Federal Judge Posner on Race and IQ

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Blacks - 85
Hispanics - 89
Whites - 100
Asians/Jews - 115

Judge Richard Posner On IQ By Race And How To Rate Teachers | VDARE.com

Posner is easily one of the smarter circuit court judges in America. And sorry jillian -- he's Jewish.

Rough business, folks.

The info has to come out.

Finally, I am not clear what we should think the problem of American education (below the college level) is. Most children of middle-class (say upper quartile of households, income starting at $80,000) Americans are white or Asian and attend good public or private schools, usually predominantly white. The average white IQ is of course 100 and the Asian (like the Jewish) almost one standard deviation higher, that is, 115. The average black IQ is 85, a full standard deviation below the white average, and the average Hispanic IQ has been estimated recently at 89.
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Jewish/asian iq of 115 sounds too high and besides, jews are no more a race than baptists are.
Blacks - 85
Hispanics - 89
Whites - 100
Asians/Jews - 115

Judge Richard Posner On IQ By Race And How To Rate Teachers | VDARE.com

Posner is easily one of the smarter circuit court judges in America. And sorry jillian -- he's Jewish.

Rough business, folks.

The info has to come out.

Finally, I am not clear what we should think the problem of American education (below the college level) is. Most children of middle-class (say upper quartile of households, income starting at $80,000) Americans are white or Asian and attend good public or private schools, usually predominantly white. The average white IQ is of course 100 and the Asian (like the Jewish) almost one standard deviation higher, that is, 115. The average black IQ is 85, a full standard deviation below the white average, and the average Hispanic IQ has been estimated recently at 89.

I am sure every single student at Howard disagree's. I personally know some white people from the hills of Virginia who disagree with this...if they could figure it out. :badgrin:

The most-cited federal circuit court judge is probably just misinformed. He's probably just a pathetic fucking coward who hasn't accomplished anything in life.
Pathetic fucking coward:

Richard A. Posner | University of Chicago Law School

Following his graduation from Harvard Law School, Judge Posner clerked for Justice William J. Brennan Jr. From 1963 to 1965, he was assistant to Commissioner Philip Elman of the Federal Trade Commission. For the next two years he was assistant to the solicitor general of the United States. Prior to going to Stanford Law School in 1968 as Associate Professor, Judge Posner served as general counsel of the President's Task Force on Communications Policy. He first came to the University of Chicago Law School in 1969, and was Lee and Brena Freeman Professor of Law prior to his appointment in 1981 as a judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. He was the chief judge of the court from 1993 to 2000.

What a racist loser. He's probably just trying to compensate for his lack of accomplishment in life by trying to claim that blacks have lower intelligence.
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Blacks - 85
Hispanics - 89
Whites - 100
Asians/Jews - 115

Judge Richard Posner On IQ By Race And How To Rate Teachers | VDARE.com

Posner is easily one of the smarter circuit court judges in America. And sorry jillian -- he's Jewish.

Rough business, folks.

The info has to come out.

Finally, I am not clear what we should think the problem of American education (below the college level) is. Most children of middle-class (say upper quartile of households, income starting at $80,000) Americans are white or Asian and attend good public or private schools, usually predominantly white. The average white IQ is of course 100 and the Asian (like the Jewish) almost one standard deviation higher, that is, 115. The average black IQ is 85, a full standard deviation below the white average, and the average Hispanic IQ has been estimated recently at 89.

I havent read the article yet but the upper quartile of the population by SES has a higher average IQ than 100. restriction-of-range and the correlation between IQ and SES would put many of the high scorers and few of the low scorers in the upper quartile, which would increase the average score by at least 10 points.
Blacks - 85
Hispanics - 89
Whites - 100
Asians/Jews - 115

Judge Richard Posner On IQ By Race And How To Rate Teachers | VDARE.com

Posner is easily one of the smarter circuit court judges in America. And sorry jillian -- he's Jewish.

Rough business, folks.

The info has to come out.

Finally, I am not clear what we should think the problem of American education (below the college level) is. Most children of middle-class (say upper quartile of households, income starting at $80,000) Americans are white or Asian and attend good public or private schools, usually predominantly white. The average white IQ is of course 100 and the Asian (like the Jewish) almost one standard deviation higher, that is, 115. The average black IQ is 85, a full standard deviation below the white average, and the average Hispanic IQ has been estimated recently at 89.

your link only went to the VDARE home page, which I havent visited for a while. it did remind me of this article on how teachers should be graded on how well they pass on knowledge compared to the IQ of their students. it seems much more fair to judge when you have both sides of the equation, both teachers and students.

Sailer Is Right: Measure School Achievement Relative To IQ! | VDARE.com

Steve gave four ideas for improving schools. The one that gave me the biggest kick was "#4: we need to measure school achievement relative to the IQ of each student." Amen!

We are constantly, shrilly condemning "failing schools" when we should be condemning "failing students." But no, that's not quite right either. We should not condemn the students since they are in most cases doing their best with the intellectual talent that they were born with. No, condemnation is not justified, either of a school or its students, when both are giving all they have to give. And as I have seen, that is generally the case.
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IQ and wealth outcome is NOT as closely correlaated as some of you seem to think.

The question of intelligence and and doing well in society is, in fact, quite counterintuitive. In fact, for people with a bachelors degrees, higher IQs apparently corrleated to having slightly LOWER incomes.

Odd, isn't it?

There's studies about this issue all over the place but they seem to find the roughly the same outcomes.

Higher IQ generally correlated to slightly higher INCOMES, but NOT to higher WEALTH.

I invite some of you to challenge you most cherished conceits and see what the statistics tell you.

Plenty of studies on this subject here:

And here's excepts from one of those studies I found interesting

This week I decided to analyze the data in a different way, restricting the analysis to respondents with the same highest level of educational attainment.

Here is the shocking conclusion: in the recent years of the GSS (1991 to 2004), for people whose highest level of educational attainment is a bachelor’s degree, there is a negative correlation between intelligence and income. In the 1998 to 2004 data, each point higher on the Wordsum test causes a $1,200 decrease in income.

This trend seems to be increasing with time. Before 1991, there is a slight positive correlation and each point higher on the Wordsum test causes a $500 increase in income.

From 1991 to 1996 we observe the negative correlation, and each point higher on the Wordsum test causes a $700 decrease in income.

This negative correlation only exists for people who have a bachelor’s degree as their highest level of educational attainment. For respondents whose highest degree is high school, there is a very solid positive correlation. In the 1998 to 2004 data, each point higher on the Wordsum test causes a $1700 increase in income. This is not something to get too excited about. There’s a vast difference in ability between someone in the top 5% (Wordsum 10) and someone below the median (Wordsum 5), yet using the figure above the smart person only earns an extra $8,500 per year. This amount corresponds 31% of the median income of $27,500. There is also a positive correlation for respondents with a graduate degree. In the 1998 to 2004 data, each point higher on the Wordsum test causes a $1,400 increase in income. Because there are only 167 cases in this regression, the t-statistic is only 0.726, so this is a weak correlation. Because the median income for respondents with a graduate degree is $55,000, a five point difference on the Wordsum test corresponds to only 13% of the median income.


Here's another study that some of you might find interesting

Half Sigma: Higher intelligence causes lower income (for people with bachelor's degrees), part III
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Jewish/asian iq of 115 sounds too high and besides, jews are no more a race than baptists are.

I was about to say the same thing.

But hey, whites have higher IQ's so I could not comment. :)

white's cheat a lot too,thats why their iq is so high.:lol::lol:

care to elaborate?

does the act of 'cheating' somehow increase a person's intelligence? what is the mechanism?

or do you mean they cheat on IQ tests to give themselves a higher score than they earn? how do they do that exactly?

or do you really mean that whites cheat to give blacks especially low scores? that it is not so much that whites have too high a score but that blacks have an unfairly low score. again, how exactly is that done? wouldnt one of the many black scientists have noticed the trick and exposed it to the public?


Brooks further cites a study claiming that there is "no correlation between accumulating large wealth and high IQ."

Both claims are wrong. The result Brooks cites is after "controlling" for education and income. But education and income are themselves functions of I.Q, so you shouldn't control for them if the question you want to answer is how I.Q effects life outcomes.

I have not seen this graphed online, so let's visualize the relationship between an estimate of I.Q and income and wealth so you can see for yourself. The source is NLYS79, a dataset which tracks a representative sample of the U.S population. Intelligence is approximated by the military when the individuals in the sample were mostly teenagers, while income and wealth data is for the same guys in their 40s. The sample is restricted to non-Hispanic white men.

For this group the lowest decile is people with I.Q below 84, and the highest decile above 116, which is not a very high cutoff. So keep in mind that we are not talking about only super-geniuses, in which case the results would be even stronger. Also remember that the middle of the distribution have very similar I.Q scores, the 5th decile is around 101-104, and the 6th decile around 104-108.


This recent paper by Heckman, Gensowski and Savelyev studies the life outcomes of the Terman sample, which entirely consists of American men and women with I.Q above 135 (in some cases far above 135). They find that I.Q has a significant effects on earnings and educational outcomes, also for those above the 135 I.Q threshold. Another Malcolm Gladwell myth busted.

editec- while I like GSS for doing quick and easy initial investigations of social questions, it really is a pretty coarse measurement in most cases. you know that they calculate approximate IQ from a ten word vocabulary test right?

the NLYS is a standard tool for sociology studies and it show a strong correlation for wealth and income compared to IQ.

one thing I cant emphasize enough. when you see papers that say counterintuative things like higher IQ = lower wealth, look carefully to see whether it is a restriction of range issue. when you 'control' for education level you are also controlling for IQ. you may not see much of a difference comparing IQ110 individuals to IQ 115 but you will see a huge difference comparing IQ 85 individuals to IQ115 individuals.
Jewish/asian iq of 115 sounds too high and besides, jews are no more a race than baptists are.

The figures I have read are an average of 106 for Orientals, and 112 - 115 for Ashkenazi Jews. The Ashkenazim are a sub race within Caucasians. Genetically they are largely composed of ancient Israelites and Gentiles living during the Roman Empire, mostly in Italy.

The Ashkenazim are not a religious sect. One can be Orthodox and Ashkenazi, or Reform and Ashkenazi, just as one can be Shepardic and Orthodox or Reform.

Although blacks and their white liberal sympathizers usually attribute low average black IQ scores to white racism, it seems that antisemitism bred the Ashkenazim for superior intelligence. From the end of the Western Roman Empire to the eighteenth century Enlightenment Jews in Europe were excluded from many trades and from agriculture, so they had to earn their living as merchants and money lenders. These professions require superior intelligence, so Jews who could not learn the necessary skills either did not have children, or they left the faith.

Also, the periodic pogroms against the Jews favored those with the resourcefulness and resources to anticipate a pogrom, move to another country, and adjust to a new country quickly.

By the way, I am not Jewish. If I was I would not be discussing how and why they are genetically superior.
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