these states and award the funds to states that have made a strong financial commitment to these very important infastructure projects.

California voters have committed over $9 billion in bonds to high-speed rail, putting our state in a unique position to advance this initiative quickly. Our state’s plan has widespread, bipartisan support because of the impressive potential for job growth, its impact on energy independence and its transformational role in how Californians move throughout the state. No other state is as ready, as able, or as determined to develop a high-speed rail system in the near future.

California stands ready to be a pioneering partner with the U.S. Department of Transportation. Awarding our state’s plan with these funds would have the greatest and most immediate impact in advancing the kind of high-speed rail system envisioned by both California and the Obama Administration.

Thank you for considering this request. We look forward to working with you on this matter.


Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

Give me..........Give me.............Give me............other states refused and they want the money........no kidding.........right...................
Feinstein is a TRAITOR leading an investigation of someone else being falsely accused of being a traitor by a bunch of traitors.

Hillary Clinton
- 6 Foreign entities accessed and stole TOP SECRET data off of her illegal server

Diane Feinstein
- Had a Chinese Spy working for her for 20 years while her and her husband made HUNDREDS of millions of dollars working with/for the ChiComs

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Hire and rane a terrorist-connected Pakistani spy ring - gave them illegal access to classified House Files on foreign affairs / foreign intelligence, gave them all DNC e-mail addresses / usernames / passwords ... After they were caught, banned from the House, and had an Espionage investigation in them SHE HIRED THEM / ONE AGAIN, giving him illegal access to classified in formation AGAIN...

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