FBI Should Investigate Abusing Women Central in Kavanaugh's High School Social Scene!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The FBI should investigate the serious abuse allegations in Brett Kavanaugh's High School social scene. Specifically they should investigate whether guys at these parties were targeting girls in the manner where they were deliberately plying them with alcohol and/or drugs to impair their judgment and once that occurred then getting them to agree to have sex with one or more guys and then multiple guys having sexual intercourse with the targeted women and was Judge Kavanaugh involved in any of this wrongdoing. Because if this went on and Judge Kavanaugh was involved this should be an impediment for him getting confirmed to the Supreme Court because someone with such awful mistreatment of women in his or her background should not be given a seat on the Supreme Court this court which has the mighty responsibility of being the ultimate arbiter of what America's laws say to hold such office one should have unblemished character that being where there is no felony sexual assault incidents in the person's background!

This past weekend in the media some people were dismissive of these allegations they said things like what was going on here in Judge Kavanaugh's high school social scene was that it was just the cool kids in high school having some wild parties and sometimes things got out of hand. Us responsible Americans here are not concerned about a bunch of high school kids acting wild we care about whether this serious abuse was going on whether this plotting against girls to get them involved in having sex with multiple guys took place and was Brett Kavanaugh involved. A due diligence background check which is what should take place for a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court should "resolve this issue" to the standard that competent authorities that do background checks should conduct a fair and responsible investigation on the matter and be able to conclude that what was uncovered did not meet the threshold where we find the allegations credible! The other thing that people were focusing on in the media this past weekend is they wanted an investigation into Judge Kavanaugh's High School and College alcohol drinking habits; this is foolish it is an unnecessary distraction it is unnecessarily clouding the issue. It doesn't matter even if he set records for participating in drinking games in college an abundance of people drink heavily in high school and college and go on to be outstanding adults and have outstandingly good lives it's irrelevant to Judge Kavanaugh's nomination what is relevant is sexual abuse allegations if any of them are true!
The FBI should investigate the serious abuse allegations in Brett Kavanaugh's High School social scene. Specifically they should investigate whether guys at these parties were targeting girls in the manner where they were deliberately plying them with alcohol and/or drugs to impair their judgment and once that occurred then getting them to agree to have sex with one or more guys and then multiple guys having sexual intercourse with the targeted women and was Judge Kavanaugh involved in any of this wrongdoing. Because if this went on and Judge Kavanaugh was involved this should be an impediment for him getting confirmed to the Supreme Court because someone with such awful mistreatment of women in his or her background should not be given a seat on the Supreme Court this court which has the mighty responsibility of being the ultimate arbiter of what America's laws say to hold such office one should have unblemished character that being where there is no felony sexual assault incidents in the person's background!

This past weekend in the media some people were dismissive of these allegations they said things like what was going on here in Judge Kavanaugh's high school social scene was that it was just the cool kids in high school having some wild parties and sometimes things got out of hand. Us responsible Americans here are not concerned about a bunch of high school kids acting wild we care about whether this serious abuse was going on whether this plotting against girls to get them involved in having sex with multiple guys took place and was Brett Kavanaugh involved. A due diligence background check which is what should take place for a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court should "resolve this issue" to the standard that competent authorities that do background checks should conduct a fair and responsible investigation on the matter and be able to conclude that what was uncovered did not meet the threshold where we find the allegations credible! The other thing that people were focusing on in the media this past weekend is they wanted an investigation into Judge Kavanaugh's High School and College alcohol drinking habits; this is foolish it is an unnecessary distraction it is unnecessarily clouding the issue. It doesn't matter even if he set records for participating in drinking games in college an abundance of people drink heavily in high school and college and go on to be outstanding adults and have outstandingly good lives it's irrelevant to Judge Kavanaugh's nomination what is relevant is sexual abuse allegations if any of them are true!
I think the FBI should investigate Dr Ford and what she has been doing the last few months.
The FBI should investigate the serious abuse allegations in Brett Kavanaugh's High School social scene. Specifically they should investigate whether guys at these parties were targeting girls in the manner where they were deliberately plying them with alcohol and/or drugs to impair their judgment and once that occurred then getting them to agree to have sex with one or more guys and then multiple guys having sexual intercourse with the targeted women and was Judge Kavanaugh involved in any of this wrongdoing. Because if this went on and Judge Kavanaugh was involved this should be an impediment for him getting confirmed to the Supreme Court because someone with such awful mistreatment of women in his or her background should not be given a seat on the Supreme Court this court which has the mighty responsibility of being the ultimate arbiter of what America's laws say to hold such office one should have unblemished character that being where there is no felony sexual assault incidents in the person's background!

This past weekend in the media some people were dismissive of these allegations they said things like what was going on here in Judge Kavanaugh's high school social scene was that it was just the cool kids in high school having some wild parties and sometimes things got out of hand. Us responsible Americans here are not concerned about a bunch of high school kids acting wild we care about whether this serious abuse was going on whether this plotting against girls to get them involved in having sex with multiple guys took place and was Brett Kavanaugh involved. A due diligence background check which is what should take place for a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court should "resolve this issue" to the standard that competent authorities that do background checks should conduct a fair and responsible investigation on the matter and be able to conclude that what was uncovered did not meet the threshold where we find the allegations credible! The other thing that people were focusing on in the media this past weekend is they wanted an investigation into Judge Kavanaugh's High School and College alcohol drinking habits; this is foolish it is an unnecessary distraction it is unnecessarily clouding the issue. It doesn't matter even if he set records for participating in drinking games in college an abundance of people drink heavily in high school and college and go on to be outstanding adults and have outstandingly good lives it's irrelevant to Judge Kavanaugh's nomination what is relevant is sexual abuse allegations if any of them are true!
I'm not so sure it should matter in judging the kind of man he is now. I was pretty wild in high school, but that was many, many moons ago and I have spent decades as a responsible adult that has achieved a professional position, and what I did in those hormone drenched and stupid years has nothing to do with the decisions I make now or the person I have grown into.

It seems to me that what Kavanaugh should actually be judged on is his decisions record, his professional record, and how he acts now.
I was completely turned off by his behavior at the hearing last week. His partisanship disqualifies him for the SC, imo, and I was not favoring one or the other on this prior to the hearing. I just wanted a fair hearing. I think we got it. I'm glad the investigation will be done, although it was done bass-ackwards and at this point is an after thought to make the record look a little less screwed up.

I'm not sure what to make of those "gang rape" allegations, and I'm not sure that anyone is actually taking them seriously or if the FBI is investigating them.
But if as a stupid drunken teenager he went after sex more aggressively than we would like, he was obviously not the only one and is information I really don't need to know in deciding if he becomes an SC justice at 51.
How about we do something useful for a change, investigate ALL SENATORS and REPRESENTATIVES that were involved in paying off WITH OUR TAX MONEY the SEXUAL ABUSE of their staff members!!!!
What does the OP want the FBI to investigate every high school and college in the USA in the past 50 years?

Do you know how much man power at what that would cost????

The FBI should investigate the serious abuse allegations in Brett Kavanaugh's High School social scene. Specifically they should investigate whether guys at these parties were targeting girls in the manner where they were deliberately plying them with alcohol and/or drugs to impair their judgment and once that occurred then getting them to agree to have sex with one or more guys and then multiple guys having sexual intercourse with the targeted women and was Judge Kavanaugh involved in any of this wrongdoing. Because if this went on and Judge Kavanaugh was involved this should be an impediment for him getting confirmed to the Supreme Court because someone with such awful mistreatment of women in his or her background should not be given a seat on the Supreme Court this court which has the mighty responsibility of being the ultimate arbiter of what America's laws say to hold such office one should have unblemished character that being where there is no felony sexual assault incidents in the person's background!

This past weekend in the media some people were dismissive of these allegations they said things like what was going on here in Judge Kavanaugh's high school social scene was that it was just the cool kids in high school having some wild parties and sometimes things got out of hand. Us responsible Americans here are not concerned about a bunch of high school kids acting wild we care about whether this serious abuse was going on whether this plotting against girls to get them involved in having sex with multiple guys took place and was Brett Kavanaugh involved. A due diligence background check which is what should take place for a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court should "resolve this issue" to the standard that competent authorities that do background checks should conduct a fair and responsible investigation on the matter and be able to conclude that what was uncovered did not meet the threshold where we find the allegations credible! The other thing that people were focusing on in the media this past weekend is they wanted an investigation into Judge Kavanaugh's High School and College alcohol drinking habits; this is foolish it is an unnecessary distraction it is unnecessarily clouding the issue. It doesn't matter even if he set records for participating in drinking games in college an abundance of people drink heavily in high school and college and go on to be outstanding adults and have outstandingly good lives it's irrelevant to Judge Kavanaugh's nomination what is relevant is sexual abuse allegations if any of them are true!
They also should give attention to the School scene of Ford her statements that she had sex with 54 guys during her Senior year is outrages. The School yearbook put a bad light on the activities of the girls attending this school. So what is good for on is good for the other.
Every high school in the country has boys plotting how to get laid. In groups, if possible. The OP is either an idiot or a blind partisan. A thorough investigation of ANY HIGH SCHOOL, PARTICULAR ANY ALL - BOYS HIGH SCHOOL WOULD DISCLOSE SHOCKING CONSPIRACIES TO GET INTO GIRLS' PANTS.

Every high school in the country has boys plotting how to get laid. In groups, if possible. The OP is either an idiot or a blind partisan. A thorough investigation of ANY HIGH SCHOOL, PARTICULAR ANY ALL - BOYS HIGH SCHOOL WOULD DISCLOSE SHOCKING CONSPIRACIES TO GET INTO GIRLS' PANTS.

Thinking about it is quite different than forcing themselves onto girls...but, by all means.....let's express concern about the poor boys.
The FBI should investigate the serious abuse allegations in Brett Kavanaugh's High School social scene. Specifically they should investigate whether guys at these parties were targeting girls in the manner where they were deliberately plying them with alcohol and/or drugs to impair their judgment and once that occurred then getting them to agree to have sex with one or more guys and then multiple guys having sexual intercourse with the targeted women and was Judge Kavanaugh involved in any of this wrongdoing. Because if this went on and Judge Kavanaugh was involved this should be an impediment for him getting confirmed to the Supreme Court because someone with such awful mistreatment of women in his or her background should not be given a seat on the Supreme Court this court which has the mighty responsibility of being the ultimate arbiter of what America's laws say to hold such office one should have unblemished character that being where there is no felony sexual assault incidents in the person's background!

This past weekend in the media some people were dismissive of these allegations they said things like what was going on here in Judge Kavanaugh's high school social scene was that it was just the cool kids in high school having some wild parties and sometimes things got out of hand. Us responsible Americans here are not concerned about a bunch of high school kids acting wild we care about whether this serious abuse was going on whether this plotting against girls to get them involved in having sex with multiple guys took place and was Brett Kavanaugh involved. A due diligence background check which is what should take place for a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court should "resolve this issue" to the standard that competent authorities that do background checks should conduct a fair and responsible investigation on the matter and be able to conclude that what was uncovered did not meet the threshold where we find the allegations credible! The other thing that people were focusing on in the media this past weekend is they wanted an investigation into Judge Kavanaugh's High School and College alcohol drinking habits; this is foolish it is an unnecessary distraction it is unnecessarily clouding the issue. It doesn't matter even if he set records for participating in drinking games in college an abundance of people drink heavily in high school and college and go on to be outstanding adults and have outstandingly good lives it's irrelevant to Judge Kavanaugh's nomination what is relevant is sexual abuse allegations if any of them are true!
I think the FBI should investigate Dr Ford and what she has been doing the last few months.
Outta the park, mudwhistle.
The FBI should investigate the serious abuse allegations in Brett Kavanaugh's High School social scene. Specifically they should investigate whether guys at these parties were targeting girls in the manner where they were deliberately plying them with alcohol and/or drugs to impair their judgment and once that occurred then getting them to agree to have sex with one or more guys and then multiple guys having sexual intercourse with the targeted women and was Judge Kavanaugh involved in any of this wrongdoing. Because if this went on and Judge Kavanaugh was involved this should be an impediment for him getting confirmed to the Supreme Court because someone with such awful mistreatment of women in his or her background should not be given a seat on the Supreme Court this court which has the mighty responsibility of being the ultimate arbiter of what America's laws say to hold such office one should have unblemished character that being where there is no felony sexual assault incidents in the person's background!

This past weekend in the media some people were dismissive of these allegations they said things like what was going on here in Judge Kavanaugh's high school social scene was that it was just the cool kids in high school having some wild parties and sometimes things got out of hand. Us responsible Americans here are not concerned about a bunch of high school kids acting wild we care about whether this serious abuse was going on whether this plotting against girls to get them involved in having sex with multiple guys took place and was Brett Kavanaugh involved. A due diligence background check which is what should take place for a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court should "resolve this issue" to the standard that competent authorities that do background checks should conduct a fair and responsible investigation on the matter and be able to conclude that what was uncovered did not meet the threshold where we find the allegations credible! The other thing that people were focusing on in the media this past weekend is they wanted an investigation into Judge Kavanaugh's High School and College alcohol drinking habits; this is foolish it is an unnecessary distraction it is unnecessarily clouding the issue. It doesn't matter even if he set records for participating in drinking games in college an abundance of people drink heavily in high school and college and go on to be outstanding adults and have outstandingly good lives it's irrelevant to Judge Kavanaugh's nomination what is relevant is sexual abuse allegations if any of them are true!
Got to remember, the FBI does not do Criminal cases that are State Laws. Most people know this. Next when they are invited by Police Depts it is for Lab works in most cases.
Every high school in the country has boys plotting how to get laid. In groups, if possible. The OP is either an idiot or a blind partisan. A thorough investigation of ANY HIGH SCHOOL, PARTICULAR ANY ALL - BOYS HIGH SCHOOL WOULD DISCLOSE SHOCKING CONSPIRACIES TO GET INTO GIRLS' PANTS.

Thinking about it is quite different than forcing themselves onto girls...but, by all means.....let's express concern about the poor boys.
Well just ONE small problem, the accuser is not in the least bit credible in her accusation. Her story is phony baloney a 5 year old can see the glaring problems with it.
The FBI should investigate the serious abuse allegations in Brett Kavanaugh's High School social scene. Specifically they should investigate whether guys at these parties were targeting girls in the manner where they were deliberately plying them with alcohol and/or drugs to impair their judgment and once that occurred then getting them to agree to have sex with one or more guys and then multiple guys having sexual intercourse with the targeted women and was Judge Kavanaugh involved in any of this wrongdoing. Because if this went on and Judge Kavanaugh was involved this should be an impediment for him getting confirmed to the Supreme Court because someone with such awful mistreatment of women in his or her background should not be given a seat on the Supreme Court this court which has the mighty responsibility of being the ultimate arbiter of what America's laws say to hold such office one should have unblemished character that being where there is no felony sexual assault incidents in the person's background!

This past weekend in the media some people were dismissive of these allegations they said things like what was going on here in Judge Kavanaugh's high school social scene was that it was just the cool kids in high school having some wild parties and sometimes things got out of hand. Us responsible Americans here are not concerned about a bunch of high school kids acting wild we care about whether this serious abuse was going on whether this plotting against girls to get them involved in having sex with multiple guys took place and was Brett Kavanaugh involved. A due diligence background check which is what should take place for a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court should "resolve this issue" to the standard that competent authorities that do background checks should conduct a fair and responsible investigation on the matter and be able to conclude that what was uncovered did not meet the threshold where we find the allegations credible! The other thing that people were focusing on in the media this past weekend is they wanted an investigation into Judge Kavanaugh's High School and College alcohol drinking habits; this is foolish it is an unnecessary distraction it is unnecessarily clouding the issue. It doesn't matter even if he set records for participating in drinking games in college an abundance of people drink heavily in high school and college and go on to be outstanding adults and have outstandingly good lives it's irrelevant to Judge Kavanaugh's nomination what is relevant is sexual abuse allegations if any of them are true!
They just push it to a point I just really quit watching since it was so evident what was going down. Most of the comments were right on the target, Demos wanting to delay the vote with the hope they will win enough to keep the chair vacant. The only other thing that came to pass was they showed their real face, and it was not pretty.

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