Fed Judge cites administration for contempt


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Here's the deal, Mexico drills for oil in the Gulf of Mexico and Venezuela drills for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Gas is at a US high of 3.15 per gal and our president has done everything he can do to keep gas prices high in order to force Americans to suffer. A federal judge ruled that the administration is in violation of an order ssued a few months ago to lift the moratorium on US companies drilling for oil in the Gulf. Obama refuses to comply with an order from a federal judge and a contempt citation. You could almost understand a president who was a committed greenie who conserved energy anyway he could but he is a hypocrite who jets around the Country and enjoys a lifestyle that Americans who struggle to pay $3.13 per gallon of gas (and God knows what for disel) can't understand.
We are converting Corn into bio-fuel, the Democrats cut off water to farms in California to save a few fish that are not in danger, the smelt. Now we quit producing oil in the Gulf of Mexico, the Republican governor of California has banned producing Oil off California's coast.

This is driving up the cost of food.

The USA has been the World's leader in food production and we have done that with cheap oil. Now government policies is destroying our ability to export food to the entire World.

We have intentionally raised the price of food.

Our politicians have done this purposely.

Starving the World to make every one hate us?

Starving the World to make it a better place.

Energy is life, our policies should make food production cheaper, not more expensive. I imagine its all those damned Marxist-Liberals, you think they may just want to attribute the World's largest famine on the USA.

We know the Liberals, the Marxist, the Democrats, and a whole bunch of independents hate the USA, is it possible they would be just plain stupid or is it more likely they are evil vindictive people.

What happens when energy it too expensive through government policy to produce food.

What if agriculture needs a billion dollar bailout and we do not have the credit to save agriculture.

If I think of this do the people who make millions to think of this, have they thought this through.

I say yes.

Obama's policy seems like its exactly as a Marxist would do, if the Marxist wanted to destroy as much of the USA as possible.

Either way, take your pick, just a politician who will make over 200 million dollars giving speeches for driving up the cost of everything thus increasing profits for corporations or our first Marxist President.
The unholy cooperation between the left wing media and the left wing government has convinced the ignorant that "oil is evil" even though they should see for themselves that there is no substitute for fossil fuel. Everything we enjoy in the modern world depends on petroleum. Those who control fossil fuel energy control the world. Obama revolutionaries have figured it out and right now Obama controls the lifestyle of Americans who depend on oil either directly or indirectly with everything that is consumed including food.
Hunger/food shortages are just one of the factors that can fuel revolutions....never let a crisis go to waste.
Peak oil. Climatic change creating agriculteral shortages. The internet making the working people of the world aware of how much they have been shortchanged by the 'elite' for their work. A potent witch's brew for all nations where there is a major gap between the haves and have nots.
Peak oil. Climatic change creating agriculteral shortages. The internet making the working people of the world aware of how much they have been shortchanged by the 'elite' for their work. A potent witch's brew for all nations where there is a major gap between the haves and have nots.

Do you mean, "Agriculture"?

Climate change causing shortages, you mean like here, in Brazil, where I am at, yes, a record crop of Soy Beans, how is that Old Crock?

How about the USA has quit exporting corn as food so that Democrats who own farms can make Ethanol, I say Democrats as in politicians, the Senators that own the farms and passed the law mandating food be turned into Ethanol. We supplied the World with Corn and Wheat. No longer though, that farmland is now be used to make a tiny bit of Ethanol.

It is Old Crock's ideology that is causing food shortages across the World.

If there are haves and have nots, who do the have nots have the internet to know this Old Crock?
Peak oil. Climatic change creating agriculteral shortages. The internet making the working people of the world aware of how much they have been shortchanged by the 'elite' for their work. A potent witch's brew for all nations where there is a major gap between the haves and have nots.

Global shortages? Have you been to a grocery store lately? Looked in a dumpster behind a restaurant? Paid any attention to reality?
Here's the deal, Mexico drills for oil in the Gulf of Mexico and Venezuela drills for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Gas is at a US high of 3.15 per gal and our president has done everything he can do to keep gas prices high in order to force Americans to suffer. A federal judge ruled that the administration is in violation of an order ssued a few months ago to lift the moratorium on US companies drilling for oil in the Gulf. Obama refuses to comply with an order from a federal judge and a contempt citation. You could almost understand a president who was a committed greenie who conserved energy anyway he could but he is a hypocrite who jets around the Country and enjoys a lifestyle that Americans who struggle to pay $3.13 per gallon of gas (and God knows what for disel) can't understand.

And represents an interesting redux from our history...Andrew Jackson, father of the modern Democrat Party, pushed for Indian removal...

" ...Cherokees, culminating in the 1832 U.S. Supreme Court decision (Worcester v. Georgia), which ruled that Georgia could not impose its laws upon Cherokee tribal lands.

Jackson is often quoted (regarding the decision) as having said, "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it!" Whether he said it is disputed."
Andrew Jackson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(emphasis mine)
Peak oil. Climatic change creating agriculteral shortages. The internet making the working people of the world aware of how much they have been shortchanged by the 'elite' for their work. A potent witch's brew for all nations where there is a major gap between the haves and have nots.

There is no agra shortage in the US. There is a shortage of oil because our president has decreed that the American rabble should suffer while the elites jet around the world. America is up to it's neck in debt to countries which....drill for oil you a-hole.

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