Feel the hate


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
NEW YORK - Hundreds of thousands of antiwar protesters, abortion rights supporters, labor rights activists and anarchists are preparing to unfurl banners, march through the streets and rally in the parks, loosening a cacophonous roar of protest during the Republican National Convention.

ScreamingEagle said:
NEW YORK - Hundreds of thousands of antiwar protesters, abortion rights supporters, labor rights activists and anarchists are preparing to unfurl banners, march through the streets and rally in the parks, loosening a cacophonous roar of protest during the Republican National Convention.

Peaceful assembly and protest is one right they have not yet seen fit to take, so might as well let them enjoy it until they do.
I dont know about any body else but this convention worries me quite a bit. With the Democrats distracting the police force, and the fact that the Mayor is an idiot and doesnt have everything prepared for the convetion, this is going to be the perfect opportunity for Terrorists to attack. If they were going to choose any time. this would be one to choose.

On a side note, i think the Democrat protesters are stupid. why on earth would you want to bring peoples attention to the Republican convention if you oppose them. They are going to cause so many problems the convention will get more coverage and more people will be watching what the Republican say. Not exactly the best move here.
Avatar4321 said:
I dont know about any body else but this convention worries me quite a bit. With the Democrats distracting the police force, and the fact that the Mayor is an idiot and doesnt have everything prepared for the convetion, this is going to be the perfect opportunity for Terrorists to attack. If they were going to choose any time. this would be one to choose.

On a side note, i think the Democrat protesters are stupid. why on earth would you want to bring peoples attention to the Republican convention if you oppose them. They are going to cause so many problems the convention will get more coverage and more people will be watching what the Republican say. Not exactly the best move here.

yes but we are speaking of mental midgets of the utmost calibur here.
Avatar4321 said:
On a side note, i think the Democrat protesters are stupid. why on earth would you want to bring peoples attention to the Republican convention if you oppose them. They are going to cause so many problems the convention will get more coverage and more people will be watching what the Republican say. Not exactly the best move here.

These are people who think that Bush's record will work against him in the election. I happen to agree, but I also agree that bringing more attention to the RNC might not help their case that much-- moderates and undecideds listening to political rhetoric of either side are liable to be swung by it merely by being exposed to it.
nakedemperor said:
These are people who think that Bush's record will work against him in the election. I happen to agree, but I also agree that bringing more attention to the RNC might not help their case that much-- moderates and undecideds listening to political rhetoric of either side are liable to be swung by it merely by being exposed to it.

Why would Bush's record work against him?

Because of President Bush there are two more free nations in the world.

Because of President Bush there are three hostile regimes now in negotitions and/or allowing inspecters in to help them disarm.

Because of President Bush every American gets to keep alittle more of his money that he worked hard for.

Because of President Bush's economic policy we have a recession he inherited turn into an economic boom, this despite corporate scandals and the greatest attack on american soil in history.

Because of President Bush we have a military and intelligence community that are being rebuilt.

Because of President Bush we have three times as much funding for education.

Because of President Bush women can be educated in Aghanistan and Iraq.

These are just a few of what he accomplished the past four years. exactly what is bad about this record?

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